Vampire Reborn

Chapter 14: Torn in Half

Chapter 14: Torn in Half

Suddenly, Luck shot out of his pocket like a bullet and flew in a certain direction to his right, and without hesitation, Ren followed suit as fast as his injured body allowed him

There were still many unanswered questions in his hurting mind, especially towards the confident luck that seemed to know exactly what he was doing yet he had no time to ask or ponder over anything as the panic and intensity of the moment overcame his body.

As Ren ran through the burning village, the force of the flames around him were beginning to really get to him, despite him never actually making contact with any of it, which slowed him down far more than he expected.

'This This must be a vampire's weakness to fire in action It's not even touching me... It wasn't like this in the game either...' Ren thought in his mind that bore a mixture of fear and determination as he pushed himself to the limits just so he could barely keep up with Luck's flawless flying.

They avoided all of the intense areas of battle, passing by numerous screaming and begging civilians in the distance without batting an eye until they reached a certain corner

"This way my lord!"

Luck flew up and above a small 9-foot pile of debris that was blocking an alleyway and motioned Ren to follow suit.

Without hesitation, Ren swiftly yet not so elegantly began scaling the pile of rocks, catching the attention of a few soldiers far away behind him.


"Fuck! Fuck fuck!" Ren mumbled in panic as he forced himself to climb even faster. If he still had feelings of his heart he was certain that it would have been flung out on the ground in front of him.

As he reached the top and was about to jump down towards luck who was waiting for him, he felt a crushing pain on his skull, startling him.


The impact of the attack pushed him over the edge of the rubble and flung his helmet off his head, making it land and roll far ahead into the alleyway.

The fall definitely did hurt but in his current state and heavy adrenaline, he could not care less

"Follow me!"

Luck once again began flying in dimly lit alleyways that resembled more like a labyrinth. And, fortunately for him, Luck seemed to be going in the direction where his helmet had landed. He knew that it was essential for him to be able to hide his identity so wasting a few moments to pick it up was only natural.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! Grandpa no!!"

However, as he bent down to pick it up, an abrupt, female sound suddenly emerged from his right, an alleyway that led to the back of a store.

It was a voice completely unlike all of the other screams It was one that he recognized without a shadow of a doubt and made him take the time to turn around and see exactly what it was

"AHHHH! It hurts! It hurts!"

"Please! We're only simple merchants! We'll give you whatever you want!"

There, to his complete shock, he witnessed the scene of six men surrounding two people, ones that he knew all too well

They were non-other than Petra and old man Adrian that gave him that ride on the carriage

They were surrounded in a corner. Petra's visage was nearly unrecognizable from all of the burns, ash and wounds on her face that completely blinded her left eye, leaving her solely with her right eye that lost all of its beautiful purple and now simply turned into a dull gray Her beautiful blond hair was nearly burnt off, left as a tattered relic of what it once was Her clothes were all ripped, her right arm completely lost, dripping blood from where it once stood, and streams of tears were running down her frightful yet resilient face.

Old man, Adrain was not fairing much better... It almost seemed like he had survived running straight into a burning building His gray hair was no more and his entire body was nearly completely black and riddled with scars that were clearly seen through his clothes that were barely intact.

He sat on the ground, shielding his crying granddaughter with his body that was being abused by the soldiers in front of him

"Stop resisting old man and give us what we want!"

"What!? I have no idea what you are talking about! P-please spare us! We're just simple"


Adrian's hands that were previously wideout were both chopped off by lightning-quick sword slashes that left Ren beyond dumbfounded. The soldier's speed and power were beyond immense... all Ren managed to see was a flash it was almost like the man didn't move at all...

Abruptly, both of Adrian's arms fell on the ground and sprinkled blood from where they once were, painting Petra's face who hid right behind him completely red in her own grandfather's blood.

"Petra Stay behind me As long as I'm still alive they will never get to you..." He mumbled in a low voice, still standing his ground despite all of his injuries and severed arm.


Yet, that was when he was kicked down by one of the men and was forced into kneeling over his grandaughter, softly smiling at her face despite the struggle, comforting her all the while.

"Kid, do you even know what kind of man your grandpa is? I doubt he even cares for you at all! I bet the only reason he's hanging onto you is for the small chance to use you at the festival! You are the initiator old man! You can't hide it! Where is the Malak!? Hand it over!"

"*cough* What are you talking about... What festival?"

"Fine! So be it! Then here you die!"

With a shaky, wide gaze, a frozen Ren sat and watched as one of the soldiers tightly gripped and unsheathe his bloody sword

That was when the crying, shaky, beyond-hurting single right eye of Petra wondered all around her as it eventually grew completely wide, her body trembling even more than before...

"A-Alucard? Is that you Please I beg you Please Save us Save us Save us Save us..." It seemed like he was noticed by Petra who stared deeply into his soul with her one remaining eye as she mumbled with all her might, Ren barely managing to pick up on her faint, desperate voice that made his spirit crack in two.

A rush of emotions unlike ever before overcame his entire body. He looked at the sight in front of him with his eyes shaking, yet this time it was not solely out of fear and panic, but anger as well. Even after seeing multiple similar scenes occur right in front of his eyes, for some reason he felt a deep pain in his non-existent heart.


"I saw him go this way! Keep searching!"

Voices from far away in the distance suddenly entered his ears, and another voice came from in front of him that made him cry even more and his eyes grow even wider.

"My lord! What's wrong!? Hurry! We have to go! THERE'S NO TIME!!"


His brain was torn, considering absolutely everything in the mere fractions of time he had...

He sat silent, so many things rushing in and out the warzone of his mind until he reached the only logical conclusion he could have ended with

"I'm sorry"


I know this chapter was pretty shocking but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless! Please! Don't be afraid to give me feedback or criticism! I want to write the best, most engaging story I possibly can!

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