USSR 1941

Chapter 29: meet up

  Chapter 29 Reunion

  Although the German army tried its best to resist, the Soviet army still poured into the German defense line like a tide, and then the enemy and us were twisted together.

  If the previous battle was just a struggle, then hand-to-hand combat is a test of humanity.

  Shuerka refused in his heart, because the opponent in front of him was a complete stranger. There was no hatred between them, but at this moment they had to divide life and death.

  However, Shulka knew that he had to do this, because this was a battlefield, pity and hesitation would only make him the dead soul of the opponent, not to mention that the opponent had already replaced the magazine for his submachine gun...

Shulka yelled and plunged the bayonet into the German soldier's chest. He could even feel the friction from the gun shaft between the bayonet and his ribs and the trembling caused by the pain, like a sharp object scratching the iron sheet. Shulka almost dropped the rifle in his hand.

  But Shulka didn't do this, because he knew exactly what the result would be, so he could only force himself to do what he should do over and over again in his heart.

   Shulka tried to withdraw his rifle, but was hugged by German soldiers.

Shulka believed that the German soldiers did this not because of bravery, but because of the pain, he tried his best to grab something he could grab. You can see it in your eyes.

  Shuerka gritted his teeth, gave the German soldier a hard kick and pulled out the bayonet.

   Shulka seemed to hear two voices:

  One is moaning, crying and complaining.

  The other is rational, cold-blooded, killing...

Obviously the second voice had the upper hand, or it could be said that the desire to survive had the upper hand. Shulka continued to charge forward with a **** bayonet, and then slammed it into the back of a German soldier. back.

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  The German soldier was pressing down on a Soviet soldier. They pinched each other's neck and wrestled together, so that they couldn't spare any energy and time to deal with Shulka. This allowed Shulka to easily complete the fatal blow.

   This is a sneak attack, he has no ability to resist...

  Go **** sneak attack, this is war! War without any rules!

   Sympathy for the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

  I have to do it, have to do it!


  Shuerka made many excuses for himself, but his heart was still full of uneasiness, as if he owed others something.

  A German soldier rushed towards Shulka with a bayonet. Shulka raised his gun as fast as he could and pulled the trigger...

   There was a "bang" gunshot, and the bullet passed through the head of the German soldier. When he raised his head, he collapsed to the ground like a balloon filled with air.

Before that, Shulka had always agreed with the saying that it is easy to accidentally shoot in melee, but now he knows that this is all nonsense... As a soldier in a melee, he will not consider accidental injury at all, he will only do everything Try to kill the enemy, no matter what method you use, and of course you don't care about accidental injury.

  Finally, the German army began to retreat.

  They can only retreat to the bridge. They may think that the situation on the other side will be better than this side, hoping to retreat to the other side and continue to resist, but the reality is very cruel... At the same time, a similar thing is happening on the other side.

  So, the German soldiers crowded on the not-so-spacious bridge deck. When the machine gun fired, the German soldiers fell down in pieces like harvested rice. Soon, the bridge deck was covered with the dead bodies of German soldiers, and blood flowed from the gutter to the river and then downstream like streams.

   Gradually, the sound of gunfire and shouts of killing disappeared.

   At this time, the soldiers became more cautious, because they knew that the opponent was likely to be one of their own. In this case, it was easy to misunderstand and cause friendly casualties.

Major Gavrilov rushed forward from behind, with a small horn in his hand, and shouted to the opposite side through the cover of the bridge railing: "I am Major Gavrilov, the commander of the 44th regiment. Which part?"

   "I am Fu Ming, political commissar of the 84th regiment!" An excited voice came from the opposite side: "Comrades, how are you?"

  With a cheer, the soldiers rushed onto the Bright Bridge and hugged each other tightly. Even Shulka had the urge to hug and cry with his comrades.

   Only those who have experienced this kind of hardship and finally reunited with their comrades in arms can truly understand this feeling.

   But of course, that doesn't mean the difficulties are over.

"Comrade Commissar!" Major Gavrilov reported to Commissar Fumin: "The plan has changed. The Germans already know that we will break out to the north and lay an ambush there. Therefore, we have changed the plan. We think that we should attack from the center." Fort across the river to break through!"

This statement not only surprised Commissar Fumin, but also the troops led by Major Gavrilov, including Okunev... They thought it was just a rescue operation, but they did not expect it to be a breakthrough .

  Political Commissar Fuming was quite decisive, he was taken aback for a moment and then asked: "Where is the breakout?"

  Major Gavrilov took out the map, pointed at a point in the dim light of the flashlight and said: "Here, behind the church, we know from Peter that the Germans don't have many troops in this area!"

   "Yes!" Fuming agreed after looking at the map: "The Germans don't think we are capable of crossing the river. Their main defensive positions are a few bridges, so their strength in this area is only one platoon!"

Although the Germans have enough troops, there are many places that need to be defended in the Brest Fortress. In addition, there must be enough troops to attack, so only a small number of troops are deployed on the river bank for defense... These troops are more for vigilance. Once they find If the enemy shows signs of crossing the river, immediately report to the superior and wait for reinforcements for a period of time, so there is no need to deploy too many troops.

   This was not a problem before, because as Commissar Fumin said, the central fortress was not capable of launching a river crossing operation.

   But now, after combining the forces of the Kobrin Fortress, it is another matter.

   "We lack tools to cross the river!" said Commissar Fumin.

   "We are ready!" Major Gavrilov waved to the rear as he spoke, and soon teams of soldiers came out of the darkness carrying rafts.

"Well done, Comrade Major!" Fumin patted Major Gavrilov on the shoulder in satisfaction: "It's a very good plan, you may not believe it, just now I was worried that the attack plan would leak and I would not be able to successfully break through. Now , You have given us full confidence!"

   "Of course I believe, Comrade Political Commissar!" Major Gavrilov replied: "You may not believe it, but it was not I who came up with this plan, but a soldier!"

  (end of this chapter)

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