USSR 1941

Chapter 19: food

  Chapter 19 Food

   On the other side, the other two squads have returned to Pukarev with water to report.

  The task was carried out fairly smoothly. After completing the task of fetching water, only one person died and two were injured in the two squads.

   "What's going on?" Pukarev paced back and forth, and after waiting for a while he finally couldn't help it.

   "Abramwich!" Pukarev ordered: "Go and see what's going on with Class One?"

Abramvich is the monitor of the second class. He is thin and tall, especially because of his long legs, which give him a great advantage in running. Not a messenger.

   "Yes!" Long Legs responded, and ran towards the dormitory with a gun on his back.

   Long legs came back not long after, and he reported with a surprised face: "Comrade platoon leader, there is no one there, they are not there!"

   "Then where else could they be?" Pukarev asked.

   "I don't know!" Long Legs replied.

  A soldier joked: "They won't get lost!"

  The soldiers all laughed.

   Of course Pukarev knew that this was impossible, even if Shulka didn't know the way to the dormitory, so did his subordinates.

   It was impossible to be a deserter, because the Germans were everywhere and they had nowhere to go.

  Then... there is only one possibility, and that is to surrender to the Germans.

   "Damn it!" Pukarev cursed, and then ordered: "Pick up your guns, and we'll get them back!"

  Just as he was about to set off, he saw Shurka leading a group of people out of the traffic trench.

  Pukarev couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Great, you are finally back, I thought you were sent to Moscow to fetch water!"

   "Sorry, Comrade Platoon Leader..."

   "Is the water back?" Pukarev interrupted Shulka.

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   "No, Comrade Platoon Leader..."

   "You want to tell me that you have been there for so long and haven't gotten any water?"

  Actually, there is no need to ask. There is indeed something in the iron bucket. Although Pukarev did not see what it was, it is so light that it can sway in the wind. It is definitely not water.

"So what did you guys do?" Furious Pukarev kicked over the iron bucket, and then grabbed Shulka by the collar: "Do you want to tell me where you hid and turned around?" then…"

  Before he finished speaking, Pukarev realized that something was wrong, because the surroundings became quiet in an instant, and his eyes changed from gloating to surprised.

   "What's wrong?" Pukarev asked puzzled.

   "Comrade Platoon Leader!" Long Legs picked up something from the ground with an expression of disbelief, and said, "It's bread, they brought bread!"




The word    caused a commotion in the surrounding area, and even soldiers from other troops crowded up. If the soldiers in the second row hadn't held guns in their hands, they would have stepped forward to loot it.

   "What's going on?" Pukarev looked at Shulka suspiciously: "Where did you get the bread?"

   "I was just about to report to you, Comrade Platoon Leader!" Shulka replied: "We accidentally found a batch of supplies, which escaped the bombing of the Germans in the air-raid shelter!"

   "A batch of supplies?" Pukarev asked, "How many?"

   "Twenty or so cars!"

   With a sound of "coax", these words caused a sensation again.

You must know that the war broke out at four o'clock in the morning, which means that most people have only eaten two meals of small portions of mashed potatoes since last night, and at the same time they have been fighting all day, and everyone is hungry. back.

   And Shulka found a supply...

   "Are they all bread?" Pukarev asked again.

   "No!" Shulka replied: "There is water, there is vodka, there are weapons and ammunition!"

  Every time Shulka said, the surrounding soldiers cheered. If Pukarev hadn't stopped him, they would have lifted Shulka up and thrown him into the air.

"What's the situation?" At this moment, an officer squeezed in from the crowd and ordered loudly: "Shut up, and go back to your posts! If the Germans shoot you a few shells at this time, I believe your cry Soon the sound will turn into a wail!"

   This is true. The taboo on the battlefield is the sound that can attract the attention of the enemy and the gathering of many people.

   "Comrade company commander!" Pukarev stepped forward to salute and reported: "My subordinates found a batch of supplies!"

   "A batch of supplies?"

   "Yes!" Pukarev waved at Shulka as he spoke.

Only then did Shulka realize that the officer in front of him was his company Davydov, and he hurried forward to follow Pukarev's words: "Yes, Comrade Company Commander. A batch of supplies, more than 20 vehicles Cars, full of ammunition, food and water, maybe medical supplies...I'm not sure because we didn't check carefully!"

   "Where is it?" asked the company commander.

   "Zurav air-raid shelter!" Shulka replied: "I let two people guard there, and no one is allowed to approach without order!"

   "Good job!" Hearing this, the company commander couldn't help but glance at Shuerka, and then he recognized Shuerka.

   "Are you the soldier who blows up the enemy tank?" asked the company commander.

   "Yes, Comrade Company Commander!"

  The company commander nodded, then turned his head and ordered to the correspondent: "Notify the major immediately!"

  As I said before, the supplies at this time can definitely be said to be a batch of treasures, so they quickly attracted the attention of Major Gavrilov.

   Needless to say, Major Gavrilov immediately sent someone to take over the Zhurav air-raid shelter, and then evacuated and deployed the materials in the air-raid shelter.

   This is very professional. Although it is an air-raid shelter, there is no place on the battlefield that can be said to be truly safe.

  The best way is to "evacuate".

   That is to divide the materials into several parts and place them. The weapons, equipment or ammunition that can be configured should be allocated to the troops as much as possible... This can improve the combat effectiveness of one's own side on the one hand, and ensure the safety of the materials on the other.

   This kept Major Gavrilov busy for a while, so Shulka was not found until the middle of the night.

  At that time, Shulka was taking a nap in the trench with his rifle in his arms.

   This is a very painful experience. Shulka is so tired that his bones are about to fall apart, but he can't fall asleep anyway. All he can do is close his eyes and take a rest.

   Then Shuerka felt that someone was sitting next to him, Shuerka opened his eyes and looked, and couldn't help being startled.

   "Major!" Shulka wanted to stand up and salute but was stopped by the major.

  The major patted Shulka on the shoulder and said, "You saved us, Comrade Shulka, you gave me hope!"

  (end of this chapter)

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