VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 82: Entering The Venue And The 3 Girls

Chapter 82: Entering the venue and the 3 girls

So…no real excuses for the delay. Just a case of me being busy and being too exhausted to even feel like translating anything.

Hopefully the will be out sooner, enjoy the chapter.

We ate the waffles I made for a snack and finally got to the main objective of our gathering, which was to have a group study. We stopped before it got dark.

More than half the time was spent talking about game related stuff, but since we had finished covering what would be in the test it was fine.

After bringing the laundry inside, about the time I was done making preparations for dinner, Rise and Mom came back home while carrying a huge amount of stuff.

Once I took a look inside the bags I saw a huge amount of cloth…nope, for some reason it seems like they had gone to the supermarket and bought ingredients. I’m thankful.

They stood next to me, who kept making the food and started putting the food inside the fridge.

「Wataru. It smells good, but what’s in the menu for dinner?」 (Akeno)

「Ah, chicken stew, fried mackerel, boiled spinach, mushroom miso soup…something like that.

「Since we didn’t eat rice today, I made it Japanese style.」 (Wataru)

「Oh my, that sounds great. Our lunch was kinda heavy.」 (Akeno)

「Is that so? What did you eat?」 (Wataru)

「Fast food. We ate in an hamburger shop.」 (Rise)

「Eh? Why?」 (Wataru)

I unconsciously stopped moving my hands and looked at them.

Since they were going to eat outside, it would have been fine if they went to a better place.

Didn’t they have enough time? Or was it because the shops were crowded?

Just when I thought that, they both said that they went there on purpose.

「Since Wataru makes only healthy things, sometimes we feel like going to those kinds of cheap places to eat. Right? Rise-chan.」(Akeno)

「Yes. We stopped there without noticing.」 (Rise)

「I see. So, how was it?」 (Wataru)

When I asked that, they glanced at each other and showed an ambiguous smile.

「…This time, let’s buy some hamburger bread and make some at home.」 (Akeno)

「That’s right. If inside there were burgers made by nii-san, I’m sure they’d come out really tasty.」 (Rise)

「There’s no way that would be possible…」 (Wataru)

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

These two tend to do things that I don’t really understand quite frequently.

In the end, this is turning into a conversation that makes me unable to understand why they even went out for such.

To begin with, if we are going that far, I might as well make the buns at home too.

We have a gas oven after all, it would be a waste to not use it.

「Oh well. For the time being, let’s eat dinner. Come on, bring the stuff over to the table.」 (Wataru)

「Got it.」 (Akeno)


After dinner, I cleaned up the tableware and after finishing preparing the ingredients for tomorrow, I took a bath.

Once I finished doing everything I had to do, it was finally time for the finals.

There was more than enough time, so I logged into the main site first and bet my entire savings too…

「Well then, time to go.」 (Wataru)

After stretching, I put on the VR gear and lie down on the bed.

「Ooh, the size of the colosseum has gotten bigger…」

The ones used for the group tournaments were just copy pasted and all the same, but it seems like the one used for the finals is completely different.

After moving to the venue from Sala after logging in…I appeared within the colosseum that was many times the size of the previous one.

After taking a small look at the scenery outside, I got the feeling that it was the same as the one for the group tournaments, how do they make it to stay the same way?

Do they exist in parallel while being part of another dimension…or something like that?

I don’t really get it, but in that huge place there were already a big amount of players crowding into it.

「Ah, it’s the True Self.」

「You are right. However, the remote weapon Hero-chan is not there though?」

「Won’t she come here later?…Whoa, he looked here!!」

「Be careful! If you meet his eyes, you’ll get turned into a remote weapon too!」

As if! is what I wanted to retort with all my might when I heard such conversation, but I managed to keep calm.

Bear it, you have to keep calm.

Though, there are more people using True Self than I thought there would…but since Yumir is not next to me the amount is moderate, I started moving around quietly so I didn’t stand out.

Leaving that aside, when I opened my inventory and saw the 0G in my possession, I felt sad…

Because you can even bet the single digit numbers of cash, under Miyu and Shuuhei’s supervision, I properly bet all I owned which was about 300.000G.

At the end, our position was still last but our betting odds got up to 50x, so if we win we’ll get the huge amount of 15.000.000G but…

「I doubt it’ll go that well though…」

「「Who are we?」」


Suddenly my field of view turned dark because of someone’s hands.

The voices I heard were of 2 females, but the owner of the voices wasn’t the one that was covering my eyes.

From the soft feeling I got, I believe these hands also belong to a female but…Uuh!?

There’s something, there are some soft and heavy things that are not these hands currently pressing against my back though!?

3 people, girls, and then this, this…ah, I got it.

「…The ones that talked were Lycoris-chan and Cineraria-chan. The one covering my eyes is Siesta-chan…I think? How about that!」 (Hind)

「Ooh, senpai you got them right. Long time no see.」 (Siesta)

「It’s been a long time! Good job figuring it out!」 (Lyco)

「Good evening. Thanks for inviting us tonight.」(Sai)

The one with round eyes and cheerfulness Lycoris-chan, the one like a polite honor student is Cineraria-chan, and the sleepy looking one Siesta-chan bowed to me.

I would have preferred if they had made a normal entrance, but it was at the level of a charming prank coming from some middle schoolers so I couldn’t really reprimand them.

Though it’s also because like Cineraria-chan said, I was the one who invited them…

「Welcome. Since we are here, how about we go get some seats together?」 (Hind)

Participants in the finals have front row seats prepared for them beforehand, and each pair is able to call up to 10 friends to sit down with them.

In our case we invited…Riizu, Selene-san, Tobi and our new friend Mitsuyoshi-san, so we had space to spare.

At that time, we invited these girls since they were both friends of mine and Yumir, but I’m happy that they were able to come here to cheer for us.

「By the way senpai…weren’t you able to discern who I was just now because of the sensation of my breasts? Was that just my imagination?」 (Siesta)

…Wait, what is this girl even saying in public right now?

It’s true that I did. It’s true but!!!

Just now, I kinda went and compared them to the breasts of Miyu, who I saw this noon too, but…!!

「…Since you’ll end up making fun of me whether I admit it or I deny it, I definitely won’t answer.

「Besides, I believe I already warned you to not do or say things like that when talking to people of the opposite sex. It’s dangerous.」 (Wataru)

「Eh, don’t be like that. However, didn’t I say that I didn’t do this kind of thing with people other than senpai?」(Siesta)

「Fuoo…Hind-senpai, that was a cool way to react! It’s so mature!」 (Lycoris)

「So true. It’s quite unusual to see Si being handled this easily.」(Cineraria)

That…that is probably only when they compare me to the guys from their middle school right…?

Being told that I’m more mature compared to middle schoolers does give me quite the complex feeling.

Even when I look like this to them, I’m actually quite shaken up inside, I don’t think I’m that different compared to them.

「Rather than that senpai, the way you talk reminds me of an old ma-」 (Siesta)

「Ah?」 (Hind)

「…Just kidding, I’m sorry.」 (Siesta)

「Si-chan apologized!? Even though she has never apologized even once to our homeroom teacher!?」 (Lycoris)

「Such incredible intensity….ah, I-I believe you feel more like a mom! That’s why it’s fine! Yeah!」 (Cineraria)

Cineraria-chan, that doesn’t make it any better.

But to think they would call me an old man…saying things that are bothering other people…

Since Siesta-chan just keeps pulling pranks whenever she sees a chance, I believe that she’s quite the problem child in real life too.

But according to Lycoris-chan and Cineraria-chan, it looks like despite this fact, her academic grades are quite good.

I can see their middle school teachers having it hard…

Even though her grades are good, she doesn’t take things seriously and it’s not like they can put their hands on a student.

「Now that I think about it, haven’t you guys done any PvP? If Lycoris-chan acted as the vanguard, I believe there would be a good balance no matter who pairs up with her though.」 (Hind)

「No, I participated with Lyco during the preliminaries but…」 (Cineraria)

「Since we sucked, we always lost before being able to use Arrow Rain. We dropped out during them.」 (Lycoris)

「I watched over their growth while taking a nap. Mufuh.」 (Siesta)

While saying that, Siesta-chan gave a thumbs up while looking really sleepy.

Isn’t that the same as saying she didn’t do anything?

「At least look over the replays and give them some advice.」 (Hind)

「Si-chan’s advice was really accurate, but she only did give advice whenever she felt like it.」 (Cineraria)

「Si-chan is mean right? Right?」 (Lycoris)

「Rather than mean, I’d say you guys have quite the weird relationship…」 (Hind)

From what it looks like, instead of a 3 man group, it feels more like 2 people plus another, but weirdly enough it makes you think that they are part of the same group.

Lycoris-chan and Cineraria-chan are the main people that decide what to do, Siesta-chan does voice her opinion from time to time or moves on a whim.

That being said, since they get along so well despite that, I have nothing to say as an outsider.

Since we arrived at the front row after talking to that point, we decided to continue our talk after we had taken our seats.

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