Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 406 - An Era Of Chaos!


The world of Vedas trembled!

The world itself shook, as a tremendous power began to surge from within it!

A being once more had raised into the Supreme Dragon God Realm, and it was shaking the entire world.

This being was named Lucifer, a small dragon who was born from a pool of miasma in the depths of the Dark Continent several years ago.

He came form a gigantic miasma rain that came from outer space, which tore through the Membrane of the World and fell over the world.

This miasma seemed harmless at first, but it greatly changed and shaped Vedas into a strange new Era, as the Chaos within this Miasma expanded across the world, draconic beasts mutated into monstrous creatures, and entire biomes changed, overflowing with Chaotic Divine Energy.

Within one of such pools of miasma, a small draconic egg was created, it was small and black-colored, but from within, Lucifer was born.

A small Chaos Dragon, and the first Chaos-Attribute Dragon to have even been born in this world!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He had his own life of adventures, tragedies, war, bloodshed, and power. He had put great effort into everything he had made.

And recently, he defeated the largest challenge he had ever met, an army of Holy Dragons from the Heavenly Pantheon had tried to stop him.

But with all his might, Lucifer defied the heavens themselves and broke through the Fate Blockage, his Dragon Heart ascended, fusing with his Soul, and he became… a Supreme Dragon God!


His entire existence shook the world, as all Dragon Gods felt this horrendous feeling within their spines.

This dragon of monstrous origins and evil might was not someone one could easily scoff at!

He had caused countless damages to many Pantheons, destroyed many organizations, and devoured thousands of Dragon Gods to reach this pinnacle.

But now, the other Supreme Dragon Gods had to admit it… he was someone admirable!

His entire draconic body grew to incredibly vast sizes, larger than mountains themselves, he blocked the entire sky. His supreme divinity developed around his body, deepening his understanding of the Law of Chaos, and reaching 100% of it easily!

His Chaos Attribute Particles were blazing with numbers, reaching already over 600k!

He was more than anyone else, a Supreme Dragon God on all his rights!

And due to that…

A new Era came to be in the world of Dragons.

Completely unaware of this was Noah, as he had just arrived in here a bit over a month ago… but he had arrived perhaps in the worst possible era he could.

Every Supreme Dragon God in Vedas shaped the world differently, and there were only 9 of them through all of history.

All five of them left a legacy and a change in the world, which were named Eras.

Their very presences shaped the world to their own elements and their own convictions. Some were inherently evil and shaped it into the direction that someone wouldn't had wanted, while others were good, and healed the world.

But of course, like anything in this world, they died.

Fate was a powerful force of this entire world; they could not fight against it. Many of them ended dying out of old age, after living for almost a million years.

They left great legacies and shaped the world onwards to a new draconic era.

Although some had mysteriously disappeared and never seen died before, having been said to have escaped the world itself and traveled into the outer cosmos. Although those were more like just tales…

However, now, a new Era began, as the Supreme Dragon God of Chaos was born!

The chaos of the entire world changed, growing stronger by the second. The continents were shrouded in this shadowy darkness, as the space and time itself ruptured open!

Gigantic Chaotic Gates opened one after another, shaking the world itself.

From within them, even more Miasma and Chaos flowed into the world as these Gates connected to the Outer Void and the Chaotic Plane!

Lucifer smiled maliciously as he saw the world change, just as this voice within his mind, which had guided him into this greatness had foretold!

The world began to change and shape, as countless dangers covered everything.

It was very obvious that the Gods all across the world grew wary and concerned now! Even those two lazy Gods overlooking the Ignitias Kingdom were suddenly woke up by the commotion and learned the news, feeling utterly terrified.

And from within these giant Gates, monstrous beings began to come out one after another, without stopping for a single second! They flooded the world with eternal chaos never seen before! It was a terrifying experience, and a terrifying sight!

The divine energies began to turn dark as they flowed across the gigantic landmass, the Era foretold by the Voice within Lucifer's mind had finally started.

"The breach has been created. The Outer Void and the Chaos Plane had finally once more connected to this Universe through Vedas!" laughed Lucifer.

"The purpose of my existence, of my creation, and of my life has finally been fulfilled!"

He looked across the world with his gigantic and chaotic body, as he noticed the presence of the last piece in the puzzle.

"So he's here too! Noah… The son of Azathoth, Primordial Entity of Madness and Destruction!" he laughed.


The continents of the world shook and fragmented open as more Gates opened. The monstrous beings from the Outer Void and the Chaotic Plane began to finally crawl their way into this Universe, as the Key, Noah, was also present!

"This world should soon become the Gate!" said Lucifer, as the voice within his mind seemed to be enjoying itself.

"Excellent… the invasion we had been orchestrating all this time can finally begin, Lucifer. And it was all thanks to you, my son." It said.

"But don't be hasty. The old Supremes that died in this world, they're awakening now that Fate has been weakened. They will most likely try to stop this with their millenary power…" said Lucifer.

"It will be an interesting Era, indeed…" said the voice.


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