Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 730 Ruby’s Three Star Evolution

Chapter 730 Ruby's Three Star Evolution


The black scales, flesh, claws, fangs, eyes, wings, and some of Darkus internal organs all merged into Ruby's body, as it started glowing brightly, with Eleanora and Hendrick's support as they used Synthesis, Ruby absorbed all the materials and swiftly triggered his evolution by my command.


A powerful shockwave of Blood Ki, Demonic Energy, and Draconic Energy surged from within his body, which now grew from the two meters big body it had to five meters, becoming a huge beast.


[Tamed Monster: Ruby] has evolved to a [Demonic Blood Dragon: ★★★]!]

[All Stats have increased! He has gained new Skills and Titles!]


Ruby had become a true young adult dragon now, his red scales gained a few black scales as well, his appearance became much more mature and less "baby-like", his eyes became ferocious, and he even gained an extra pair of them.

His wings spread out, huge and magnificent, with eye-shaped patterns, by merely moving them around, powerful winds surged from within them. To make things even more intimidating, his horns grew several times larger, forming a huge, thorny crown above his head.

"He's huge!" Erika who was nearby said.

"Incredible…" Erdrich said. "It is even possible to make a wyvern become this powerful?!"

"It is only thanks to my master's amazing insight and intelligence." Hendrick said. "Utilizing materials to trigger special evolutions is, of course, something only he could think of."

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"But doesn't… Ruby feel much stronger than he should had been?" Eleanora asked.

"Certainly…" I nodded, glancing at his stats.


[Name]: [Ruby]

[Rank]: [B]

[Race]: [Demonic Blood Dragon: ★★★]

[Spirit Orb Realm]: [Rank 3 (Initial Stage)]

[Level]: [0/100]

[Health Points]: [7500/7500]

[Mana Points]: [5500/5500]

[Strength]: [6200]

[Agility]: [4500]

[Vitality]: [5200]

[Intelligence]: [3500]

[Dexterity]: [3500]

[Passive Skills]: [Demonic Dragon Scales: Lv6] [High Speed Flight: Lv7] [Demonic Dragon Bloodline: Lv5] [Demonic Dragon Eyes: Lv5] [Draconic Demon Aura: Lv1] [Magic Damage Reflection: Lv1]

[Active Skills]: [Sharp Dragon Claws: Lv8] [Fierce Dragon Bite: Lv8] [Fearsome Tail Whip: Lv7] [Hellish Blazing Breath: Lv6] [Demonic Dragon Punch: Lv3]

[Magic Skills]: [Fireball: Lv8] [Blazing Shield: Lv5] [Blood Blade: Lv6] [Blood Explosion: Lv4] [Infernal Blood Vortex: Lv1]

[Title Skills]: [Vampiric Servant: Lv6] [Blood Dragon: Lv5] [Giant Killer: Lv4] [Demon Dragon: Lv1]


"B Rank?!" I was shaken, stepping back. "He jumped from D++ to B Rank! Is it because of the quality of the materials?! Ruby, do you feel alright?" I had the slight fear that the power would make him go berserk, making him forget our contract and attacking us.

"Raaar!" However, he was as gentle as ever, licking my face with his even huger tongue now. "Roar! Raar!" He seemed just fine.

"Well, I shouldn't had even worried about you, even as intimidating as you look, you're still a goofy creature." I laughed.

Most of his Skills evolved, gaining a "demonic" keyword to them. Alongside that, he acquired a few new Skills of their own, such as Infernal Blood Vortex, a destructive spell, draconic demon aura and magic damage reflection, which will boost his stats and decrease magic damage against him, and lastly, Demon Dragon, his new Title.

"I think you've finally become strong enough to fight in the frontlines without me being afraid of you dying, Ruby." I laughed. "I mostly let you fight behind everyone else because of your low stats, but at this point you have gathered enough skills and stats to not die against everything.

"Grrrrrhh!" Ruby seemed to have gotten slightly irritated by my honest comment.

"Ah, sorry, did that hurt? I was only being honest." I sighed, giving him a snack, a huge piece of meat with bone on it, from Darkus himself.

"Raaah!" Ruby started munching on it and biting it like a good dog- I mean, dragon.


[Because of your Contracted Dragon growing even stronger, the power you gain from the Contract has also improved greatly!]

[All Dragon-related Skills have gained a Bonus Level.]

[All of your Stats have increased by an additional +250.]

Not bad, +250 to all stats is a huge bonus, I'll gladly take it. The only stat that didn't increased was the Spirit Stat though, that one remains the same until I increase my Spirit Orb Rank further, currently being at 300.

"Now, let's create spirits for all of you." I said. "I'll do my own thing later tonight. Erika, Elizabeth, everyone, come. Let's make yourselves the strongest Spirits possible."

Everyone suddenly felt excited about my words, walking to my side and then swarming me, even the prideful Elfriedden wanted a spirit first before everyone else…

"Come on! In order!" I sighed. "Also, we need to prepare a separate room for this, Hendrick, Eleanora, let's get this done with quickly."

Like that, we spent the entire rest of the day doing this. Preparing a Spirit Summoning Magic Circle and creating Spirits for everyone that could get a new one. It was much easier to inspect their Stats through the Duchy's Appraisal Stone than by inspecting their spirits one by one.

Not only for the Spirits, but because mostly everyone got stronger Talents after Ranking Up, greatly improving themselves at long last. However, while inspecting the through the Appraisal Stone, something interesting happened.

The Appraisal Stone shone brightly, and it suddenly flew into my Grimoire… And merged.



[The [Grimoire] has absorbed the [Appraisal Stone] by the will of the [Holy Spirits]!]

[The [Grimoire] can now inspect other Talent-Wielders, with much more detailed Stats.]

[The [Holy Spirits] are giving you their thumbs ups!]

And this happened… What in the world have you done, you dumbasses?!

"Eeeeh?! The Appraisal Stone! It is really valuable! How did it just disappear?!" Monica panicked. "What happened?!"

"Sigh… Looks like the Holy Spirits did something without my permission again, sorry." I apologized. "Err, how expensive are these?"

"A-Around… like a billion Telis?" She wondered. "They're very rare… And can only be created using special crystals mined far away, and then blessed by a Saint, they're ancient relics… I can't believe it just disappeared!"

"A-A billion Telis." I sighed to myself. "Fine, I'll make the money through this war anyways, care to give me a discount for everything I've done?"

"S-Sure, as long as you explain me what just happened…" She was surprised still.

"Well, let's cut the chase, I'm blessed by the Holy Spirits…" I said nonchalantly.

"Eh?!" She cried. "S-So you weren't joking?"


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