Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 111 How Does It Work?

"Do you understand now, Alice?" Sam asked, a sinister smile on his face.

Alice was froze in her place, unable to say anything. After a few seconds she lowered her head in defeat, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Having won the discussion Sam let out a sigh. He looked at the two Valkyries in his arms the gave them some instructions.

"Alright, it's time for you three to leave." He said. "I need to talk with the commander."

"Are you sure, Doctor?" Nine asked, her eyes full of worry, and so were Five's.

"It's okay. There is nothing to worry about."

Glancing in Alice's direction for a moment, Sam went on to kiss Nine then Five. He then turned to the young Valkyrie who was blushing to the ears having seen everything. He gently patted her on the head, smiling at how adorable she is, then backed away a few steps.

"I will be waiting outside. Please call me if you need something."

Saying those words, Nine walked toward the door with the other two following behind her. Once only he and the commander were left in the room Sam grabbed one of the extra chairs and sat down facing her.

"So? How long do you plan on sulking?" Sam asked.



"If the Valkyrie file is fake, how are you able to control them?" Alice spoke after a long silence.

"To be honest, I don't know." Sam replied. "But I do have a theory."

Alice raised her head and wiped away the tears that began to gather. She took a deep breath, doing her best to suppress the ugly feelings that ran rampant in her chest. Once she had regained her composure she looked up at him and silently asked him to begin the explanation.

"Remember when I told you about Zero Three's condition?"

"Yes." Alice replied. "You said she had nightmares."

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"That's only half of the story." Sam closed his eyes and breathed in. "When it happened I was informed by the other two that she was refusing to come out of her room even though it was time for patrol. And even when I asked her to open the door for me she refused."

"Wait… do you mean…"

"Yes. Not only did she abandon the mission assigned to her, she also disobeyed my, one of her superiors' orders."

As she listened to the explanation attentively, Alice's eyes slowly widened. She was quick on the uptake and before Sam finished she had already understood what he was trying to say.

After a short pause Sam continued.

"Experiencing fear, having nightmares, disobeying orders. Those are things the Valkyries aren't supposed to do." He said. "However Zero Three proved the opposite, and before we received that call from your father I based all my theories on what I learned from the Valkyrie file."

Until yesterday Sam had believed that the restrictions placed on Three's emotions have been broken which resulted in her current state, however that's no longer viable since the blue prints turned out to be fake.

"Fear and disobedience, huh…" Alice muttered before looking up. "What about the other two?"

"Well, same as with Three I had reasoned their actions with the blue prints, however now…"

Silence filled the lab forms while. Alice was giving Sam a really disappointed look, and though it filled him with the urge to run, Sam didn't look away.

"I seriously don't understand how you fell for it." Alice said. "I mean, no matter how you look at it it's nothing if not suspicious."

"Well, I did doubt it at first, but everything made too much sense so…"

"Seriously? The smartest man alive took advantage of the crisis humanity was in to create a bunch of sex robots. How does any of that makes sense?"

"Well, you would understand if you were a man."

Though the informal about Odin is rare to come by, most people picture him as a middle aged man who's bad with people, especially women. The idea that such a genius would create female robots to make up for his lack of intimacy is perfectly reasonable.

"Hmm… so, how was it?" Alice asked.

"Was what?"

"You… you had sex with those two, right?" A slight red color began to spread over her face. "How did it feel?"

Faced with such a question, Sam found himself stopping to consider his answer very carefully. He remained silent for quite a while which caused the commander to feel more and more anxious.

"Just to be clear…" Sam began, bracing himself for the inevitable backlash. "Even though I had the blue prints for quite a while, I've only recently started doing it with them."

"... really?" Alice asked with doubtful eyes.

"Yes. It's only been a week. Once with Five and twice with Nine."


"Okay, if you don't count making out and oral sex, that would be it."

"You know, Sam, I'm really disgusted right now." Alice sighed.

"I'm sure you are." Sam tried to not let her words get to him, but still he felt compelled to shoot back. "To answer your first question, it was amazing."

Though he had come up with a more delicate way to say it, seeing her reaction caused him to feel a little infuriated. Still, something told him that he would suffer if he doesn't do his best to try and fix things.

"If I had to describe it I would say it's the best sex I've had in my life, but…" as he recalled how he felt afterward, Sam looked Alice in the eyes. "I felt unsatisfied."

The white haired commander remained silent, her eyes studying the Doctor as if trying to see whether or not he's lying.

"No matter how much I did it I always found myself craving more." Sam continued. "It was like being addicted to some substance. I had to force myself to stop every time."

"Hmm… so it was that good." Alice said, the disgust she felt now visible in her eyes.

"Anyways…" coughing in his fist, Sam attempt to change the subject. "At first I assumed that those two had chosen me as their master, hence why they allowed me to get intimate with them."

"But now we know that's not the truth." Alice added.

"Yes. Which is why I'm really confused right now."

After what happened with Miku, the Valkyrie he met during Wolf's visit, Sam felt that he could no longer look at the Valkyries as weapons or sex bots. Soon after Three gained free will and felt that Five has done so as well.

'But there lays the problem…'

If the base program, the part that dictates the Valkyries' emotional reactions, is fake, what does that say about their previous understanding of how the Valkyrie's emotions work?

Previously the way they thought the Valkyries scan their surroundings and determine the appropriate emotional response to simulate. This way the affection the Valkyries has shown toward him could be explained as their AI determining that it was the right reaction under those circumstances.

That was out of the window now so Sam was left with a question; how does the emotions of Valkyries work?

Or to be more precise, how does the Valkyrie AI work?

"I wonder what's their goal..." Alice said.

"Hm? Are you talking about the Nephilim?"

"No. I'm referring to the one who gave you those files. What was their aim? Were they aware that the some of the files are fake? Why leak them to you specifically?"

"I… never gave it much thought…" Sam replied.


"Well, I obviously had the same question at first. I even suspected that it was all a trap to get me into trouble but… as time passed and nothing happened I just let my guard down."

"I see… guess you really took your sweet time." Alice commented.

"Yes. Well, the real reason is that I got together with you and Shizuru." Sam said. "I was so happy when it happened that I just didn't care much about the Valkyries."

"That's hard to believe considering you just said you had the best sex of your life with them."

"True." Sam replied without hesitation. "If I was too hasty and done it right away, I doubt our relationship would've worked."

If Sam had used the Valkyries to satisfy his urges before Shizuru suggested that they start dating or Alice before confessed to him he would never have looked their way. Thankfully all it took to keep him from messing up his love life was for the events to be switched around.

"Alice, I might've said that it was the best sex I had, but in the end I wasn't satisfied." Sam got up from his chair and approached the white haired beauty. "The only time I feel fulfilled is when I'm with you and Shizuru. After all our relationship isn't purely sexual, right?"

As he stood before her, Alice refused to look up at him.

"That doesn't make me any happier, you know." She said her cheeks a little puffed.

"I see." Sam said with a nod. He then reached out with his right hand and caressed the silky white hair. "But you know, Alice, sex with the Valkyries might feel too good, however there is something they can never hope to achieve."

Not understanding what he meant, Alice looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"I still want a daughter, you know." Sam slowly leaned in, his face stopping a few inches from hers. "What do you say? Should we give it another try? It's been a while after all…"

Alice's face was slowly reddening and her heart was throbbing violently, however despite her excitement she quickly averted her gaze still angry about his actions and words.

"You sure are a jerk." She said, pausing for a moment. "And how can you say something like that when it's the end of the world!? Do you want our daughter to arrive in this hopeless situation?"

"Well, you do have a point, but…" leaning in even more, Sam added before stealing her lips. "Wouldn't she be a great motivation? If it's for our child I'll definitely make sure that we survive."

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