USSR 1941

Chapter 791: choose

  Chapter 791 Selection

This is of course a good thing, no matter from which point of view it is a good thing... The British have been hiding on the island to reap the benefits of fishermen. If they have made any efforts, they have sent some troops and commanded a large number of colonial troops such as the Australian Army , Indian, Egyptian, etc. fought the Germans, so while the war was in full swing, the British were safe on the island and happy to stall.

   More importantly, the Germans still have nothing to do with them.

  But now, the Germans have developed a weapon that can cross the English Channel and hit the British mainland directly...

   After pondering for a while, Beria ordered: "This matter ends here, everyone must keep it a secret!"

   "Yes, Comrade Beria!" The officers responded one after another.

   Then Beria didn't say much, got up and left the conference room with his assistant, leaving only a group of people in the conference room still unsatisfied, because this matter didn't seem to be able to reach a satisfactory conclusion.

  However, Shulka knew that this matter had already been concluded: Beria said "stop here", that is to say, at that moment, he gave up the plan to use guerrillas to attack the German R&D base.

This is necessary. If the equipment developed by the Germans is aimed at the British, then the Soviet Union has to go to great lengths to destroy it, then there is nothing to do when they are full, and the Soviet Union is also trying to teach the British a lesson. They know that if they don't actively fight, they only know the consequences of dismantling themselves.

Akadyevich gave Shulka a thumbs up and said, "I can't believe it. You can deduce so many things from just one photo, and it makes sense. Guess it, you must regret getting it out for experimentation!"

   "What I said is just speculation!" Shulka replied: "Not necessarily true!"

  Actually, Shulka really doesn’t have that ability. He only put in the details one by one after he knew the result. Otherwise, whoever has a way can guess that it is even aimed at the UK based on a photo.

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And Shurkalu's move obviously stunned the officers present here... You must know that they are all important members of the National Security Bureau. Simply put, they are engaged in intelligence. It took half a lifetime to get to this position today, but he was ruthlessly crushed by Shuerka, an infantry regiment commander, and he was defeated like a mountain, with no room for resistance at all.

  This made them feel very embarrassed, and they sat there resentfully, neither staying nor staying, especially that Mironovich, who erected the entire newspaper as if isolating himself from the world.

   "Comrade Shulka!" At this moment, a staff officer appeared at the door of the meeting room and said, "Comrade Beria wants you to go!"

   "Yes!" Shulka replied, took the military cap from the table and put it on, and then followed the staff out of the meeting room under the envious eyes of others.

It was Beria's temporary office, only a few rooms away from the conference room, and the furnishings were very simple. Apart from tables and chairs, there was a bookshelf. As usual, there was an enlarged map of the Soviet Union hanging on the wall... For the Soviet Union at this time , the map of the Soviet Union is definitely more important than the map of the world, because the Germans are on the land of the Soviet Union, and their first task is to drive the Germans out of the Soviet Union.

  Belia lifted his glasses, motioned for Shulka to sit down, and then handed Shulka a cigarette naturally.

  His demeanor is approachable and has no airs at all. He is gentle and gentle, which is completely different from Khrushchev's roughness. If he hadn't already known who he was, Shulka would not have believed that he was facing the number two man of the Soviet Union.

"I'm thinking about a problem!" Beria said while lighting a cigarette: "How should we deal with this matter now? There are two options, one is to tell the British and let them worry about it, and sell the British One favour. The other said nothing, and..."

   Then needless to say, the Germans will successfully complete this equipment and then put it into the strike against the British mainland.

   "I dare not jump to judgment, Comrade Beria!" Shulka replied: "I think you can make the best choice!"

  Shuerka didn't want to show his edge too much, but this couldn't be hidden in front of Beria at all.

"I want to hear your opinion, Comrade Shulka!" Beria looked at Shulka with unquestionable eyes through the lens, as if telling Shulka not to play these tricks, he will not accept this kind of trick .

  So Shulka could only answer: "I don't think either of these is a good choice, Comrade Beria!"

   "Huh?" Beria was a little surprised.

Shulka replied: "Inform the British that we still won't get any benefits. Instead, let the British prepare. If they succeed in destroying the secret base of the Germans, then they can continue to sit on the island and watch the tigers fight. And we have nothing to do with them!"

Beria nodded. The relationship between countries is like this. They only care about interests. Although the Soviet Union reminded the UK to do it a favor, the UK will not actively promote the opening of a second battlefield because of this "favor". It will even continue to be demolished.

"The second option!" Shulka said: "If we pretend we don't know anything, then the Germans will be able to successfully develop this equipment, and it is foreseeable that they will also use it to attack Britain, but no one dares to use it." Guarantee the Germans will use it to attack the Soviet Union too!"

  Belia nodded again, this is where he was worried and also in a dilemma.

   "Then!" Beria asked again: "Do we have a third choice?"

   "Maybe!" Shulka replied: "We can inform the UK, but we should negotiate terms with them!"

   "About terms?"

   "Such as military supplies, equipment, etc.!" Shulka said: "We are in short supply of these!"

  Beria was a little disappointed, he shook his head and said: "But the problem is still not resolved, I mean...if the German scientific research base is destroyed by the British!"

This is indeed possible, because the United Kingdom is a veteran espionage country, and there are British spies everywhere in the world. In addition, the United Kingdom has a set of special operations tactics... In fact, it was China's guerrilla and infiltration tactics at that time. The British used it in Burma against the Japanese army and then used it. It's called "Special Operations" and claims to be a British first.

  So, the British may collect enough intelligence, and then send special forces to infiltrate and attack this secret base.

  Although the success rate is also very small, there is a probability of success after all, and this is not good for the Soviet Union.

   However, Shulka added: "After that, we can also remind the Germans!"

  (end of this chapter)

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