Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 385 - Moving To A New Kingdom


Now that Noah had inspected the whole surrounding of the Windias Kingdom, his intention was clear, he wanted to visit it!

Indeed, he wanted to do a more peaceful approach than just threaten the Kingdom and force them to release their soldiers. It wasn't that he had become a peace-loving run-of-the-mill hero or something, but he simply felt intrigued about the culture of dragons and about investigating the mysteries within this world. The mortal societies seemed quite complex, especially in this new Kingdom.

He wanted to do things a bit more stealthily too, if he could just reach the royal families, brainwash them, and then find the location of the heroes, hunting them down one by one and killing them easily like flies, it would be way better than making a big fuss and end up bringing up the unwanted attention of the dragon gods above the skies.

It wasn't that he was fearful of them, he was going to eventually fight and even hunt down Dragon Gods, but for now he wanted to take these precious resource points for himself and eat as many essence as he can without too much trouble.

After all, he was doing this as a side quest while his actual daily life since he got into Vedas has been more of a slice of life genre type of story, as he had been enjoying his life with his wife and two children inside his divine realm while occasionally exploring the world.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And well, there was another thing in why he wanted to get inside the Kingdoms without causing trouble, Eleanora and Dante wanted to explore this place and visit it.

After all, they never had the chance to enter a big city rustling with people, all the cities inside Noah's divine realm were vampires that adored them, which they found boring, they wanted a change of pace, something that truly felt different, like really traveling somewhere.

Noah lamented that his children never had the opportunity to meet this type of world, but he had to convert them all into Vampires for the purpose of saving the entirety of humanity and the world at the end, but this dragon people were complete strangers, so it was the perfect way to visit them and have fun for once, without being an evil villain all the time.

After all, even villains want some vacations.

He had even considered not turning these dragon kingdoms completely into vampires, just controlling them from behind the royal families seemed enough for him. Noah didn't cared about being praised or anything, he received enough of it inside his divine realm.

"I see you're quite busy…"

Arthur found Noah in the backyard of the manor, he was preparing a large carriage, putting all kinds of goods inside, even materials of his own divine realm to sell and experiment what being a "normal merchant" could feel like for once. A change in pace on his fast-paced life of endless slaughter.

"I am going to pretend to be an esteemed merchant coming with his family and servants to sell my goods. Windias is a country known for their markets, so I doubt they'll act suspicious, we have just remember to show our claws and a bit of scales and horns, and wings, too." Said Noah.

Although in Windias even commoners had enough bloodline to turn into humanoids unlike Ignitias, they still had a lot of dragon-like appearance, such as scales around their bodies, sharp claws in their fingers, wings, horns, and so on.

However, it was well known that the purest their bloodline, the lesser their dragon parts, it was believed that those that had so little they resembled a "clean race" of dragon parts were gods. And indeed, dragon gods had the power to turn completely human-like, to the point of only having just horns and nothing else.

It was very strange why dragons worshipped such humanoid forms so much, it was weird because they were neglecting their own natural appearances, but it seemed that this belief was cemented in religion and the belief that the more "monster" parts you have, the closer you are to the neglected draconic beasts, the equivalent of monsters and animals of this world, which also share dragon bloodline with dragon people.

This had made it, so they believe that the less dragon parts a being has, the more perfect and away from the savage path they become, although when they fight, most of the time they fully embrace their beastly side and become dragons, which is only seen as good when they fight, of course.

It is a strange and complicated religion, not even Noah understood it well, it wasn't as if humans discriminated against hairy people and called them savages because they were hairy and close to apes now or something, right? It was the same thing but amplified a hundred times and cemented into religion. It was very ridiculous in every way shape or form…

Nonetheless, he had to admit he found some reason behind this belief and the religion seem to have cemented this belief through the countless of times that less-pure-blooded dragons who could not turn into humanoid forms became beastlier, to the point that they went berserk and stormed whole villages or ate their own families…

After all, there was a thin balance between a beast and a civilized dragon people when they had such low-quality dragon blood on them… there are even outcasts known as half-beasts, with a parent that is a half draconic beast and the other a dragon, usually such outcasts are discriminated against and not allowed anywhere, even when they can indeed turn into humanoid forms.

"Everything's ready?" asked Iris.

"Indeed, we are done, now, as we practiced." Said Noah, as he covered his hands, and a bit of his neck and forehead with red and black scales, while growing two spiraling black horns atop his head, wings, and a tail.

Everyone nodded as they took half-dragon forms too, ready to infiltrate into this wondrous country of beautiful scenarios, flourishing markets, and threatening evils…

"Very well, let's go."

The caravan emerged out of thin air and began to slowly approach the city while being carried by horse-like draconic beasts…


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