Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 23 – Fengqu City

Chapter 23 – Fengqu City

Disciples of the Inner Temple hold a far higher status within the sect compared to those of the Outer Temple and the branch temples.

No matter how advanced an Outer Temple disciple's cultivation is, it's of no consequence in front of an Inner Temple disciple.

Even branch temple disciples must show utmost respect when facing those from the Inner Temple.

Luckily, they didn't know that Lin Jichen was also the Sect Master's closed-door disciple; otherwise, they'd probably treat him with the reverence due to a father.

Faced with the well-intentioned warnings of the NPC disciples, Lin Jichen remained resolute.

"Brother, I appreciate your concern, just go ahead and register me."

"Alright then, all I can do is wish you a smooth mission and urge you to be careful in all things."

"Thank you."

After retrieving his mission token and offering a brief thanks, Lin Jichen turned and left.

Exiting the sect's mountain gate, he headed straight for the teleportation array.

Using the sect's teleportation array required payment in Spirit Stones, the amount varying with distance.

But even the smallest fee was more than most players were willing to spend.

Players with Spirit Stones were few and far between, and none were eager to part with them for this purpose.

Everyone relied on their legs for missions, no matter the distance, including guild players.

In the early stages of the game, Spirit Stones were scarce.

Now, many wealthy individuals on the black market were buying up Spirit Stones, with prices soaring seven or eight times in a single day.

Almost all guilds initially failed to realize that Spirit Stones were the main currency, foolishly hoarding coins instead.

Only after amassing a pile of coins did they discover they had no significant use for them, except for purchasing mundane items.

They'd been duped by the game!

Lin Jichen approached the teleportation array.

The disciple guarding it asked cheerfully where he wished to go.

Lin Jichen pointed to the center of the map of Mu Xian Province, to the largest city icon, Fengqu City.

"It will cost five lower-grade Spirit Stones."

Lin Jichen, without hesitation, handed over five Spirit Stones and stepped into the teleportation array.

The array shimmered with light and shadow.

In the next second, he appeared outside Fengqu City.

A vast ancient city loomed before him, its hundred-zhang-high walls stretching like a slumbering dragon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Impenetrable as a fortress, its towers and pavilions exuded grandeur.

Each province had only one main city, and for Mu Xian Province, it was Fengqu City.

Lin Jichen had spent time in Mu Xian Province in his past life, so the majestic sprawl of Fengqu City was a familiar sight.

Many cultivators flew overhead, descending one after another at the city gates.

Despite Fengqu City being a mundane city, its ruler's background and power were not to be underestimated.

Each province's city was governed by its own royal dynasty, and these were no ordinary rulers; each had powerful cultivators as their backbone.

Their strength and heritage could even rival that of the great sects.

Upon entering the main city, cultivators were forbidden from flying; it was the law.

Those who dared to break it faced light punishment, such as a few days' detention and a fine in Spirit Stones, or severe punishment, such as the abolition of their cultivation and years of imprisonment.

Upon entering the city, each person had to pay two Spirit Stones as an entry fee.

After paying the fee, Lin Jichen walked into Fengqu City.

Shops lined the streets, and towering pavilions reached for the sky.

The rumble of carriages and the ceaseless flow of pedestrians created an endless stream.

It reminded Lin Jichen of a passage he had once read.

"Observers marvel at the dense dwellings, the abundance of boats and carriages, and the overflowing wealth of merchants, all expressing admiration and longing to have lived in such times and witnessed such scenes."

This was meant to praise the prosperity of ancient cities during China's Song Dynasty, but it was equally fitting here.

Though many cultivators resided in Fengqu City, the majority were still mortals.

After all, only a few possessed the talent to step onto the Path of Immortality; most people were of ordinary aptitude.

As long as the mortals in the city followed the dynasty's rules, lived honestly, and paid taxes on time, they could enjoy the dynasty's protection and need not fear being bullied by cultivators.

Thus, a harmonious coexistence of mortals and cultivators was achieved.

Walking through the city he had visited countless times before, Lin Jichen felt a strong sense of belonging, as if he truly were a part of this world.

The evening sun cast a hazy, poetic glow over the red bricks and green tiles, adding a touch of obscurity to the bustling Capital City of Fengqu.

Lin Jichen hadn't forgotten the purpose of his visit. He walked through the city to the most bustling commercial district.

There stood a building with green tiles and red eaves, ornate flying corners, and a gilded signboard that read: Drunken Immortal Pavilion.

It was the largest and most famous tavern in Fengqu City.

Lin Jichen was here for a reason, and certainly not for dining.

Stepping inside, the welcoming attendant immediately came forward with politeness.

Recognizing Lin Jichen's attire, the experienced attendant flattered him.

"Ah, a celestial from Tianyan Sword Sect graces us with his presence! Esteemed guest, please come in. May I ask if you are here to stay or to dine?"

"To dine. Find me a second-floor seat by the window," Lin Jichen replied.

"Right away! Please follow me, celestial."

The attendant led Lin Jichen upstairs to the even more elegantly decorated second floor.

Lin Jichen chose a window seat, ordered a pot of wine, and quietly began to sip at his table.

Don't underestimate the food and drink at Drunken Immortal Pavilion; they're not just for satisfying hunger and thirst.

Many of the dishes here are made from ingredients sourced from demonic or Spirit Beasts, not ordinary poultry, and offer special benefits.

Even the drinks are extraordinary.

The pot of wine Lin Jichen ordered, called Jade Ice Brew, could increase strength and defense by 2 points for an hour after consumption.

But this pot of wine wasn't cheap, costing three Spirit Stones—beyond the reach of ordinary folk.

There were even better dishes and drinks that offered more exaggerated attribute boosts, but their prices were exorbitant, and Lin Jichen couldn't afford them yet.

If it weren't necessary to order something to secure a seat, he wouldn't be willing to spend the money, not even on the cheapest item.

Lin Jichen sat patiently, tasting the fine wine, but his eyes were fixed on the time.

As the sunset began to fade and evening approached, the tavern grew busier and more lively.

Musicians played flutes and pipes, guests clinked cups and raised jugs, creating a boisterous scene reminiscent of a bustling riverside gathering.

At the peak of the tavern's business, a thin, scholarly-looking man walked in.

He took a seat on a small platform in the hall and began to entertain the guests of Drunken Immortal Pavilion with storytelling.

The thin man did more than just tell stories; he also shared recent oddities and amusing events from Mu Xian Province.

For instance:

"The Sect Master of Basalt Daoist Temple, Master Qingmu, has recently broken through to the Divine Transformation Realm! Basalt Daoist Temple's strength has risen yet again!"

"The Fairy of the Hundred Flowers from the Polar Sky Valley and the Great Elder of the Red Sun Sect have joyously tied the knot, forming a powerful alliance!"

"Yesterday, the Golden Saber Sect was slaughtered, falling victim to a demonic sect's massacre!"

"Just the other day, Tianyin Temple recruited an exceptionally talented female disciple. Abbot Zhiyuan made an exception to take her in, making her the first female disciple of Tianyin Temple!"


And so on.

Besides these significant events that captivated everyone, there were also many recent rumors.

Such as:

"The son of the War God Sect's Sect Master, Luo Hao, lusted after beauty and secretly dallied with an elder's concubine. When discovered, the elder left the sect in a rage!"

"Sect Master Hai Wugui of the One Saber Sect, addicted to gambling, lost everything yesterday, even his pants, and ended up running naked through the streets."

"A disciple of Thunder Palace, Jiang Siming, was so bold as to become a flower thief, sneaking out of the sect daily to force himself on defenseless mortal women. After being caught by his sect, he was punished by castration."


And so forth.

All these stories, big and small, could be heard from his lips.

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