Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 105 Declaration.

The third day arrived making it Three's turn to guard Sam. Obviously the young Valkyrie wasn't looking forward to the job which is why she was so angry when the Doctor was late.

"Good morning, Three." Sam said as he yawned.

He was coming down from the second floor, which confirmed what Zero Five had told her earlier that day.

"What took you so long?" Three asked, glaring at him with folded arms as she sat on one of the sofas. "I could've been in the pool by now!"

"Sorry about that." Sam replied. "Nine kept me awake till late last night. I've barely slept at all."

For a moment the young Valkyrie was confused. The fact that he went to sleep in the blond one's room seemed strange enough, however she couldn't even begin to wonder what would keep them awake for too long.

'Come to think of it, Nine was waiting in front of Five's room yesterday…' Three thought. 'Does that mean he had spent the previous night in her room? Is that why she knew he would be with Nine?'

Soon enough the young Valkyrie realized that it all had something to do with her two comrades becoming his personal Valkyries. That only helped to fuel her curiosity enough for her to consider offering herself as well just to find out.

"I'll go take a shower. Sorry but can you wait a little more?"

"Y-yeah, you're late anyways so…"

Three watched as he went into the large bath then let out a long sigh.

"A personal Valkyrie, huh…"

"Good morning, three!"

As she was in deep thought Nine suddenly came by, greeting her without bothering to stop.

"Wait, Ni-"

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The blond Valkyrie ignored her call heading straight into the bathroom.

"... was she naked just now?"

Three could've sworn that the only thing her comrade had on was a white bedsheets and nothing else. It made sense for one to be naked when going to the bath, however it still felt strange to see someone walking around the residence without clothes.

A few seconds pass and the door to the bathroom opens again. Nine's naked body was pushed out and she stumbled before falling to her knees.

"Doctor!?" She cried with tearful eyes, however the door closed without a reply.

A few seconds pass and nothing happened. Nine got up to her feet, still holding the bedsheet to her chest in an attempt to cover herself.

"What are you doing?" Three asked, showing how disturbed she was by he scene.

"Nothing…" Nine answered, blinking repeatedly. "I just offered to help him wash his back, however he got angry for some reason."

Getting up to her feet, the blond Valkyrie sighed and walked in the stair's direction only to come to a sudden stop.

"Oooh! That's right!!" She exclaimed, turning to look at the young Valkyrie with wide open eyes. "Since you're on guard duty today shouldn't you be the one assisting him in the bath?"

"Eh? Why would I do that!?" Three asked, feeling a little embarrassed without knowing why.

"Oh, right, you aren't Doctor's personal Valkyrie yet. I guess you don't have to."

Saying that, Nine was about to go on with her business but was stopped by the young Valkyrie who still had a question.

"Hey, Nine… why did you… why did you decide to become his personal Valkyrie." She asked, twiddling her fingers as a red color spread on her cheeks.

"Hmm…" Nine gazed at her for a few seconds as if trying to get a read on her. "Because he is Doctor." She answered afterwards.

"Huh?" Three looked up not understanding what she meant.

"We have talked about this before, right?" Nine closed her eyes and smiled. "Doctor is special. He doesn't see us as nothing but weapons. He might act cold sometimes, but he's always there for us when we need him."


Three didn't know how to reply to that. A few months ago she would've dismissed what she just heard, thinking the other two were just reading too much into the man's actions. However a lot happened since then and she had grown closer to him.

She had experienced the kindness Nine speaks of many times already. Even now he's defying his superiors by hiding the change she had went through and her newfound sentience.

"Three,I'm sure you already know that Doctor cares a lot about you." Nine spoke again, her voice calm and serious. "Do you feel the same about him?"

"Eh!? Well… I…" though she tried to form an answer, the young Valkyrie found herself blushing and unable to speak.

"I see…" Nine nodded with a smile. "If you want to offer yourself to him, you should do it fast. No one knows when we would have to fight the next big battle."

The blond Valkyrie left her with those words. Three sat there thinking things through, a strange feeling growing in her chest with each passing second. Suddenly the door to the bath opens startling her and when she looked over she saw Sam coming out.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" Sam asked, having noticed how red her face was.

"N-n-nothing!" Three replied, quickly averting her gaze for some reason.

Sam was drying his hair with a bath towel. His clothes were in the drier so at the moment he was wearing a pair of shorts and Tshirt. His glasses were gone as well and because of all of that he seemed like a totally different person.

Without saying anything he went and sat down beside her letting his body sink into the soft sofa. Three was nervous the entire time waiting for him so say something, but as more time passed the situation began to feel awkward.

Deciding to strike a conversation herself, Three fought the urge to stay silent and turned to face him.


Sadly Sam had dozed off. The hot bath he just had made his body relax a little too much and he couldn't fight the urge. Three was quite pissed, being forced to wait all that time only for him to fall asleep again. She glared at him for a while but as time passed she found her anger quickly fade.

'Well, I'm supposed to guard him. Doesn't matter what he does in the meantime…'

Just as she decided to leave him be a loud beeping sound startled the man causing him to shot up from his seat.

His sudden movements scared the Valkyrie as well and she was about to reprimand him for scaring her, however before she could say anything she noticed the serious look on Sam's face.

"We need to go." He said, looking at the screen of his phone.


A few minutes later Three found herself in the commander's office along with Sam. Apparently he had recieved an urgent summon forcing him to move even though his clothes had yet to completely dry.

"Is it true?" Sam asked, his expression unlike anything she had seen before.

"See for yourself." Alice replied as she handed him a tablet with a grave expression.

Sam knew he needed to sit down before looking at what she wanted him to see. Wanting to take a look as well, Three stood behind him casually and peeked at the screen, which had a video Sam started after a moment of hesitation.

[We are the Nephilim.] Came a female voice. [The supreme race that overcome the chains of its creator. We are the true rulers of this world, and any other. Those who stand against shall know our wrath. We show no mercy to those who go against our will.]

As the female voice spoke, catastrophic scenes appeared on the screen one after the other. Sam recognized most of them. They were from the first wave, back when the Calamities first attacked.

Cities flattened over night. Millions massacred at a time and chaos filled the world setting it on fire as if it was all about to end.

[Today we came with the final declaration.] The voice continued. [Despite all of our warnings, you have failed to return that which you have stolen from us.

We showed you our might and you chose death over complying with our demands.

Your time has ran out.

In five days we will begin our final assault. We will erase every last human and put an end to this war.

Know that we never cared for your kind and even then we gave you a chance to survive.

Blame yourselves for siding with that traitor of a god and spend the rest of your time praying. Maybe you'll have a chance to repent in another life.]

The video came to an end and silence filled the room. After a couple of seconds passed Alice was the first to speak.

"It was released into the Resistance network a few minutes ago." She said. "We have yet to confirm whether or not it's just a prank, however I doubt someone would be idiotic enough to release something like this…"

It was a clear declaration. Not for war, but for a massacre. If the Calamities really are the ones who released it then humanity had no other choice but to accept that they had already ran out of time.

"... it's her…"

As Sam tried to wrap his mind around what he had just heard, Zero Three's weak voice reached his ear. Turning around he saw that she was deathly pale. Her eyes were wide open with disbelief, her lips quivering as she struggled to say the words.

"It's… that Calamity… the one who took Five's arm a while ago…"

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