USSR 1941

Chapter 848: give up

  Chapter 848 Give up

   Nobody sees anything wrong with this.

  Because the quality of the German infantry is very good, and there are actually artillery and armored soldiers in the infantry divisions...the artillery and tanks in the infantry divisions are just relatively small.

   Those artillery and tank soldiers will simply teach them some basic control knowledge, and even use veterans and recruits together, that is, a veteran and several recruits form an artillery or tank team, which can barely operate.

  The infantry operating in this way is equipped with a large number of artillery and tanks, coupled with air supremacy, it will undoubtedly block the pursuers behind them from the line of defense.

  The large troops of the Don River Army discarded all their heavy equipment, and drove cars, barrel carts, and tricycles to open a road to break through from the mountain road or even from the position where there was no road. In just one day, the Don River Army had already jumped out of the encirclement.

  At this time, the 51st Army Command still knew nothing about it, and Shulka was still nervously directing the front-line battle with Zolotarev Veniaminko and others.

  The battle in the city of Miloway has stabilized. Not only has it stabilized, but it has also continuously sent reinforcements to the "No. 3" highland and Butur village.

  Of course, these reinforcements are civilians who are sent to the battlefield after simple training (basically just know how to shoot), and they all use German Mauser rifles.

   But this is not important, what is important is that they can cause a little trouble to the German army and bring soldiers and some necessary supplies to the two places where there is a shortage of troops.

  The battle in the direction of the "No. 3" highland has not been fierce, which is determined by the terrain of the "No. 3" highland.

   "No. 3" heights are not suitable for tank operations.

   This is not to say that the German tanks cannot drive up the "No. 3" highland. In fact, most of the "No. 3" highlands are not steep. If the German army wants to, they can pull the tanks up.

The problem is that the tanks of this era are difficult to adapt to the battle on steep slopes: on steep slopes, the rotation and aiming of tank turrets are different from those on flat ground. In this position, you can aim at the target. When you turn to the side, the barrel will be aimed at the sky or the ground. (This kind of situation is easy to occur when the left and right sides of the tank body are unbalanced).

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  On the other hand, the Soviet airborne troops are equipped with a large number of rocket launchers, which can effectively hide and destroy tanks in jungles, bushes or uneven mountains.

In fact, half-person-high weeds are the most suitable for bazooka shooters to hide, because they only need to use the same kind of weeds as camouflage, and then it is difficult to be found wherever they lie down, and they can even use the kneeling position to prepare for launch without worry. Pre-aim, wait till it's time to shoot, then pop your chest out and pull the trigger...

   Before the enemy could react, the rocket went straight to the tank with a "chirp".

   There are many such weeds on the "No. 3" highland. After the German tanks suffered such losses several times, they no longer sent tanks to the highland.

  If the German army wants to attack the "No. 3" highland seriously, they should use flamethrowers or bombers to drop gasoline to burn the weeds first.

   However, the German army obviously didn't have so much time, so they could only use infantry to attack forcefully.

The result of this is that teams of German troops were shot by the Soviet army and made no progress on the way to the charge. After all, the Soviet army was condescending and occupied the ground, and they were still airborne troops. They were used as infantry in the Battle of Stalingrad and fought several tough battles. of airborne troops.

   The most intense fighting was in Butur Village.

  The German army came to reinforce Butur village with an armored regiment.

  The reason why there is only one armored regiment is because the Southern Jiangsu Front Army, in fact, the main force is the 51st Army that has launched a full-scale attack on the German defense line. In this case, the German army has no more troops to reinforce Butur Village.

But in fact, the more important thing is that they thought that one armored regiment was enough. After all, they estimated that when the armored regiment arrived in Butur village, the Soviet airborne troops were still "wandering" in the wild... No one would think that the Soviet army could Conquer Butur Village in a short time.

  If this is the case, it is of course more than enough for a German armored regiment to mop up the Soviet airborne troops with only light equipment and consolidate the defense of Butur village.

  However, when the 285th Armored Regiment arrived at Butur Village, they were surprised to find that the Soviet Army not only captured Butur Village, but even had time to build defenses.

   "What's going on?" Lieutenant Colonel Flory, who commanded the armored regiment, couldn't help asking.

It is not surprising that Lieutenant Colonel Flory did not know that Butur Village was captured, because Butur Village had just been captured in less than 20 minutes, and the German command was not even sure whether Butur Village was captured. The village of Butur was bombarded by a swarm of rockets and contact was lost.

  When Lieutenant Colonel Flory contacted the headquarters, the headquarters was still asking: "Really? Are you sure that the Soviet army has built a defense?"


   "Then, they have already occupied Butur Village!" The headquarters ordered: "Launch an attack immediately. They have just occupied the village not long ago, and they are not ready yet!"

   "Yes!" Lieutenant Colonel Flory replied, and then immediately ordered into the walkie-talkie: "Forward, attack!"

  The Soviet army was indeed not ready.

  Under normal circumstances, the Soviet army cannot withstand the attack of an armored regiment.

The problem is that this is not a general situation. The Soviet army dragged out 88MM anti-aircraft guns from the German warehouse... These anti-aircraft guns are a powerful weapon against tanks. It hardly needs to consider the thickness of the tank armor within a range of one kilometer. As long as it hits, it is unreasonable. .

   This gave the Soviet army the ability to strike targets from a distance.

   That is to say, the anti-tank capability of the Soviet army, which originally only had one, that is, the distance of 50 meters from the rocket launcher, has been changed to two.

With such a heavy anti-tank capability, it is completely different. The German tanks drove far away, and were constantly destroyed by 88 guns on the way. back down.

  By the time Lieutenant Colonel Flory realized that he should contact the Air Force to cooperate with him to advance steadily, the Soviet army had already gained a firm foothold.

  Everything is moving in a direction that favors the Soviet army.

   But at this time, the correspondent reported to Veniamenco: "The enemy on the 'No. 3' height seems to have given up their attack!"

   "Abandon the attack?" Veniamenko couldn't help frowning when he heard this, he didn't understand what it meant.

   After a pause, Veniaminco asked, "Is the enemy preparing for the next round of attack?"

   "No!" The correspondent replied: "Major Slava thinks they are retreating because they have abandoned the positions they have captured!"

   This is completely unreasonable, because the "No. 3" highland guards the road that the Don River Army must pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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