USSR 1941

Chapter 759: air force

  Chapter 759 Air Force

   Shulka poked his head out and looked at his jeep that had been blown to pieces, feeling a little regretful.

  In fact, he has always been aware of this problem. Jeeps are not suitable for his own car... If it is the US military, there is no problem. Any company commander, battalion commander, or even platoon leader has a jeep.

  The problem is that the jeeps that the U.S. military reinforces to the Soviet army are very limited, so the Soviet army is usually assigned officers with a certain level, so it has become the key target of German pilots.

   "Now you know what I'm worried about!" Shulka said.

   "Airplane?" Andrianka said: "The Germans transferred the air force to our direction?"

   Shulka nodded, this is for sure, the German army will not allow the Don Army to be surrounded, even if it suspends the air transportation of the 6th Army.

  Things were indeed as Shulka thought. At this time, the Soviet Air Force and the German Air Force had already had a large-scale air battle. As a result, the Soviet Army lost more than 50 fighter planes and more than 20 attack aircraft.

   This can be said to be the price after victory.

Because the previous victory was too smooth, or it can also be said that the Soviet army thought that the main force of the enemy's air force was pinned down in Stalingrad and could not move, so their strength was seriously insufficient, so they relaxed their vigilance. heavy.

"Comrade Shulka!" A communications soldier jumped into the ditch under the rain of bullets from enemy planes, and then reported out of breath: "The political commissar asked you to report to the headquarters. Pass Surovikino!"

   Shulka responded, and then ran back with Denisokov.

   Zolotarev was still in a hurry as before, and he led the headquarters to catch up from behind so quickly.

   But this should be said to be an advantage, at least he is not the kind of political commissar who shouts for soldiers to charge while he hides behind.

   It didn't take long to run back along the road when I came, and I saw Trufanov and several guards lying on the side of the road and shouting into the walkie-talkie. Obviously, they were also attacked by enemy planes not long ago.

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   Shulka greeted Trufanov, and Trufanov shook his head towards the bridge.

  Following that direction, Shulka found Zolotarev. He was bleeding from a wound on his left arm, and the hygienist was bandaging his wound.

   "Comrade Zolotarev!" Shulka asked: "Is the injury serious?"

"It's just a small injury!" Zolotarev's face was a little pale, but his eyes sparkled with excitement. He patted the open space around him and motioned for Shulka to sit down, and said, "You performed very well this time, Shulka." Comrade Erka! With your suggestion, we successfully conquered Surovikino, but now there are new problems..."

Speaking of which, Zolotarev took out the map and spread it on the ground, saying: "We have just received information that at least one infantry division of the Don Army is moving towards us. In addition, there are several German columns from Kharkov. The trains set off one after another, and it is estimated that at least two infantry divisions and one armored division are on their way!"

At this time Trufanov came back, and he continued: "If it was before this, we might have completed the encirclement before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, but now... the main force of the enemy's air force has turned to us. speed forward!"

   It goes without saying what problems they will face next.

  The 51st Army may be slowed down or blocked by the approaching enemies.

   At that time, it may only be tens of kilometers or even a dozen kilometers, and the 51st Army will be able to join forces with the Southwest Front Army.

   But these tens or tens of kilometers will stand in front of the 51st Army like an insurmountable gap that will never be crossed.

   "We can increase our offensive efforts in other directions!" Shulka said.

   This can divert the attention of the German army and spread their forces.

"We have already done this!" Zolotarev replied: "The Don Front is already attacking Stalingrad with all its strength! But the enemy is using the ruins to hold on, and they have even begun to collect our rifles and ammunition for defense...We can't break through for a while Their line of defense!"

  Although Zolotarev said it lightly, Shulka can imagine the extent of the tragedy in the direction of Stalingrad.

If the Don River Front Army was still preserving its strength before, now in order to support the 51st Army or further consume the German supplies, it will order Soviet soldiers to charge towards the German defense line one after another... In fact, at this time, the sea of ​​​​people charged Still correct.

  Because the air transport of the German army in the direction of Stalingrad has basically come to a standstill.

  I say "basic" here because the German army is still taking the risk of using transport planes and gliders to transport ammunition for the 6th Army at night, although the transportation volume can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

  In this case, the consumption of German ammunition by human sea tactics became the key to victory.

  Or, the German 6th Army could not withstand such pressure and forcibly pulled the main force of the air force back from the direction of the 51st Army.

  No matter what the situation is, it is beneficial to the Soviet army.

  However, the German 6th Army unexpectedly pushed the Soviet army back... with a bayonet and a gun butt.

  Paulus's strategy was to engage in close combat with the Soviet army, which was originally what the Soviet army was good at but the German army tried to avoid.

   But the situation is different now. It is obviously beneficial for the German army to choose melee combat when there is a lack of ammunition, because it does not need to consume much ammunition, and it can obtain equipment and ammunition from the enemy after repelling the enemy.

   Therefore, Paulus ordered the German soldiers to hide in every corner of the ruins, even pretending to be dead bodies, and then jumped up when the Soviet army rushed up. At the same time, the main force prepared to countercharge with bayonets.

   So back and forth, Stalingrad is like a monster, constantly devouring the lives of the soldiers who rushed to kill the troops.

  The courage and sacrifice of the German Sixth Army provided the German Air Force with the opportunity to fully suppress the Soviet 51st Army.

"Our vanguard has just been attacked by the enemy and lost more than a dozen tanks!" Trufanov said with some frustration: "If this continues, it will not be a question of whether we can join forces with the Southwest Front Army, but whether we will join forces with the Southwest Front Army." The problem of being pinched by the enemy in the middle!"

   Shulka has considered this situation.

   But he didn't expect the Soviet Air Force to be so weak. He thought that the Soviet Air Force could at least guarantee local air supremacy within one or two days to cover the rapid penetration of the 51st Army.

   Or it can also be said that this is correct when the main force of the enemy's air force is not transferred or is partially transferred.

  But now, the German army has piled up almost all air power in this direction in an attempt to stop or even strangle the 51st Army.

   This is troublesome.

  (end of this chapter)

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