Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 50: Kendo

Chapter 50: Kendo

As Ashley and Novis both walked to her father's dojo, the two of them started to talk to each other. Novis was interested in Ashley's background because it was rare for a family to own a dojo in a country like England, and even more rare now with the introduction of VR games.

Ashley's mother was originally from England at went over to Japan to become an English teacher, that was where her two parents met. Her father was originally a kendo instructor in Japan. When they got married, they decided to move back to England and open up a dojo here.

At first, many students came and the business was successful but similar to Novis's grandfather's dojo, when the introduction of fully immersive VR headsets came out, slowly the students started to fade away.

Esports use to never be popular for western countries like England. The simple reason for this was they were bad at it. They were dominated by Asian countries such as China, Korea and Japan. But due to there more naturally bigger body frame they succeeded at athletic sports such as boxing.

This all changed when the introduction of Full VR came out. Although their reaction speed wasn't as fast as their Asian competitors, their natural body bridged the gap allowing England and other western countries to become a true competitor in Esports.

After learning a lot about Ashley, Novis finally gathered the courage to ask her the question.

"The reason why I came with you today, is because I wanted to ask if you could join the VSW club."

Suddenly, Ashley's eyes lit up.

"That's that game with all the sword fighting right?"

Novis could see suddenly she was very interested, but she talked like she had never played before.

"Yeah, I think there's even a warrior that uses a weapon similar to your bamboo one, so you interested?"

Ashley's face started to drop.

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"I'm sorry, I wish I could but my father is really strict about these things. He thinks playing games is a waste of time and I should just focus practising in the dojo."

Novis understood where her father was coming from. A lot of the older generation still believed that playing a game was useless. It wasn't until the introduction of the Esports Olympics that people started to change their views.

But still, people complained.

What was the point of watching someone play when you could do it yourself? They would say. Yet they didn't understand it was the same thing as the so-called sports they enjoyed watching. What was the point of watching someone play football or basketball if you could play it yourself? The simple fact is humans enjoyed watching people preform incredible things that they themselves could never do. It was good to watch the best.

But Novis could see that Ashley was really interested in playing games, perhaps Ashley was just too afraid to talk to her father.

"Well it doesn't have to be all the time, why don't I go talk to your father and try to convince him."

Ashley sighed.

"You can try but it's pretty useless, he only listens to people who are stronger than him."

Novis thought about it for a while, He would have loved to go up against a veteran such as Ashley's father. His current sword skills were good enough against the players in the game but this was different. Ashley's father was practically a professional at just fighting. Worst-case scenario if Novis was in a pinch he could rely on Arthur.

Novis looked over to Arthur.

"Don't worry I'm pretty strong myself."

Ashley smiled, thinking Novis was just putting on a show for her. Novis was a nice boy but she knew how stubborn her father was. She would have played the game long ago if it was not for him.

"I hope you're not thinking of relying on me," Arthur said.

"What you mean I can't, you helped me before."

"I helped you before because there was a chance that other's including you could be hurt. If you and her father are planning to duel I will not interfere. You want to get stronger right?"

Novis nodded.

"Then this will be a good experience for you. If her father is as strong as she says he is, then it will be a chance for you to evolve. The more desperate the situation the quicker you will get better."

Novis didn't want to use Arthur but in his mind, there was always that back up of having him. He desperately needed Ashley to join, he couldn't think of anyone else who could. Now that his back up was gone Novis confidence fell a little.

After walking down the road for a good fifteen minutes they eventually arrived at Ashley's house. It was a big Japanese style house that stood out in the whole neighbourhood. There was a big sign out front that said: "Kendo lessons available now, Huge discount come in for details."

The house was split into two halves all on one floor. The front of the house was where the dojo was placed while the back was the living area. The house was designed this way so people walking by would be attracted by students practising and come inside.

Novis and Ashley walked up to the dojo and slid the double doors open. After taking off their shoes they were in a wooden style large hall.

Currently, four students were practising against each other wearing their standard Kendo gear. 3 of them were on the bigger side while the other one was average weight and height. There was one thing that martial arts halls and dojo were still good for and that was losing weight.

Although the VR headset took your physical attributes into account, in the game, you where still controlling the game with your mind. No amount of playing the game would physically improve your body. The latest capsule though, like Novis's, massaged your body while playing to stop your muscles from deteriorating but that was the best it could do.

"Where is my father?" Ashley asked as she walked in.

The students all turned and bowed down to her.

That's when a loud voice could be heard coming from behind the dojo.

"Is that my daughter I can hear!"

Suddenly, two doors slid form the other side of the room, and a six-foot five grizzly bear looking man walked through the door.

Novis gulped in fear of thinking he would have to face a man like this.

"Who said the Japanese had small bodies." Novis thought to himself.

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