Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 308 - A Conversation Between God And The Planet


Noah has become God in the most literal sense!

After weeks of having taken over the world, humanity's wishes, which were now all about worshipping and serving Noah, materialized into God.

God was a divine being made from the over-accumulation of mana from all the people that had worshiped a higher being than themselves since the birth of humanity.

It had changed into many forms over the years, but there were certain figures that since they emerged, were never suppressed, such as Zeus, Hades, Loki, and more…

However, this changed this day, as Noah became the only God that every single person all around the planet Earth worshipped.

The result? All the minds of God were suddenly suppressed as the strongest mind that had ever been born within it was born, and it quickly took over the entire body of this divine being, becoming the sole mind of God, something that had never happened before in all of history!

Devouring the last and most resilient one, Zeus, this new Noah assimilated the entire God, and it gained the memories of Noah's soul clone that had fused and assimilated into God.

This "Noah" was still not the real Noah, or it was Noah's Soul Clone that was suppressed and assimilated. This Noah was a new creation on his image and personality, or well, how his worshippers saw him. Which wasn't so far from the real Noah.

God Noah became a separate and new entity from Noah, but it was still Noah, and it became even more like the true Noah as it gained Noah's Soul Clone memories and assimilated them, fusing with the remnants of this soul clone, and becoming whole once more.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In a sense, it was as if he were a clone of Noah or a split of his mind.

But even now, it was still not connected to him. He had to make the connection so Noah could share a part of its power!

However, if it were to fuse with him, Noah could become even stronger.

But… that was impossible for now. The simple fact was that if he were to descend and fuse with Noah's soul, God would cause a cataclysm due to its enormous divine soul size, and probably generate a second apocalypse.

For now, it needed to probably create a soul connection with him and share some of its power with Noah, while also sending a message to it and inform him of everything… But even doing that seemed hard. It could not try to intrude into Noah's soul anymore as he had assimilated and "hacked" his system cube, so God wasn't able to reach his soul directly through the System anymore…

"Maybe creating a soul thread and slowly make it descend? It will take ages though…"

However, a sudden force from the planet itself connected to him and spoke directly!

"Ah… Are you Noah?" it asked.

"Eh?! You… How do you know that? And you are… wait, the planet?!" asked God.

"Indeed! I am the planet's will, nice to meet you, God- I mean, Noah… Ah, well, you're not the real Noah, so well, this is awkward…" sighed Earth.

She seemed way casual than Noah had expected, but because he inherited the memories of the other minds, he quickly recalled from them that she was like this.

"It is not awkward at all, this is me. And I am both god, and the Noah that people worship. Yet, I am not the real Noah, who I believe is my main self and body," said God.

"I see… Before it was very hard to speak with you because all your minds were messing around, some didn't want to speak and others did, so it was always a mess that never got anywhere… But now it seems possible to make some negotiations," said Earth.

"Is that so?" asked God, as he browsed through more memories.

"I see. So this is how it is. You're the will of the planet, a separate entity from me, God. You are as strong as me? No, even stronger… Yet you seem weak. The apocalypse did this? It did… Hm. What negotiations?" asked God.

"You're still adapting, huh? One mind using all of that info will take some time to get used to the enormous divine soul body of God… But yes, I want to negotiate. And what I want to negotiate is all about your main body. I want to reach up to him so we can speak… I've decided to pick him as the guardian of the planet! And due to that, I really need your help. He hides inside a different space from one of his powers, which I cannot reach, so I want to use your connection to him to reach him and send him an oracle about me, so he can get out and speak to me," said Earth.

"…What is the purpose of making the main body a guardian of the planet? Do you desire to use him as your puppet? I won't let you," said God.

"Ah… No! Wait, I am not THAT evil… He's actually cleaning all the dungeons on the planet and that's a bit of relief to me… Mostly, I just wanted to thank him personally for what he has been doing, I really appreciate it… And by making him a guardian, he could get more power to fight what might arrive soon…" said Earth.

"The Watchers?" asked God.

"Not only that, but all the things they'll send to me before that… I can sense it, through the proficiency I have with the Law of Fate, I can sense that mysterious and powerful entities are being sent here… We must alert your main body and help him prepare against them…" said Earth.

"…There are no lies within your words. Very well, let's work together to speak to the main body," said God, as he and Earth began to work together for the first time in hundreds of years…

Meanwhile, it has been around five days since the defeat of Varus inside of Noah's Divine Realm, and Noah was already preparing to go to Australia.


Please make sure to check out my other novels, I am sure that you will like them!

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D e m o n Q u e e n R e b i r t h: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!: A Story about a De mon Queen who lost everything, in t he last battle, her soul w as split in half and s he was reincarnated twice in her third life.

E p i c o f C a t e r p i l l a r: A Story about a mysterious man who died of a fever and reincarnated as a Caterpillar in the middle of a for est infested with monsters! He w ill have to so mehow survive as a Caterpil lar in t his world filled wit h cha os.

V a m p i r e O v e r l o r d  S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e: The Story of a young and bullied man born in an apocalyptic world, who is given the chance to become a Vampire and dominate this world as he pleases with a malicious and scheming mind!

E p i c o f I c e D r a g o n : Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System : The St ory of a young adult man who died buried in an ava lanche and was s uddenly given wishes based on his last desires, suddenly reinca rnating in a N orse mytho logy-inspired cultivation world as an Ic e Dragon wit h a System!

E p i c o f S u m m o n e r: S u p r e m e S u m m o n e r S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e : The St ory of a young web novelist wh o is suddenly thrown into an interdimensional apocalypse but given a powerful System that lets him summon his novel characters to aid him!

E p i c o f V a m p i r e D r a g o n : R e b o r n a s a V a m p i r e D r a g o n w i t h a S y s t e m: The Story of a boy born with strange and myster ious powers who was held ca ptive and u sed as a guinea pig through his entire life, unt il the day he died and suddenly re incarnated as a Vampire Drag on Chi mera in a completely differ ent wor ld, create d by an insane Elder Li ch that claims to b e his f ather !

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