Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 8 This Isn't The Plot!

" Move away! Let me perform my medicinal skills!" Chen Ye shouted as he pushed the crowd away.

" Dear brother, Could it be, You really know the legendary acupoint method?" Jun Tianyun got up as he asked hastily.

He showed a concerned face like the old man was his relative.

" Of course, brother. With a few taps, I can stop his bleeding."

Chen Ye spoke with a righteous tone.

" Then why are you standing there? Hurry and help him." Jun Tiayun dragged him as he pleaded.

" Hmm, There is serious damage near his head and chest. I will stop the wounds in the lower body first." Chen Ye spoke as he closed his eyes.

His eyes glowed with a mysterious light as his hand became blurred. He poked several points of the old man's body like lightning.

Thin needles appeared where Chen Ye poked earlier. He also pierced some needles on the head of that old man.

In a few breaths of time, thirty-six needles appeared on the body of that old man.

" Look! His bleeding is stopping!"

" Impossible! Could it be that this young man is really a miracle doctor?"

" He is so young!"

The crowd cheered as Chen Ye looked proud.

" With my Snow Silver Needles, This old man is now out of danger. He might even wake up from now." Chen Ye spoke casually. "But still, He needs to go to the hospital!"

" Look! The old man's eyes are fluttering! He will wake up so soon!" Someone shouted as the old man's body twitched. His eyes slowly opened as he looked at Chen Ye.

" Old grandpa! Don't worry, I have already saved your life." Chen Ye smiled. " This Snow Silver Divine Needles will slowly heal you."

" Kheuk... Yo-you..." The old man's lips trembled as he tried to say something.

" Haha, I know! No need to thank me. I already did my duty." Chen Ye shook his head.

Jun Tianyun already prayed for Chen Ye as he smiled in his heart.


The old man uttered as blood spurt from his mouth. He gasped for air as his body shivered.

" Wh-what? Did I just mishear? That old man cursed that boy?"

" Oh no! Look! That old man's body turning purple!"

" He is bleeding again!"

The crowd raged as they saw the old man was quivering.

" I knew it! This boy is a fraud! Police! Someone report this bastard!"

" Heavens! I never thought that the youth was pulling a prank on a dying old man!"

" Young kids these days! They read so many martial art webtoons! Hmph! They are such a bad influence!"

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" Th-This! How is this possible!"

Chen Ye was shocked as he took a few steps back.

Three weeks ago, he was beaten badly by Wang Ming. He thought of committing suicide as he jumped into the river.

However, suddenly, Chen Ye found a black and white pearl as it merged with his eyes. From that day, Chen Ye realized that he got a powerful ability.

" I can see through things?! Also, My memorizing power has been increased!"

Chen Ye was shocked when he realized the true power of the Yin and Yang eyes.

" Hahaha! Money? Power? Women? There isn't anything that I, Chen Ye, can't get! Second generation rich young masters? I will crush them!"

Chen Ye borrowed some notes from his childhood friend and class representative, Li Yuling, and memorized all of them. Thanks to them, he got first place in the monthly test.

Moreover, he realized that his martial art aptitude has risen. The technique that takes a normal martial artist a month to practice, he could do in a few days.

That's why his power rose in such a short period, overwhelming Wang Ming.

" I accidentally found a borrowed chest in an abandoned building. There, I got this manual of Nine Revolutions Golden Acupuncture Technique and a set of thirty-six Snow Silver Needles."

​ " Snow Silver Needle has a special property. It can heal the body to some degree that gives some extra time to dying patient."

Chen Ye thought that he applied the Nine Revolution Acupuncture correctly, but why did the condition of the old man become worse?

" Yes! That technique must be fake! Those Snow Silver Needles must be fake!" Chen Ye shouted loudly, making the crowd even angrier!

" What? Now you are admitting that your technique is fake? Then why the hell did you poke those needles into that old man's body!"

" Murderer! He must be trying to kill that old man from the very beginning! A hitman!"

" The police and ambulance are already here! Don't let that bastard escape!"

" I...I am innocent! Damn it! I must escape!" Chen Ye activated his Galewind Steps as he escaped.

[ Ding! Host made Chen Ye lose his face! Chen Ye gets -20 Destiny points! Host received +20 Destiny Point! Host received 100 fortune points!]

[ Ding! Host made Chen Ye lose his opportunity! Chen Ye gets -30 Destiny points! Host received +30 Destiny Point! Host received 200 fortune points!]

[ Destiny points: 75/100]

Jun Tianyun almost burst laughing, but he controlled himself.

Chen Ye was the protagonist. His technique was flawless, and the Snow Silver Needles were the real deal.

So, Why did he fail?

Well, It was all the plan of Jun Tianyun. When he saw Chen Ye in the crowd, he already made a plan in his mind.

He used his Eight Point Spirit Acupuncture Technique to seal some special pressure points of that old man.

If it was under normal circumstances, nothing bad would have happened to the old man. However, When Chen Ye used his technique, these ordinary pressure points swelled up.

Human meridians are like a river with multiple branches. If one branch gets blocked, the water level of the other branch will increase.

Creating a dam in the river may cause a great flood far away. Jun Tianyun used this principle as he tackled Chen Ye's technique.

However, It was the poor old man who suffered in the end.

" Don't worry, Old man. I will take care of your granddaughter." Jun Tianyun spoke as he poked some acupoints of the old man.

" Heh! That Chen Ye even left a whole set of Snow Silver Divine Needle for me. How nice!" Jun Tianyun laughed.

He carefully took out all the needles as directly removing will instantly kill the old man.

Jun Tianyun was very helpful as he sent the old man to the hospital. As he was explaining the matter to the doctor, a young woman came rushing!

" Do-Doctor! Where is my grandfather? What happened to him?"

The young woman looked beautiful in her office suit. Especially, her black stockings made her legs extremely appealing.

" Here comes the heroine!"

Jun Tianyun already guessed without using his Eyes of Fortune.

" Ah, Miss Feng! You are here! This gentleman here is Mr. Jun, who helped your grandfather." The doctor nodded as he introduced Jun Tianyun.

" Your grandfather got into an accident near the market. However, When he was injured, a suspicious young man came and tried to pull a prank on him."

Jun Tianyun coughed.

" Wh-What?! Did someone dare to perform a fake acupuncture technique on my injured grandfather? Worsening his condition!"

The beautiful woman almost exploded with anger as her eyes turned red.

" Thankfully, This young man helped him, otherwise, he would have died today." The doctor shook his head.

" Little brother, Thanks for your help today, If it wasn't you, My grandfather would have died today." The beautiful woman cupped her fist as she replied politely.

" There is no need. I admire Mr. Feng Taihong. It was an honor for me to be able to help him." Jun Tianyun shook his head.

" Yo-You know my grandfather?" The lady was shocked.

" Haha, There is nothing that I, the disciple of Heaven's Secret Tower, don't know." Jun Tianyun walked away as he laughed.

" Little brother, You haven't told me your name! How would I contact you?" The lady shouted.

" Don't worry, Miss Feng. If fate allows, We will meet again." Jun Tianyun's voice became fainter as he walked away.

" Heaven's Secret Tower? Could it be he is from a hidden sect?" Feng Hongyan mumbled as she looked at the departing figure of Jun Tianyun.

" You could have talked with her in a nicer way. Moreover, why you didn't chase after her? She was quite a beauty." Su Qingyao hummed.

" If I would try to hit on her right now, she would only think of me as a benefactor with bad intentions."

" Heh, I already sowed a seed of curiosity in her heart." Jun Tianyun smiled. " Form now, she will think more about me."

" You are quite cunning. Hmph! You must have ruined quite a few girls." Su Qingyao snorted lightly.

" Big sister Qingyao, I don't flirt with anyone, other than you." Jun Tianyun winked.

" Bah! Pervert! Shameless!" Su Qingyao shouted. Jun Tianyun giggled when he saw the reaction of Su Qingyao.

" Eh? My Clothes are so dirty. I should change them." Jun Tianyun thought. He bought some nice expensive clothes as he wore them

" Wait, I think there is still a reward remaining." Jun Tianyun thought in changing room as he opened his system panel.

[ Ding! Host activated Charm attribute! Host's charm increased by 100! Refining skin and muscle!]

Jun Tianyun felt an itchy feeling over his skin as he looked at the mirror in front of him.

" I-It's me?!"

Jun Tianyun was shocked when he saw his reflection.

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