Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 127 Reshaping Reality.

''Reshaping the field force to recreate the symbols... I really don't get how you arrived at such an idea...'' Elina spoke as she stared at the bright screen.

''My original intention was to make it so it can be reshaped into weapons.'' Sam replied. ''it was only recently that the idea occurred to me.''

''And? What made you think it would succeed?''

'' Shizuru.'' he answered curtly, pausing for a moment. ''It was her theory that what was stolen from the Nephilim has to do with with the creation of the Valkyries. I just gambled on the chance that their resemblance extended beyond just appearance.''

''So we really are related to those things, Doctor...'' Miku asked.

''From the looks of it, yes. Though there is quite a lot we don't know.''

Returning his gaze to the screen, Sam noticed that the female scientist was giving him a side look coupled with a frown.

''... What?'' He asked.

''Well, I was just wondering where you get the courage to be doing this after what happened.'' Elina heaved a sigh feeling a mixture of emotions.

She was referring to the fact that the young blond Valkyrie was sitting on his lap at the moment, her arms wrapped around him as she rested her head on his chest. As he slowly stroked her long blond hair, a broad smile spread on Miku's face, her eyes closed eyes and red cheeks speaking of how much she's enjoying herself right now.

''Spare me your complaints, okay? I'm well aware that this isn't the time.'' Sam followed his reply with a sigh. Though he was acting as if it's a bother, having a cute girl hug him like that calmed his soul and helped him overcome the stress of the current situation.

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''I'm just saying.'' looking down at the Valkyrie on his lap, the female scientist raised her eyebrows and shook her head slowly. ''You really do look like a sex offender right now.''

For some reason after she was done cleaning herself from radiations Miku came out wearing the black uniform given to the Valkyries outside the HQ instead of her own. Going by the size it's clear that it belonged to Zero Three. There should be no harm in her borrowing one, the problem is that she looked like a young school girl in it which only made things worse considering the nature of his relationship with her.

''I think we have more pressing issues right now.'' Sam replied.

''If you say so, groomer.'' Elina said, shrugging with a smirk. ''But... when did you even get the time to do it? We didn't have any contact with the Valkyries when you were in the HQ, right.''

Sam kept staring at the female scientist with a blank expression. He wanted to tell her that it was all her fault that the petite Valkyrie got weird ideas about him in the first place, all because she couldn't shut her mouth about how good the sex she had with him was. However now really was not the time for chit chat.

''Are you feeling better now, Miku?'' He asked, looking down at the cute girl nuzzling up to him.

''Yeah, much better.'' Miku replied, releasing her hold on him.

Since the only reason he allowed this to happen was to make her feel a little better and ease the guilt he felt about neglecting her, Sam decided it was time to put an end to it and return to focusing on his job.

That said, even though she had stopped hugging him, the young Valkyrie didn't get off his lap right away. Noticing the way she looked at him it was easy for Sam to guess what she wanted, though with Elina there he felt hesitant about granting her which.

After pondering over it for a few seconds, Sam decided it would be for the best to just do it since it'll be quite a while before he gets the leeway to enjoy some time with her.

Brushing a few stray strands behind her ears, Sam leaned in and kissed the young Valkyrie on the lips. Elina watched them with wide eyed disbelief, but what she felt at that moment was more jealousy than disgust. B3 who was watching from a distance was in quite the shock as well, her eyes locked on Miku as she walked to her side with a satisfied smile.

''Alright.'' Sam said, clearing his throat before trying to resume his work.

Th female scientist kept staring at him for a few seconds before coming back to her senses.

''So... just to be clear...'' she spoke, the movement of her fingers as she tapped on the keyboard gradually increasing in speed. ''I'm not the only one who thinks this is magic, right?''

''Well, if it's not then I don't know what it is.'' Sam replied.

The multiple monitors in front of them displayed a number of photos taken by the drones Sam had prepared to collect data. Staring at them didn't help that mush, however looking at the numbers and readings they managed to collect wasn't any better.

''The main question is.'' Pointing at the starting point of the yellow beam, Elina asked a very important question. ''Where did all of that energy come from?''

Every scientist who had attempted to analyse the Calamities before had asked that very same question, however now that they had managed to recreate one of the enemy's most powerful weapons it suddenly became even more confusing.

The energy consumed when creating the symbols was insignificant in comparison to the blast that followed. The law of energy and mater conservation indicates that nothing can be created out of thin air, which means all of that energy has to come from somewhere.

''I think I have a theory...'' Sam said.

He manipulated the keyboard, closing some of the windows and bringing up several new ones. After waiting for a minute several variations of the same photo appeared, each ran through a different spectrograph.

''Just before the beam was launched a major distortion in the surrounding magnetic field happened.'' Sam said, holding his chin while leaning toward the screen which displayed a green rendering of the scene with strange lines moving toward the center of the symbols in a spiral like shape. ''It only lasted for a fraction of a second, but in that time it seemed like there was a strong gravitational pull at the center of the ring.''

''That doesn't answer anything, you know.'' Said Elina, pointing at a series of numbers on another screen. ''The amount of energy needed to generate such force isn't by any means small. And we don't know where it came from either.''

''No, we actually do know.'' Sam said, glancing in her direction. ''Elina, are you sure you haven't seen such readings before?''

Staring at him for a couple of seconds, the female scientist adjusted her glasses and let out a sigh.

''Sam, it's physically impossible.'' She said, pressing a few keys and summoning another photo. This time it appeared to be from after the beam ended. ''Even if it was for a fraction of a second, the generated force should've torn her apart. Either the readings you've brought are wrong or you somehow created a hole in reality that only affects things in a single direction.''

What Sam was arguing is that the golden ring had created a miniature black hole, or a white one in this case since instead of things being sucked into it something came out instead. The readings captured before the beam was launched where similar to the data obtained from particle colliders, but as the female scientist pointed out that doesn't explain anything and only made things more complicated.

Putting aside the question of whether that's possible or not, what Elina failed to comprehend is how it's possible for the effects of something like that to be limited to one direction with everything behind the golden ring remaining untouched.

''It's not a hole in reality, it's a door. Or a gate, whichever you want to call it.''

When he put it like that it somehow explained why the released energy moved in one direction. It was difficult to understand how something like that is possible, but at the very least the concept was possible to visualize.

''Still...'' whether it's a hole or a gate, creating an opening in space-time wasn't something that could be done just like that. The fat that it happened defies reality itself.

''It's like you said.'' Leaning on the back of his seat, Sam said something anyone would find ridiculous. ''Magic.''

''... What?'' though she was the one who mentioned it before, hearing the word come from someone like him left the female scientist dumbstruck.

''It's obvious, Isn't it?'' Sam said confusing her even more. ''The force field the Valkyries use is a phenomena we still don't really understand. All we know is that it's the result of manipulating the four fundamental forces to create that particular effect, which can be said it's a form of reshaping reality itself.''

A thin barrier that completely separates what's in front of it from what's behind. It wasn't some sort of matter or energy but a simple interaction, and by causing that interaction to happen in the particular conditions of his experiment it was possible to achieve a result that shouldn't have been possible.

''Elina, I think we've found a way to manipulate reality.''

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