Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 818 Time To Conquer The Dangerous B+++ Rank Dungeon!

Chapter 818 Time To Conquer The Dangerous B+++ Rank Dungeon!


The entrance to the B+++ Rank Dungeon appeared in front of our sight as we moved forwards. It was quite early in the morning; the sun was slowly rising from the horizon. Although even at these hours, there was already a lot of people walking around the busy streets of Stronghold City.

This dungeon was one of the largest in the entire city, and the reason it was called a Labyrinth was because of that. It held ten floors, unlike the other Dungeons, each floor being a "layer" of the volcanic landscape we'll be facing.

Until we finally reach the "Blazing Depths" the tenth floor, where the almighty Red Dragon is awaiting us, a monster in a B+++ Rank Dungeon as strong as an A+ Rank Monster.

It will surely be a very nice and pleasing fight! After all, A Rank Monsters should be kind of compared to Demon Overlords, overwhelmingly strong powerhouses of their own.

It is just surprising how there are so many strong adventurers and warriors in this city that they can keep this dangerous dungeon at bay.

I suppose it might have to do with there being around six people as strong as Cattalina here… However, it is also not THAT uncommon for the Red Dragon to be slain, usually once a month or every two months, giant parties of over thirty adventures go down this dungeon and get it done.

It is usually a big event too, after all this dungeon and a couple of A Rank Dungeons are the hardest ones there are, so completing them by itself is a gigantic feat. There are no S Rank Dungeons in Stronghold, they're the rarest Dungeons out there.

From what I learned after asking Cattalina, Hector, Hasan, and other professors that had gone through their Trials, S Rank Dungeons is where the Trials to advance a Talent above 5 Star are located.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hasan who had gone through three Trials himself, and Hero Dylan who has done it twice and failed his third time, told me that there are many S Rank Dungeons spread around the world.

Each one is harder than the previous one, and they signify the barrier between a mortal and the divine… to complete them is like stepping upstairs through a staircase that leads someone to Ascension.

I've never seen Hasan in action, but I'm well aware he's incredibly powerful, I've heard he has whipped out thousands of demons in seconds, and wherever they call him into the frontlines, the human army can get out of any dire situation and pull through.

However, because he's so busy dealing with so many things and he's still a single man, he can't stay there permanently. So at the end, it's a constant struggle… But even Hasan has said that there are Demons out there he hasn't been able to defeat, incredibly powerful ones dwelling within the Demon Continent, the first continent they eve conquered.

So to be able to visit these S Rank Dungeons eventually, we all need to get our Talents to 5 Stars, and also get a certificate after having completed every A Rank Dungeon in Stronghold…

The Red Dragon's Volcanic Labyrinth is our first step towards this goal… Because I'll need to become as strong as possible if I want to defeat the Demons once and for all and slay that damned Lucifer.


The heat coming from the dungeon's depth was strong, just merely standing in front of it felt like we were inside a room with several furnaces working together at the same time.

"Here we are." I said with a smile. "Are you all ready?"

My entire party was with me, my friends that have accompanied me through all these challenges, together. Cattalina and Evelyn were right behind us, hoping the best for us.

"I'm ready bro." Chris nodded, looking like a fierce young lion. "Let's do this." Black and red robes adorned his body, fire magician clothes that enhanced his magic element. 

"I bet you're so confident because you're a fire wielder." Sighed Eric. "I just hope my plants don't just burn completely…" He was wearing light-weighted magician and archer clothes, with some light armor here and there.

"Don't worry, I can also protect you from the flames, Eric!" Alberta smiled, winking at him. She was wearing a heavy armor and holding her big hammer as usual.

"Hmph, this place is certainly not quite fitted to my magic…" Sighed Elfriedden. "But we'll have to persevere. Especially because I've been wanting a nice challenge to try out my new Skills…" He was wearing a regal noble man's suit he had made himself, reinforced with spiritual threads and metallic threads made out of wyvern scales and demonic dragon scales.

"Yeah! Let's do this Blake!" Erika agreed, she was wearing a beautiful combination of a princess-like dress with heavy golden armor on top, enchanted with spirit magic, making it glow with rainbow light.

"As long as I'm around, I'll make sure to keep everyone alive." Elizabeth smiled back at me, looking into my eyes dearly. She looked as gorgeous as Erika, wearing a beautiful white and golden Saintess robe, with silver armor with golden and white decorations resembling stars and angelic wings. "And I have a Skill I want to try out too…"

"Ready for anything." Erdrich smiled calmly and confidently, wearing his usual light-weighted robes and clothes, with no armor whatsoever, revealing his muscular torso, his bare skin was a tougher armor than we could make, honestly. "I'm good against fire, so let me stay in the frontlines, Blake."

"Sure." I nodded. "Alright, looks like everyone's wearing their upgraded equipment too, good. We worked hard to get it done, right?"

"Yeah, it was so tiring… We worked for the last two weeks on it! Now I finally know why you wanted to enchant it with anti-fire effects." Elfriedden sighed. "Also, I didn't knew you could enchant it with the Ancient Spirits to give them even more durability, stats, and resistance to all elements!"

"Yeah, it is part of their strength." I said. "The [Ancient Spirit's Elemental Protection] on everyone's equipment will guard us against the flames down below… There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's speedrun this dungeon and get our well-deserved EXP and Loot!"


Everyone roared at my words, as we rushed downstairs without further ado.


Author's Note: I just commissioned an original cover featuring Blake, Erika, Eleanora, and Elizabeth! It will get done in a couple of weeks, so look forward to that!

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