Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 63 The Graduation Ceremony

The breeze that morning was cool, the chirping of the birds as the trees danced to the morning breeze was harmonious, and the morning sun was bright as all these were signs of the herald of a happy day.

The citizens of Obedin City woke up to this happy day.

After working for the past 11 months of the year, and after spectating the graduation tournament that lasted about 2 weeks, the citizens were glad as the most harmonious ceremony of the city was finally here.

Today was December 12th, and today was the day for the graduation ceremony to commemorate the graduating students of academic session 508 A.M.

Today was all for the students and they prepared for it. Originally, Ben, Cassandra, and Rex intended to don their current best attires for this monumental event but Master Fixten took it a step further and took them shopping.

At this point, Master Fixten already given up pretending to not favor Rex. He bought exotic attires for the trio of students to don to the ceremony.

By 8:00 am, the academy was already filled to the brim with family, friends, and well-wishers of the graduating students.

For the first time in weeks, all the students of academic session 508 A.M were gathered again for this moment that would decide their lives.

Today was a harmonious day, the graduation tournament was over and it took with it all the pressure and competitiveness.

Today was the day that they would enjoy their efforts of the past few years and the students were all smiles. They greeted each other harmoniously as they cherished this opportunity to be together one last time.

For the first time in his academy life, Rex experienced something different, he was not snubbed by others as he saw his year mates smiling back at him and exchanging greetings with him, everything felt so nice to him.

All of a sudden, he felt that the world around him was brighter.

Unlike Rex and Cassandra who only exchanged smiles and basic greetings with their year mates, Ben took it an extra mile as he enjoyed his life to the full.

"Donut Lord, you're here too? Hahaha".

"Ben, you've started? How many times…"

"Forget that bro, did you see Spade-lipped Ann?" Ben dragged his one-time friend along as he chattered on. "I almost couldn't believe my eyes, she looked so stunning today that I thought her for someone else".

"Dressing up really makes girls look so much stunning than reality".

"Umm…, you're right".

"Yeah, I'm right and I know, the girls are just shutting down everywhere, like gosh, I can literally feel my nose bleeding…, damn!"

Ben rubbed his eyes to confirm what he was seeing before he jumped excitedly while waving. "Hey, Perfume freak, how's the ceremony?!"

"Get lost freak!"

"You're welcome, haha".

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Ben's way was a little extreme but scenes like this filled everywhere as the students spent their probable last few hours together harmoniously.

This continued all the way till 10:00 am when the ceremony officially started.

The ceremony was chronologically arranged. The first event on the schedule was the national anthem of the Great Shelters, then the students were officially welcomed to the celebrants' seats.

After that, one of the intermediate mystic warrior masters of the academy climbed the podium to read the history of Obedin Mystic Academy.

This was perhaps the most boring part of the whole ceremony as during the 30 minutes, some well-wishers were spotted dozing off.

After that came the special performances. Junior students came to show off their skills before their seniors, not just fighting skills, but skills in other areas like singing, dancing, and script acting.

This went on for an hour as all the spectators were thoroughly entertained. After this finally came the official parts, it started with the HOD of each battle department giving a final speech to his graduating students.

Master Fixten was the HOD of the sword battle domain department, and while the other HODs addressed their students, he also addressed his.

Master Fixten's speech was concise but inspiring.

"Well, today I won't bore you to death with useless theories".

"All I want to say to you guys today is that you all did a good job, the past 5 years of your life had been well spent, and for that, congratulations!"

"You became better persons, you became better warriors, you became adults, and above all, you became better swordsmen".

"My parting word with you today is a quote by the legendary Sword Saint, Legendary Mystic Warrior Miyamoto Musashi who is one of the greatest mystic warriors to lead us into the age of awakening".

"-A distracted swordsman is an uninspired warrior-".

"Always remember this".

"Well, that's all, congratulation guys!"

"Enjoy your day!"

Once Master Fixten concluded his speech, the swordsman students were sent into a frenzy as they sang his name aloud, they all respected him a lot.

It was during the commotion that someone unexpected approached Rex. After a lot of hesitation and deliberation, Turan approached him.

"Hi". Turan waved.

"Hey". Rex reciprocated as Cassandra instinctively gave her friend some distance, Turan was appreciative of that as he nodded at her.

Turan stared at his frenzied coursemates for some time before he started a conversation. "So, how is your day going?"

"Cool I guess, I've been enjoying it so far".

"Me too". Turan smiled. "You know Rex, I've always wanted to meet you after our final battle but we never got a chance".

"First, I want to thank you for the opportunity of the finals. You made me realize a lot of things and I'm glad, you made me become a better warrior, I improved more in that battle than I've done in 2 years and I'm grateful".

"Thank you, Rex, I really appreciate the opportunity".

On hearing that, Rex was surprised but he soon recovered as he laughed. "Ironically, I feel like thanking you too, I improved a lot after that battle too".

Turan laughed at that and as he laughed, he realized something. "I think I kind of understand the principal now when he said the battle was meant for the both of us to push each other into becoming better mystic warriors".

"It did push us to become better warriors". Turan suddenly extended his hand to Rex for a handshake. "It was nice battling you, Rex".

"You too, I look forward to more spars in the future".

Turan smiled then they finally parted ways.

The remaining parts of the graduation ceremony proceeded fast until it came to the last and most pivotal part, the medal-giving ceremony where Principal Dominic Barry will give each graduating student his graduation medal.

The students all held their breaths since this part would decide their future, this was when their future workplace would be announced.

The first student soon climbed the podium.

"Congratulations Max Tinker, you are now a graduate!" Principal Dominic handed the graduation medal to the student before reading the other parts of the virtual projection.

"For your outstanding performance in the graduation tournament, you caught the notice of the Rock basin lake defense association".

"Congratulations, you have been offered a job!"

Max Tinker left the podium in an ecstatic mood as the next student climbed the podium after being called.

"Congratulations …"

"Congratulations …"

"Congratulations …"

After a lot of congratulations, all the exceptional students finally received their graduation medals. All of them who participated in the graduation tournament got jobs, but only a few got the most coveted army job.

Rex and Cassandra were lucky, as a reward for their performance in the graduation tournament, they got employed in the famous Obedin City army.

Ben's luck was not too bad as he got employed in the 2nd best and 2nd most paying organization in Obedin City, the Obedin City Government Hunter Union.

The 3 friends stayed with all the remaining students as they were captured in a group photo before they finally left home to celebrate their graduation.

Today was a happy day, and they made sure to enjoy it to the fullest.

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