Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 124 Form 01.

''Alright.'' Sam said, turning to the two young Valkyries. ''Get over here.''

Once everything was ready, Zero Five prepared to take off. She waited for Sam to give her the go, but before he does there was one more precaution he had to take.

He opened a large box he had the drones place over a platform he previously built. Inside it was a fist sized sphere made out of several overlapping rings with multiple cords connected to it in several places.

''Hm? What's this?'' B3 asked, blinking a few times as she peeked into the box.

''That's the heart of a Valkyrie.'' Sam replied, his eyes on the tablet in his hand.

''Eh? This thing?''

''Yeah. Though with a few tweaks here and there.''

Just as he finished that sentence, the small sphere began to glow with a green light as the rings on the inside slowly spun in different directions. As the Valkyries watched in amusement a shell of green light enveloped the heart for a moment before expanding explosively growing to a size that surrounded the entire platform.

''And that's the force field.'' Sam said looking at the transparent barely visible green dome. ''With this we wouldn't have to worry about misfiring.''

''Heeeeeh...'' B3 let out a whistle as she looked around as well, but then she froze before turning to Sam with wide eyes. ''How are you making it do this!!?''

''That's were the little tweaks come in.'' He replied, keeping his eyes on the tablet

''Then tweak mine too!!'' with sparkling eyes the red twin-tails inched closer to Sam. ''We have one of those things inside us, right? Can you make it so our force fields come out as spheres as well?''

Stopping his hands, Sam glanced in the Valkyrie's direction then let out a sigh.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

''It's easier said than done.''

B3's enthusiasm died instantly when she saw the tired, a little annoyed face he made before answering her. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned around and met Miku's chilling cold stare as an invisible threatening aura enveloped her.

''Stop bothering Doctor.'' She said in an emotionless tone.

''Yes...'' B3 replied, on the verge of tears.

Seeing their short interaction helped lighten Sam's mood. With the corners of his mouth slightly upturned he shifted his focus to Zero Five and looked her in the eyes.

''Five, make sure to be ready to activate your own force field to its full extent.'' He said, his expression becoming serious. ''I've made it so that the heart can be ejected remotely, but if that doesn't work out you'll have to remove the armor and get as far away from it as possible.''

''... Understood.''

Though she seemed a bit nervous, Five nodded once then lowered the her helmet to cover her face. Igniting her propellers she crouched down a little before taking off into the sky, several black box like drones following after her.

Once she was about half a mile away she came to a stop. One after the other the drones took their places, each revealing a number of high quality recording equipment, from cameras to sound and motion censors among other things.

[Doctor, is this really far enough?]

''Yes, that will do.'' Sam said, checking the footage from the drones as well as how far he could see using his telescope.

''Doctor, there is no point in wearing that suit if you aren't going to cover your head.'' Miku warned feeling a little anxious for some reason.

''Not now.''

Using the pen in his hand to tap the surface of the tablet a few times, Sam shifted his sight in Five's direction then spoke.

''Five, I'm leaving the switch to you.'' He said. ''Start by activating the second heart.''

Listening to his instructions, Five focused on the small holographic windows appearing on the inside of her helmet. From the one dubbed ''Second Heart'' she selected ''Activate'' causing it to disappear getting replaced by a wider window listing a number of options. At the same time all around her small green orbs began to appear floating in a circle at about a meter and a half distance from her.

[D-Doctor! Is this supposed to happen!!?] Five said, a little panicked.

''Yes, everything going as expected so far.'' Sam said with a nod, looking at a copy of the same window on his tablet. ''The orbs themselves are created by the force field of the second heart. We are going to try and mold them into the symbols used by the Nephilim to see if we can replicate their powers.''

​ For a couple of seconds the only thing that could be heard was the strong wind blowing through the scorched fields. As if they misheard what he said, the three Valkyries whipped their heads in his direction trying to confirm.

''Calm down, we still don't even know if it's possible.'' Sam replied, feeling the pressure of their gazes, even Five who was looking at him through a screen.

[Doctor, where did this come from?] She asked, suddenly feeling even more tense than before.

''Well, like I said, we're just giving it a try.'' letting out a sigh he considered his next words very carefully, wondering if telling them is really the right thing to do. ''Someone I know theorized that Valkyries are somehow related to the Nephilim.''

''I... think I see why they would think that...'' B3 commented, smiling wryly.

''Appearance aside, it has more to do with what they claim was stolen from them.'' He paused for a moment and breathed in. ''Though we have no evidence we suspect that Odin is the thief they're after. As for what he stole it's most likely a necessary component in the creation of Valkyries, or the Nephilim.''

''... I'm starting to regret volunteering for this mission.'' said B3. ''All of this is just way beyond me.''

''Doctor, if we really are related to them, how come we are far weaker in comparison?'' Miku asked, her expressionless mask having been replaced by a look of genuine concern.

''That I don't know.'' Sating that, Sam extended his hand and patted the petite blond Valkyrie. ''All we can do is try and make you as strong as them. That's the only way we can hope to survive.''

Miku's question was one Sam had thought about many times since he heard Shizuru's theory. Why didn't Odin make the Valkyries as powerful as the Nephilim? There are many possible answers, however none of that matters. What they needed to know at the moment is if the it's possible to upgrade the Valkyries so the can fight on the same ground as their enemies.

''Five. You should be seeing a menu in front of you.'' Sam said. ''Once you've selected one of the entries, the orbs around you should split and change shape. After that it's all unknown territory.''

Though he managed to create the symbols in virtual reality, whatever effects they might've had couldn't be simulated due to the lack of data. All he could do was replicate their shape as accurately as possible, record the results then hope things would be different when they try them in reality.

''Understood.'' Closing her eyes, Five took a deep breath then gave the menu in front of her another look.

The entries were named ''Form'' and numbered from 01 to 05. Focusing on the first one she made another window appear on which one sentence, ''Would you like to execute Form 01'', along with YES and NO options.

Glancing at the window displaying Sam's face, Five brought her focus back to the options and selected yes. The moment she did the windows disappeared clearing her field of vision allowing her to watch what was happening in front of her.

The green orbs began spinning around her body in a clockwise motion. As their speed increased, their neon color began to fade replaced by an intense yellow light that was visible even from where Sam and the others stood.

As they continued their circular movements, the orbs suddenly collapsed into small specs of light that gathered in front of Zero Five creating a golden ring.

''Shit! It's spinning way too fast!!!''

Sam felt that something was off and turned to the footage captured by the drones slowing it down just to find that the symbols had already formed but were spinning way too fast for the human eye to keep up with.

It was an anomaly he did come across while doing the simulations, and though the whole point of this experiment was to see what might happen, Sam felt a strong urge to pull the plug. Sadly he was a second too late.

Inside the golden ring air moved in a spiral toward the center, the scene beyond it bending as if the world itself was being distorted into a a single point.


Five's voice faded as a strong light enveloped the world.

A massive beam of golden light so massive shot out sending a devastating shock-wave throughout the land melting everything in its path as it headed for the horizon.

By the time the second heart was turned off Sam was looking at a blood red sky in the distance as a second sun rose in the west.

"What in the world..." at the forty sixth resistance base, Alice looked outside the window as she noticed the strange light. Behind her was Shizuru, standing from her seat to get a look as well.

"Doctor!" Nine turned in the direction of the explosion, several female soldiers clinging to her for protection.

The rest of the Valkyries moved swiftly preparing themselves for battle as the soldiers quickly ran for shelter.

Somewhere in the north American continent, the Nephilim queen watched with eyes wide open. The second sun slowly faded and so did the light it emitted. Clicking her tongue, the blue skinned queen got up from her obsidian throne.

"To think they would be the ones to strike first." She said, gritting her teeth as rage slowly overtook her judgment. "SPREAD THE WORD! TODAY WE PUT AN END TO THOSE FILTHY HUMANS!!!"

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