Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 138 Departure.

"Doctor! You can't do this! You… you…"

Miku was in tears, her arms wrapped around Sam. As he slowly petted her head, the man looked at those gathered in the runway, their expressions varying from anxiety and fear to anger.

​ "Miku, it's time to go." He placed his hands on her shoulders and tried to push her away, however the young Valkyrie didn't budge.

"NO!" She yelled. "If you have to go then I will come with you."

"You know we can't do that…"

Sam sighed then looked at Shizuru who was standing a small distance away. He tried to smile at her, but all she did was give him a hard look, the disapproval of his actions clear in her eyes.

Seeing him off were the Valkyries as well as his girlfriend and ex. With the chances of nothing coming out of this being high no one saw a need for him to go ahead with his plan, however they didn't have much of a choice.

A jet was prepared for this trip. Standing at its entrance was the silver haired Nephilim, watching the exchange that's happening with great interest.

The fact that Sam had managed to talk one of their enemies into letting them live was a huge accomplishment in itself, however what they didn't expect was him asking for a chance to meet the enemy leader and the Nephilim agreeing to it.

In a way that was the single greatest achievement humans have accomplished in the war so far, surpassing even his victory over one of the Heralds from a few hours ago.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Miku…" putting more sorcery into his arms, Sam was finally able to separate the young Valkyrie from him.

Though she had a lot of things she wanted to say at that moment, the instructions he had sent to them before prevented her from speaking.

As she looked down at her feet cursing her own weakness, Miku felt the man's gentle hand grab her chin, slowly lifting her head up. Before she could think of anything Sam placed his lips on hers blowing away her worries for the duration of the kiss.

The other Valkyries watched with great interest, their eyes wide at the display. Nino was the only one to recognize what was happening as she had read the description in some books, while CS was the most shocked not understanding what was happening.

Done with his personal Valkyrie, Sam turned to his girlfriend expecting to see an angry smile, however her expression didn't change. She continued to stare at him with the same look in her eyes as if she wanted to ask him what he's thinking.

"I'll wait until you're back." She said when he tried to approach her.

He wanted to get a final kiss just in case he didn't make it back so it's impossible to describe his disappointment when she rejected him.

"Everyone, keep the base safe till my return."

Saying those words, Sam turned around and walked toward the jet.


"I have to commend your bravery." Said Mjölnir, staring at the human male from the copilot seat of the jet. "To think you would go this far when you don't even know if you'll succeed."

"Well, I don't have much of a choice. It's either do or die."

Having entered the coordinations she gave him, Sam allowed the autopilot to do its job and relaxed in his seat. Not that he could do much relaxation when one of the enemies was right beside him.

A couple of minutes passed with neither of them saying anything. The silence was suffocating and Sam felt it all too well.

As more time passed he began to wonder if he made the wrong choice. His only objective back then was to buy as much time as possible, to do that he needed to get the Nephilim out of the base and as far away from it as possible. Because of that, when the idea for a meeting with the queen came to him he couldn't help but go for it.

He didn't have much time to think about it and ended up giving Shizuru and the others rushed instructions.

In all likelihood this would be a one way trip for him. He had passed everything to Elina so things would progress even without him being there, and Shizuru should be able to handle the situation based on the clues he left for her.

'As for Alice…'

"Somehow, I'm starting to feel bad for what we did…"

As he was deep in thought, Mjölnir suddenly spoke pulling his attention toward her.

"... What?"

"I mean, I don't really have anything against humans. It's just that we've to follow the queen's orders."

Sam stared blankly at the silver haired Nephilim, and as her words made rounds inside his head, something suddenly snapped inside him.

Thankfully he was able to hold it in before it got out. The indescribable anger and hatred he has been trying to hide for so long.

Fear was the only thing he felt so far, knowing that one of the beings responsible for everything that happened in the last decade was right there beside him. That changed when he looked to the right and only saw a bashful young woman instead of the monster he always believed her to be.

'Following orders? You gotta be fucking kidding me…' he thought to himself, gritting his teeth to hide the swelling frustration he felt.

It was a very convenient excuse a lot of soldiers liked to use when the weight of their crimes became too much to bear. If he hadn't persuaded her to take him to her queen she would've killed everyone in the forty sixth base by now.

Whether it was ordered by those at the top or not, blood can't be washed off that easily. There is no such thing as an unwilling participant in a massacre.

"Your queen… is it okay if I ask why she hates humans so much?"

It only took him a couple of seconds to bottle up the dark feelings overflowing from his heart. Sensing the Nephilim's willingness to talk, Sam decided to use that chance to extract as much information from her as possible.

"Hmm… I don't really know." Mjölnir answered, gazing up at the ceiling as she gave the question some more thought. "The reason we were given was that we're superior to humans, and that we have no reason to share the world with them."

"Is that so…"

Sam couldn't believe that that's the actual reason, but that's only because he thought it's too cliché. The reality it that something of that nature is the most likely thing to happen. Humans discriminate against each other for the smallest of differences, they would never be able to accept something they created as an equal.

The same goes for the Nephilim. Their queen seems to have great pride in herself and her kind. With the kind of powers they have in their hands, it would be pointless for them to play friends with inferior creatures.

"Things seem to be different on your side though." Said Mjölnir, resting a hand against her cheek. "You seem to be getting along pretty well with you… you called them Valkyries, right?"


"I wonder if the same would've happened if we gave our humans a chance…"

As she spoke, the scene of the young blond Valkyrie clinging to the Doctor played over and over in her mind. She guessed that the Valkyrie had some special bond with the human male, and though she didn't understand exactly why, for some reason she couldn't help but envy their relationship.

As she continued reminiscing about that short exchange, the kiss those two exchanged came up and the silver haired Nephilim felt her face heating up. She quickly shook the thought off her head then took a deep breath. She then glanced at the human for just a moment before returning her gaze at the scenery ahead.

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