Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 65 Limbless. (Part Two)


The melodic voice rang and more purple arms appeared out of nowhere.

[How is this even possible!] Zero Three couldn't help but ask.

The Calamity kept creating clawed arms out of thin air. It didn't seem to have an upper limit to what it can create in one go, and there was no way of telling where they will appear next.

"Nine! Is there any pattern in the sound it releases!?" Zero Five asked, having dodged two of the clawed arms and was about to swing her halberd at the monstrosity.

"Sadly there are none." The blond Valkyrie replied. "I might need more time, we don't have anywhere near enough samples to get a clear analysis!"

Nine had lost her weapon following the strange Calamity's appearance forcing her to take a backseat till her second armor comes in. She could use her force field to try and attack the monster but that would be too reckless especially for a long range specialist like her.

,m [The barrier that thing creates is way too powerful…] Three grumbled.

She had tried charging at the limbless female torso multiple times but was blocked each time. The invisible barrier didn't budge in the slightest and just a little change in the trajectory of her attack causes her to be deflected like a bullet.

"Three, the angle. Don't give it any rest." Five instructed. "Nine, focus on the analysis. I've received a reply from the base, equipment should arrive soon."


Zero Five looked down at the ground. The remaining four diamond shapes went back to painting the land with the red color completely ignoring the fight above them. Seeing that one could only conclude that the female torso didn't need any assistance allowing them to continue their job without bothering with the enemy. She considered targeting them first, but fearing the change in the Torso's attack pattern drove her to focus on it first.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The green blades making up Zero Three's wings glowed as she glided through the air. She extended her arms holding her lance at the ready as she accelerated bit by pit before launching herself at the Calamity like a sharp missile.

A loud explosion followed her collision with the invisible barrier. The young Valkyrie clicked her tongue frustrated that she had failed once more. She continued to push with everything she got but the monster didn't budge in the slightest.


Hearing the singing voice the three Valkyries began to move. The only good news they managed to discover was that the purple clawed arms couldn't leave the spot they are created in which made them relatively easy to dodge. All they had to do was wait for the melodic voice to resound giving them a warning before the attack and though they couldn't determine who the target would be as long as they moved all at once no one would get caught.


The young Valkyrie was losing her patience. That didn't affect how calculated her moves are, however her programmed personality was coming into play and her short temper caused her frustration to grow after each failed attack. She threw her lance, reverting it back to it's original shape. Her wings collapsed as well before gathering to form new equipment.

The rest of the boxes split apart turning into drones that floated around the Torso coming to a stop at what seemed like random locations at first, each creating a glowing white halo in the Calamity's direction.


Charging her force field beyond its limit, Zero Three activated another ability of her armor causing several sharp blades to extend from it. Her glowing figure landed on one of the drones causing its halo to stretch to its limit before contracting a moment later launching the young Valkyrie like a bullet.

The target wasn't the Calamity but one of the other drones. Upon collision the glowing figure bounced off heading for another drone, the process repeated itself many times until the nothing but a blur could be seen.

Once she reached the intended speed Zero Three changed the target heading straight for the Torso. As usual the invisible barrier stopped her, however instead of pushing against it she allowed herself to bounce off heading directly into one of the drones and launching herself once more. She kept repeating the same attack again and again, bouncing from one drone to the other to increase her momentum before charging at the Calamity.


The monster sang again but the young Valkyrie ignored the voice. The purple arms that appeared in her way shattered like glass unable to slow her acceleration even by a little. Sadly that didn't matter much as the invisible barrier didn't budge.

[Nine! Your armor has arrived! I'll cover for you so get ready!]

Hearing Zero Five's instruction Nine turned her back to the battle and flew in the direction of the drones. Seeing her approach one of them released a large black container.

"Open up!" Nine shouted causing the container to split into two revealing its contents. Inside were several metallic boxes much like the ones Zero Three had, two large ones with a radiation hazard icon on them and most importantly a silver suit of armor that opened up allowing the blond Valkyrie to settle inside.

The moment she got confirmation that the armor had been completely sealed Nine detached herself from the container followed by the boxes which split into smaller parts quickly forming her new weapons. Thick tubes extended from one of the large nuclear batteries attaching themselves to it as it fell into Nine's hands.

[Safety measures clear.] She announced pointing the large canon toward the Torso. [Charging… complete. Preparations complete.]

"Get out of there, Three!!!"

The young Valkyrie was already on the move by the time she heard Five's warning.

One after the other golden halos began to form around the barrel of Nine's atomic canon as it glowed with the blue color of the Valkyrie's force field. A big one appearing behind her as well holding her in place in preparation for the inevitable recoil that's about to come.


Once Zero Three and all her drones were out of the way Nine didn't hesitate and pressed the trigger. The halos surrounding her contracted holding her in place as a blue beam exploded from the canon lighting the area like a Flash if lightning.


The Torso opened its gash like mouth to sing but the beam hit it before it could. For the first time it looked like the monster was having trouble defending as the invisible barrier seemed to be getting pushed back.

[Releasing first limiter.] Nine said causing one of the four halos surrounding the barrel of her cannon to shatter followed by the blue beam swelling to double its size.

The sudden increase of power took the Calamity by surprise overpowering the invisible barrier, however it didn't penetrate it. The barrier slammed into the Torso causing it to lose the force pushing against the beam sending it flying toward the horizon getting pierced into one of the mountains.

Light flashed in the distance and the world turned white followed by an ear shattering detonation and a tremor that shook the entire area. The explosion formed a dome of light that transformed into a mushroom cloud a few seconds later.

[Did we do it?] Zero Three asked, shielding her eyes with her hand even though the armor protected her.

[Don't let your guard down.] Five voice sounded from a speaker as she already had her own armor equipped.

[I would be troubled if that didn't finish it off.] Nine said, tapping the nuclear battery beside her twice. [This one's already empty. I only have another shot left.]


"Shit, it's already heating up here." Sam said, loosening his necktie as he drove his wheelchair toward the nuclear shelter.

The explosion was quite a distance away and the force field surrounding the base should be capable of blocking the radiations, however there is nothing that could be done about the air heating up.

Knowing that the lab would become unbearable the moment Nine fires her cannon he quickly made his way to the shelter, however his injured body didn't allow him to run and the electric engine of the wheelchair wasn't designed for fast movements.

"Damn it, they better not seal the damn thing before I get there!"

At the moment there was no threat of nuclear contamination so the base wouldn't shut out those who have yet to take shelter, but no one could tell when that would change especially with how many idiots are among the soldiers who would think it's better to abandon the ones who have yet to arrive instead of risking everyone else dying.

"Damned monsters! Couldn't they take the fights somewhere else?"

Arriving at the cafeteria beneath which was the nuclear shelter, Sam quickly made his way to the back praying that no idiot was too quick in closing it off. Just then he noticed something in the corner of his eye.

"Hm? What the…"

Turning around to check he realized it was a soldier stretched flat on the floor.

'Did he get stumped or something?'

Though he considered leaving him where he is Sam still went to check on his state. Seeing the orange hair on his head caused him to grimace as he recognized the identity of the man without having to see his face.

"Sergeant Clementine, this is not the time nor the place for a nap." Sam said in an annoyed voice, already aware that the man most likely couldn't hear him.

Getting off the wheelchair he crouched down beside the soldier and tried shaking him a little.

"Sergeant Clementine?"

Sensing that something was off about the situation, Sam tried flipping the soldier so he would be facing up. He could already tell from the weight alone but just in case he reached out and touched his neck.

"... no pulse?"

The man was already dead.

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