Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 79 Beast Invasion! [2]

"Are you going to keep on sitting there while your citizens die?!"

"What…, oh wait, now I'm the Governor?"

"You don't need to be the Governor, you're the f*cking Principal of Obedin Mystic Academy and it is the duty of the principal to protect the city".

"You…, ugh".

Principal Dominic covered his head as he turned away from the penetrating glare of his assistant, he felt obligated but like usual, he felt lazy and a little scared.

On seeing his reaction, Martha held back her anger. "Children are dying out there, don't you have a conscience?"

"The city will be leveled by the time you finish lazing around in fear".

"For heaven's sake, you're an advanced mystic warrior!"

This seemed to poke a nerve as the principal sprang up and pointed a finger at her. "What do you know about being an advanced mystic warrior?!"

"I do everything in my power to make this city grow and develop yet how does the leaders pay me? By screwing everything up in their quest for more money and political power".

"You expect me to put my life on the line for those greedy bastards?!"

"There is not 1, not 2, but 4 advanced mystic beasts out there, me going out to meet them alone is suicide!"

Once he completed his outburst, the principal sat back down while Martha kept quiet for a few seconds before she spoke up again.

"Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good".

"What will your son think? His invisible dad hiding behind his office while children his age die to mystic beasts out there in the city under his protection is not something that you'll be proud of telling him".

"Reinforcements are coming, you are not alone".

"Besides, you'll also get to use the advanced-grade Lightning Rod heirloom of the academy like you've always wanted".

As Martha said her first few sentences, the principal's shoulders slumped in defeat but once she said the last sentence, he sprang up like an energetic cat.

"Yes! I can finally use the Lightning Rod; the safety of the city is threatened!"

"Damn! I can use it while also looking cool before my son!"

"Don't forget to get a footage of my legendary battle!"

Before Martha could react, the principal rushed into the room in his office as he came back already donning his mystic war armor.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He left without saying a word to her.

Martha smiled. "Please don't die".

"Stand your ground, hit them 10 times for every 1 time that they hit you!"

"We can't give up now!"

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Sergeant Stones' voice reverberated across the battalion of soldiers in the front lines as he led the defensive line that was formed against the invading beasts.

By now, the invading beasts already crossed 30,000.

Though a lot of beasts already passed the defense line of the wall and invaded the city, more than 70% of them were still held at the defense line.

With his massive mystic Axe on his right hand, and a kinetic Rifle on his left, Sergeant Stones was like a beast himself. His bald head reflected the glow of the sun as he yelled while ditching damage after damage to the beasts.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Beasts died to him every second but a lot more filled their spot a second later. Despite this, Sergeant Stones was not discouraged, he kept on fighting.

He was not alone at the front. Intermediate mystic warriors from all over Obedin City, both the academy, the army, the hunter union, and the mystic families held the line of defense with him as they fought the beasts with their all.

Though after the 2-hour mark, they found their rhythm and started gaining on the beasts, the beasts reciprocated as they finally brought out the big guns.

Loud hissing and cricketing sounds reverberated from the faraway Spider Swamp as 4 advanced mystic beasts made their debut into the battlefield a few minutes ago. Unlike most believed, the swamp had 4 alphas!

3 massive Swamp Spiders almost as tall as bicycles led the charge from deep inside the swamp while an equally massive Mud Lizard followed behind them.

Once these 4 moving disasters appeared, the soldiers at the defense line shuddered as all 4 charged towards them. They tried to attack them from ranged distance but their attacks were mere prickles to these 4 powerful beasts.

If they got close and attacked the wall, the situation would turn dire for Obedin City. Every soldier had their hearts on their throats as the 4 beasts moved.

They hoped for intervention but none came even as the 4 beasts came very close to the wall, the soldiers were about to abandon the wall and jump for their lives but this was when the protector of Obedin City finally arrived.

As the massive Swamp Spider at the front of the group hissed intimidatingly and raised his front legs, gathering mystic energy to shoot a massive fire ball at the wall was when he finally showed up.

Principal Dominic made his debut in a cool manner as his mystic boots enabled him to jump over the tall wall, and on his hand was a massive Rod.

Mid-air, the Principal's eyes darkened before brightening up with thunder the next moment as he descended while striking with the rod towards the spider.

"You…, Shall…, Not…, Pass!!!"


The mighty lightning manifestation that made the sky to briefly darken completely roasted the face and front legs of the spider as it limped and hissed in pain. Before it could react, the principal already landed in front of it.

Wielding the famous Lightning Rod of Obedin Mystic Academy, Principal Dominic showcased the power of an advanced mystic warrior using an advanced mystic weapon as he fought against and temporarily held all 4 alpha beasts back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Take that bastard!"

"For all the children that died!"

"For all the soldiers that died!"

"For sullying my dignity!"

"For my son!"

"For Martha!"

"For Obedin City!"

The Lightning Rod kept on releasing mighty lightning blasts as Principal Dominic supplied it with all the lightning mystic energy that it needed.

This powerful heirloom of the academy was one of the requirements for choosing principals of the academy. Every Principal that has ever governed the academy were established warriors with lightning mystic abilities.

Today, Principal Dominic showed the reason for this strict requirement as he had the time of his life alongside this powerful weapon.

Of course, against 4 advanced mystic beasts, he was still outmatched but he did not cower as he gave his all in this fight for survival. For every injury that he got, he made sure to ditch back twice.

This way, the defense of Obedin City stood strong again.

"Do not give up yet, fight with me!"

"The Wandering Moon Queen is on her way!"

Once the soldiers heard this from the principal, morale rose to hit a new high as they yelled and fought with much more gusto and zeal.

By the 4th hour since the invasion started, Obedin City was already looking like a ruin as lots of the high-rise buildings were already leveled by the beasts.

Despite the fierce struggle that a Principal Dominic led army put up, the beasts were just too numerous as they found more angles to invade the city.

The line of defense still held, but inside the city was already a ruin.

At a remote corner of Obedin City, a hidden bar remained untouched even as the mystic beasts rampaged through the city.

A raggedly breathing and injured Master Fixten rapidly sprinted from the front lines as he appeared in this remote region in no time with his sword.

Once he said the password, he finally got to enter the Sloth Bar.

On entering inside, like he expected, Master Fixten saw few people in the bar since it was a night bar but like he also expected, he saw the Butcher Mama and her 2 buddies seated on their usual spots drinking their sorrows away.

Master Fixten rushed towards her. "How can you be sitting here indulging in drinking? Have you seen the current state of the city?"

"Yes, I have, it is not my fault that the army was caught off-guard".

Master Fixten was infuriated as he banged his bloody hands against the table. "How can you say that so nonchalantly?"

"Soldiers are dying out there, warriors, innocent warriors, even innocent children are dying to the mindless slaughter of the beasts out there".

"There is nothing that I can do, I dropped my hammer over a decade ago".

"Then pick it back up!"

"Little Fixten, you don't tell me what to do…"

"F*ck it! Screw you, what would your husband…"


Master Fixten barely got to finish his sentence before a huge hand pinned his head to the wall, a pair of red agitated eyes glared at him.

"Don't you ever mention my husband when trying to cajole me".

Master Fixten deflated. "I'm sorry, but really, how would he feel knowing that you now let children die mindlessly without even blinking an eyelid".

"You…" The Butcher Mama sighed before releasing him. "Actually, I stopped giving a damn long ago but damn, you are so good with words".

"Is that a yes? Will you help?"

"Wait for me outside".

"Thanks, I'll do everything in my power to repay this favor".

"Everyone, out of the bar! The bar is closed for today". Master Fixten yelled as he hurried out of the bar, making the drunkards here to look at him weirdly.

Well, that was the last thing they heard since they were slapped the hell out of into unconsciousness before being thrown out of the bar.

"Well, he convinced me again, so I guess we're going to help".

The Butcher Mama's 2 bodies only grinned before they left to various corners of the bar. A minute later, they came out like new beings to meet Master Fixten.

The Butcher Mama's huge frame was now covered by a heavy mystic armor. She still had her huge pirate hat like usual, but on her hand was now a huge mystic hammer, a hammer hefty enough to smash a car in pieces.

Knify, the blonde-haired middle-aged man donned a light leather mystic armor with a pair of mystic knives jingling about in his arms.

As for the black-haired middle-aged man, Infecto, he licked the flat side of his pair of sabers. "My Gundam Sabers hungers for blood!"

Master Fixten smiled for the first time since this invasion started. "Can we leave now?"

"Yes". The Butcher Mama answered.

As she spoke, she grabbed her mystic hammer tighter as a tyrannical mystic energy presence that could only belong to an advanced mystic warrior oozed out of her huge and hefty body the next moment.

"Let us go kick some beast asses!"

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