Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 183 Details.

Chapter 183  Details.

"This is troubling…" Ramla said in a low voice then followed with a sigh.

"Is it that bad, madam?" The assistant asked as she pushed the wheelchair.

"To be honest, I don't know. This is the first time there is such a big difference in the details."

Ramla was quite confused and a little more than shocked. So far the main events she foresaw were the same, however one of the details was unlike anything that happened in her visions and that caused her to doubt that they were on the intended tracks.

"But madam, didn't you say that it's okay if some of the details came out different?"

"Not in this case." Ramla said. "This is the first time the individuals present in my visions changed. It could be that we are living in a future completely different from the one I saw before."

"I see…"

Ramla's powers were indeed too convenient to say the least. With the margin of error being so small one could say the future she sees is guaranteed to happen, but this time things were a bit different.

"That girl, the one with the Asian features." Ramla spoke. "This was the first time I'm seeing her. She never appeared in any of my visions."

Usually The difference between the future she sees and the one they live would be as small as the clothes people wear or the words they say. This time however there was an entire person who wasn't there in her visions and that was a big cause for concern.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her last vision showed the results of tasking Karim with bringing the other worlders to the sanctuary. In it the Doctor always brings with him the same four Angels; One with short gray hair, a tall one with a long ponytail, a tanned one with brown hair and a blond one with twin-tails.

When she saw that one of the angels was replaced by the Japanese doll she feared that the path ahead of them didn't lead to the future where they cross the gate to the other world.

"I hoped that I wouldn't need to take another look but…"

"Madam, are you sure about…"

"Kamala, sacrifices are always necessary. Never make the mistake of believing there is no price to pay."

The power to see the future is too convenient to not have any drawbacks. Despite looking like she's already past eighty, the truth is that Ramla was only thirty five. Her body experiences accelerated growth each time she attempts to look into the future.

At first it was quite helpful as she reached maturity while still around the age of ten, but sadly the aging process takes a downturn at a certain point, gradually taking away the strength brought by youth.

Her body can no longer handle long visions. She had to place rules and limits on the use of her power to make sure she could still use them if the need arises. That meant she couldn't get detailed visions anymore, and even with that she still risks dying each time she attempts to use her power.

"If I don't wake up after this one tell the Doctor to do as he sees fit. And Kamala" Once she was on her bed, Ramla gave one last instruction to her assistant. "Please be safe."

"You don't have to worry about me, Ramla." The assistant replied, the smile she forced speaking of how much pain she was in.

Knowing it might be the last time they speak with each other, Kamala decided to forgo the formality and address her friend by name. That small gesture was enough to put Ramla's heart at ease. Though she knew she might not wake up after this, Ramla joined her fingers over her chest and took a deep breath, closed her eyes and without hesitation activated her power.

In her previous visions she saw the future where her people cooperated with Sam to secure their survival. Still, with said future being loosely related to her she couldn't get that many details. In order to have a better picture of what they were doing, Ramla gave Sam a set of instructions and asked that he follow them and report to her. With that condition met she should be able to have a clearer vision, one that hopefully isn't so different from the one where her people survive.


"Guess nothing is going to happen after all…"

The night ended without a problem, contrary to what the elder had warned them about. Sam had to cut his fun time with Three and Nino in anticipation of an attack on the Sanctuary but in the end nothing happened.

Ramla Zadzisai warned of an impending onslaught of peculiar beings set to assault their Sanctuary. In her vision of the future, these creatures emerged under the cover of darkness, unleashing chaos and claiming numerous lives. While the soldiers always manage to repel the threat, it is only through the assistance of Sam and his Valkyries that the sanctuary came out unscathed, ensuring the preservation of every life within its confines.

Sam took it as her asking for his help in protecting the lives of her people and decided to stay. That said, no matter how much they waited there was no sign of an attack.

Sam had his drones monitor the area under which the Sanctuary was located. At the very least no monsters were appearing on the surface so unless they are going to spawn underground there should be no attacks that night.

"Guess the old woman isn't always right…"

Nino's comment dragged Sam out of his thoughts. So far they were told multiple times that the elder's visions are never wrong. There is always a first for everything, but when it came to a fortune teller whose predictions are relied upon for survival being wrong just once can be catastrophic.

"She did say that the date isn't set in stone." Sam said. "This just means we will have to stay for another night."

Sam had already expected that things would turn out differently from what he was told after hearing that Nino wasn't supposed to be there. The elder informed him that Miku was supposed to be with him instead of the Japanese doll, which was enough proof that the future they were experiencing is different from the ones she foresaw.

"Don't let your guard down though." Sam warned. "There is no guarantee that the attack won't happen during the day."


Three and Nino replied in unison then followed after him. They met with CS and Five outside and saw that the elder's assistant was there to summon them saying Ramla had asked for another meeting.


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