USSR 1941

Chapter 823: negotiation

  Chapter 823 Negotiation

   Colonel Koauser screamed and fell into a pool of blood, but perhaps it was because Colonel Bergman was a few meters away from the shot and was not killed.

  However, there was no difference. Colonel Bergman stepped forward, put the pistol on Colonel Koauser's head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

   When we met, Second Lieutenant Jonas was a little confused. He suspected that he had been deceived by Colonel Bergman.

  Because all the Gestapo have been controlled at this time, Colonel Bergman has no need to kill.

   If we talk about the reason, Second Lieutenant Jonas thinks that it can only be "killing people to silence the mouth", that is to say... what Colonel Bergman said may not be true.

   Thinking of this, Second Lieutenant Jonas suddenly became nervous, because it meant that they killed a Gestapo colonel, and he still had the order of the head of state on him.

   Lieutenant Jonas knew what this meant, so he regretted it a little, but things had reached this point and he didn't know what to do.

   Colonel Bergman may have noticed the strangeness of the second lieutenant Jonas, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, let's rescue the marshal!"

   "Yes, Colonel!" Ensign Jonas replied.

  Until he saw the Marshal, Second Lieutenant Jonas was relieved, because the Marshal didn't look surprised at all and shook hands with Colonel Bergman enthusiastically... This proves that the Marshal is indeed in danger.


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  Second Lieutenant Jonas was a little confused.

   However, his thoughts are never important, and he doesn't even need to have them.

   "Then what do we do, Bergmann?" Paulus asked in private, "Contact the Russians? How?"

   "I'm ready, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Colonel Bergman replied: "I mean, I have already sent someone to contact them, and I hope the people I send will not die under the guns of the Russians!"

  In fact, this is just what Colonel Bergman said. The people he sent were also spies who were instigated by the Soviet army. These spies had a set of contact methods with the Soviet army, so of course they would not die in the hands of the Russians.

  In fact, Colonel Bergman did not get in touch at this time at all. He had received the information from Shulka before the plan started.

At this time, Colonel Bergman just put on a show, and asked a signal soldier to report to Colonel Bergman more than half an hour later: "Colonel, they answered, they accepted our conditions, and guaranteed that all prisoners will be treated humanely." Doctrine treatment!"

   Colonel Bergman explained: "I told them we need food and fair treatment!"

  Paulus nodded. He felt that Colonel Bergman was very careful.

Food and fair treatment... These are the basic requirements, and they are not excessive requirements. If you ask for more, such as medicines, clothes, etc., this is too much. The Russians themselves do not have enough medicines. If they can promise that It must be fake.

   "At the same time we have established contact with them!" The signalman said: "They will send a special commissioner to talk to us at nine o'clock!"

  Paulus looked at the time, it was still twenty minutes before nine o'clock, then he turned his head and said to Colonel Bergman: "Until the negotiation is completed, everything must be kept strictly confidential, understand?"

   "Yes, Marshal!" Colonel Bergman replied: "I promise, only a limited number of people know! They are all people I can trust!"

   Paulus nodded in satisfaction.

   This matter really needs to be kept secret, because it is still unknown whether to surrender at this time. If the wind leaks, the entire German defense line will collapse immediately, and the voluntary surrender will become surrounded and wiped out.

   It's just that Paulus was completely unaware that he was actually led by the nose by "Soviet spies".

   Twenty minutes later, Paulus came to Bergman's headquarters and had a secret call with Commissioner Su.

"Your Excellency Marshal!" The commissioner's translator said in German: "I am Yakov, the staff officer of the 62nd Army Group, and I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of Comrade Chuikov! This is the right choice, Your Excellency Marshal, we all know the outcome of this battle There is no suspense, so there is no need to sacrifice the lives of soldiers like this, I salute you! And assure you, we will guarantee your personal safety and basic food needs!"

  Paulus was relieved when he heard the word "basic".

  He was always worried that the Russians would backtrack after they tricked him into his confidence and surrendered 6th Army.

   However, if the Russians are going to do this, they don't need to say "basic food needs", they should use more attractive conditions, because they are not going to give them anyway.

  So this "basic food need" is believable.

   Paulus is almost satisfied with this. What else can he ask for from a defeated general?

   After thinking about it, Paulus made a request: "We don't want to be sent to Siberia, Comrade Yakov!"

   "No problem!" Yakov replied seriously: "This is also Comrade Stalin's order, you will not be sent to Siberia!"

   "So, may I know how you will treat us?" Paulus still had some concerns.

"We haven't discussed the specifics yet!" Yakov replied: "However, Marshal, our preliminary plan is that except for the wounded, other people must participate in labor to support themselves, that is to say, capable people need to work. That's okay!"

   "No problem!" Paulus replied.

   This is normal. Everyone knows that the Russians are in short supply, and it is impossible for them to keep hundreds of thousands of mouths there.

   And Paulus's worries dissipated with this conversation.

   Unbeknownst to Paulus, these conversations were largely dictated by Shulka.

   Zolotarev even felt a little strange about this.

   "Can we talk to Paulus in this way?" Trufanov said: "In this way, we won't worry about Paulus retreating?"

   "I talked to Paulus like this just because I was afraid that he would retreat!" Shulka replied.

Zolotarev is doing political work, and he nodded in agreement: "Now, Paulus is most worried about the personal safety and basic survival of the captives. He is worried that we will deceive him, so... the harsher the conditions The more he can trust us!"

  Trufanov couldn't help but "Oh", and then looked at Shulka with a strange look, as if he couldn't figure out how Shulka would think of this.

   As it turned out, Paulus finally completely let go of his guard.

   "So, Comrade Yakov!" Paulus asked: "How should we surrender?"

   "Your Excellency Marshal!" Yakov replied: "We hope that you can wait a little longer and surrender after three days, that is, when the 'amnesty order' is about to expire... In this way, I think the effect will be better, what do you think?"

   Happy Christmas Eve everyone!



  (end of this chapter)

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