USSR 1941

Chapter 799: assist

  Chapter 799 Assistance

  The Soviet army cheered, and everyone in the Shulka headquarters rushed to congratulate Shulka.

   Soon Beria's call reached the headquarters.

"I wish I could congratulate you personally, Comrade Shulka!" said Beria, "if I hadn't been having an important meeting! You've done a good job, and you can even say that you've solved the crisis in the Caucasus! But right now, I want to know how you proceed."

   "You mean how do we stop the British?" Shulka asked.

   "Yes!" Beria replied.

   Beria is a person who focuses on efficiency, and he will not waste too much time on polite words.

   "Let's put it this way!" Beria said: "We can't just tell the Germans: 'Oh, we already know your secret, and we told the British', you know why!"

   "Yes!" Shulka replied.

  Of course they can’t do this. This is not to say that they are worried about Stalin’s blame or anything else, because what is talked about between countries is interests, and Shulka and others will only get Stalin’s praise for doing so.

  The problem is that Britain is also part of the interests of the Soviet Union at this time. If the British know that Shulka and others are secretly doing things, then Britain will soon find an excuse to use reinforcements to the Soviet Union as a means of retaliation.

   "I know, Comrade Beria!" Shulka said: "We don't need to do this!"

   "So, what do you think..."

"Polish partisans, Comrade Beria!" Shulka said: "We once organized Polish partisans to try to attack Penamünde. Although we gave up this plan, as partisans, their tone will definitely not So strict, do you think so?"

  The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then replied: "Of course, their tone has never been strict. It's a very good idea, Comrade Shulka, it seems that you have already prepared!"

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   That's a really good idea.

   On the one hand, it is difficult for the British to know how the Germans were warned.

   On the other hand, even if the British eventually know the source of the leak through their intelligence network, but it is the Polish partisans... who can control the partisans?

   What's more, this is actually not a leak. The Polish guerrillas only exposed their abandoned strategic goals.

   Alternatively, the Polish partisans simply told the Germans "the Poles got it" instead of "the British got it".

   The problem is just that if Poland knows it, then of course the Soviets, the British know it too... unless the Germans are stupid enough not to think of this. So the result is the same, that is, the Germans either strengthen the defense of Peenamünde or simply move the secret base away.

   Shulka believes that the Germans should choose the latter, because there is no safer than "moving away", not to mention that Penamünde is actually not safe because it is located by the sea, because the British can use submarines to transport special forces to the offshore and launch an attack.

   But of course, Shulka didn't want to do this so early.

   Shulka will not pass up any chance to fool the British into their losses.

   "I think the British will seek our cooperation, Comrade Beria!" Shulka said: "So, we just have to wait!"

  In this situation, it is also in the interests of the Soviet Union to cause the British to suffer losses as much as possible, because only in this way can the United Kingdom understand the fate of "watching the fire from the other side".

   Of course, this is only one of the reasons. If the UK can suffer some losses, it may make the British people angry and force the government to open a second front in Europe as soon as possible.

  So Beria has no objection to Shulka's tricking the UK again.

  A few days later, the British government found the National Security Agency again.

  To be exact, it was John who found Shulka.

   "Comrade Shulka!" John said with a smile, "I came here this time to thank you..."

"Thanks?" Shulka said, "Comrade John, maybe you should be concerned about the transportation in the direction of the Caucasus. Since you got the information, the transportation speed has dropped exponentially! You know, I risked being dismissed or even punished by my superiors." The risk buys you time, but it doesn't mean you can be perfunctory like this! If this continues, I'm finished, understand, Comrade John? That's how you thank me?!"

   "No no, Comrade Shulka!" John said: "Please understand that our war in Africa is very urgent, and the Germans are approaching the Alamein defense line..."

"It's none of my business, Comrade John!" Shulka interrupted John: "I only know our agreement, but you are hurting me while saying thank you! Could it be that the information we gave is not enough? ?"

   "No, of course it is enough! Please bear with me, Comrade Shulka!" John said: "I will urge them to speed up the transportation, and I will guarantee that there will be no shortage of one can, please rest assured!"

   "Well, Comrade John!" Shulka said: "So, are you here to discuss the quantity of cans with me?"

   "Of course not!" John replied: "We hope to get the assistance of the National Security Agency!"

   "Assistance? What assistance?" Shulka asked knowingly.

   "You know!" John said: "Penamunde is located on the border between Germany and Poland, and our strength in Poland is very limited..."

  Poland was divided between Germany and the Soviet Union before the war broke out, especially on the side close to Germany. Many external intelligence forces fell apart under the double hunt of the German Gestapo and the National Security Agency, including the spies and agents of the British Intelligence Agency.

   In fact, it is mainly the German National Security Agency. Under the leadership of Heydrich, it is now entering its golden age, and its power has expanded to almost all countries and regions occupied by Germany.

   But even so, Germany still could not completely pull out the Soviet Union's intelligence units.

   On the one hand, the reason is that the two countries were in a "friendly" state when the Soviets and Germany carve up Poland. Even if the German army knew that it was a Soviet intelligence officer, they could not do anything.

   On the other hand, the Soviet Union was smarter, and they conducted intelligence operations through the Poles.

This undoubtedly increases the concealment of the intelligence personnel in series, and even gets the support of the Polish people. For example, these Polish intelligence personnel use the banner of "saving the country" and "driving out the invaders"... There would be no such effect, because the Soviet Union was also an aggressor in the eyes of the Poles, they were just driven out by another aggressor.

   "But..." Shulka said: "We have only partisans in Poland, their quality..."

   "That's enough!" John said.

  So Shulka understood that the British wanted these guerrillas to "clearly repair the plank road", while their special forces "passed through the old warehouse secretly".

  (end of this chapter)

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