USSR 1941

Chapter 882: defense

  Chapter 882 Defense

   This is indeed a bit frustrating.

  Things invented by the Soviet Union are always imitated quickly by Germany, and even the performance is more advanced than that of the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union is a bit stagnant.

   Such as rocket launchers.

Ironically, in terms of bazooka, it was the Soviet Union that needed to improve the Germans and they only needed to use the original version... All the Soviets had was the T34 tank, and the bazooka was enough to pose a threat to it, but it couldn't destroy the German " "Tiger" and "Leopard" tanks. (Note: Bazooka did have a record of destroying the "Tiger", but that was the observation hole where the rocket hit the "Tiger")

   And all these new types of equipment seem to be piled up on the Kursk battlefield.

   "It's conceivable!" Vatutin said with a pale face: "This winter, when we are preparing, the Germans will also fully produce and equip these new weapons. So, don't you really think about counterattack?"

  Vatutin has not given up the idea of ​​​​counterattack until now.

   It should be said that his idea still makes sense, especially after knowing that the Germans have so many new types of equipment... Counterattacking first means that the enemy can start fighting when the enemy is not ready, including new types of equipment.

  But Zhukov denied Vatutin's idea without thinking about it.

   "Our counterattack should not be due to fear of the enemy, Comrade Vatutin!" Zhukov said with some dissatisfaction.

   "Yes, Comrade Zhukov!" Vatutin was a little embarrassed.

Vatutin was indeed a little out of character when he said this. Looking back not long ago, he supported the counter-offensive plan because he "underestimated the enemy", that is, he thought that the Germans could be driven out of the Soviet Union in one battle. Equipped and "fear"... Although the word "fear" is a bit too much, at least it is scared.

   Actually, this is normal, anyone, especially the commander, will be afraid when they know that the enemy has new equipment that is difficult to fight against, not to mention the possibility of so many equipment appearing at the same time.

  Not to mention other things, just the large-scale equipment of the STG44 and the new rocket launcher is enough for the Soviet army to eat a pot.

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   Rokossovsky made this point.

   "I think the Germans will use the STG44 with the bazooka!" Rokossovsky said: "We all know that the bazooka can not only deal with armored targets but also against ground fortifications..."

  This is a tactic that the Soviet army has been using. Because the bazooka rocket launcher has the same direct shooting ability as the assault gun, it can easily target the enemy's fortifications, such as bunkers.

   Of course the Germans will also learn this tactic.

"So!" Rokossovsky said: "The German infantry we will face...they will have stronger anti-armor capabilities and offensive capabilities than before! Plus the synergy between the German infantry and tanks and air force , this will be a very difficult battle!"

"Yes, it is difficult!" Zhukov cheered: "But which of our battles is not difficult? Moscow? Or Stalingrad? In these battles our equipment is also not as good as the enemy, but we have won in the end... this Explain that it is not equipment that decides a war, but people, courage and spirit, understand? So what we have to do is not to be afraid, but to deploy defense!"

   Several people in the headquarters did not speak, including Shulka.

  Zhukov's words are a bit like a spiritual atomic bomb... These words can deceive soldiers, but they have no effect on commanders.

  Because the commander knows well that the outcome of a war will never be decided by people, but by people and equipment.

  Especially in modern warfare with highly developed equipment, the more advanced the equipment, the less and less people can play...

  In the ancient cold weapon wars, everyone used big swords and spears, and the equipment gap was not big, so the brave won when they met on a narrow road.

  Modern warfare involves planes, tanks, and cannons at every turn... So there are often situations where no matter how brave you are and how good you are, you just use a saber to chop down the enemy tank, and you are blown to pieces before you even see the enemy.

  However, these words and reasons cannot be said at this time, especially when the Soviet army is on the weak side.

  From this perspective, Zhukov's statement is still correct.

   "Okay, Comrade Zhukov!" Vatutin said: "So, let's see how to deploy the defense!"

   "Of course the enemy will not attack from the front!" Rokossovsky said: "I mean their main direction of attack, they are either from the north or from the south."

   This is common sense.

  The Kursk salient protrudes a semicircle toward the west. If the Germans attack from the front, that is, from the west, it will only compress the Soviet army to its defense line.

Therefore, the most likely method of attack should be to penetrate in depth from the north or south, or penetrate from both sides at the same time. This will not only quickly break through the Soviet defense line and attack the weak rear of the Soviet army, but also attack the Kurs salient. Surrounded and annihilated all the Soviet troops in order to achieve the strategic goal of "obtaining the greatest benefit at the least cost".

   But Shulka was more specific.

   "North!" Shulka said: "Their main attack direction will be north!"

   "How can you be sure?" Rokossovsky asked puzzled.

   "Because of their attack time!" Shulka replied.

   Rokossovsky understood when he said this, he nodded slightly and said: "It makes sense, the Germans will probably attack from the north, or try to open a breakthrough from our flank!"

   "Why?" Vatutin still didn't understand what was going on.

"The season, Comrade Vatutin!" Rokossovsky replied: "The Germans will attack in spring and summer, when the snow and ice have melted, and the Kursk region is high in the north and low in the south, that is to say The stagnant water will flow to the south, and more of the south will become a swamp, but the north is much better!"

   "So!" Zhukov added: "If the Germans break through with armored troops, of course they will choose the north that is more suitable for armored troops to march!"

   This is almost a certainty, because of course the Germans will break through with armored forces.

  Vatutin couldn't help but "oh", then nodded in agreement, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief... The north is Rokossovsky's defense zone, which means that the Central Front will be under greater pressure.

   But in fact, there is not much difference, because the Central Front and the Voronezh Front are back-to-back. If the Central Front is defeated, the Voronezh Front will suffer from the enemy.

   "Then, we should focus our defense on the north!" Zhukov made a decision: "Anti-tank trenches, bunkers, barbed matter what it is, as long as it can stop the tanks, pile them up!"

   "Yes!" Several generals responded.

  (end of this chapter)

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