War Online

Chapter 410: Race to the Dragon Throne part-5

Chapter 410: Race to the Dragon Throne part-5

*Graaa* *Graaa*

In an open field of a graveyard, dozens of dragons in their complete transformation are fighting against each other while killing undead skeletons at the same time.

On one side, there's a faction serving the eldest prince Reuben and on another side, there's a faction serving the second prince Iamrar.

Both of the factions have an Elder Dragon and several Generals and Dragonlords supporting them. So, one can say, the competition between them is quite fierce and there's also seemed to be enmity judging by how they are personally fighting against each other.

And one faction with just over ten members was quietly watching from far away. There's the third and final Elder Dragon within the group.

"Your Highness, if we just support one, the other side can be subdued easily." The Elder Dragon advised the fifth prince, Frost Draconus.

Frost shook his head, "no matter how much we are vying for the throne, they are still my elder brothers. I can't take sides. We will wait here until one of them emerges as the winner."

"Then, what should we do about the princess?" The Elder Dragon proceeded to ask while glancing at the unconscious woman in the arms of a soldier. It was Kyla who lost her faction and surprisingly got defeated by the fifth prince very easily.

"I don't know." Frost let out a sigh remembering how he couldn't bear himself to kill her even though she was the one that tried to ambush him and kill him. "We'll see what to do with her once I take the throne."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The battle went on. Soon, the soldiers from either side started to die. Both of the Elder Dragons are loyal to their masters and are equal in strength. Neither of them is getting the upper hand.

However, for the battle between the princes, the Black Dragon seems to be at a little bit of a disadvantage against the platinum dragon due to the latter being a metallic dragon. Iamrar was getting pushed back by the aggressive attacks of Iamrar.

Eventually, the crown prince overpowered the second prince and pinned him to the ground despite the latter was of higher level.

*Roar* (Your Highness). Elder Dragon Rayrgen tried to get back to Iamrar but he was blocked by equally powerful Elder Dragon Qavrot.

*Graa* (You, get lost). Rayrgen growled in anger. Qavrot firmly grabbed the opponent's claws, *Grrrraaaaa* (no one will involve in their battle, not me and certainly not you. This was the rule we set and we will have to follow it no matter what)

Meanwhile, the second struggled to get free with his neck tightly chocked by the platinum dragon. The latter's other free front limb raised above and all of a sudden, an energy ball started to get form. Within five seconds, the energy ball became as big as five meters, one-third of the size of their bodies.

"Your Highness, the crown prince is going to win. Prince Iamrar will not be to survive this attack." The Elder Dragon informed the fifth prince but failed to notice that Frost's sky blue eyes turned deep blue, stating that he's extremely angry.

It was only after a second later when Frost raised the bow and conjured an arrow he realized it.

*Grrraaa* (How dare you). The Platinum Dragon decided to kill him when the latter threatened him using his daughter's name. 

It was just then, he sensed something, possibly an ambush that coming towards him from above. "Hmm?" Reuben glanced above only to find an Ice spear aimed at him.

The crown prince was forced to free his brother and tried to dodge the attack upon sensing the power behind the spear. But, it was so fast that the platinum dragon didn't even get much time before the spear pierced the giant energy ball on his right front limb, triggering an explosion.

Iamrar and Reuben blasted away from each other, although only the former was harmed by the explosion.

"Stop the battle." A familiar voice echoed in the surroundings, followed by the appearance of Frost and his faction.

As soon as the third Elder Dragon entered the field with its complete transformation, the battle between the two factions came to halt. Seeing that it is a good opportunity, Rayrgen slipped away and flew towards his prince.

"Frost," Iamrar and Rayrgen transformed to his humanoid form, welcoming the person who can immediately change the tides of the battle. After staring at him briefly, the second prince let out a grin, "I see You have hidden your strength very well, younger brother, just like the Elder brother. Who could have expected that a mutant in our family is actually higher level than myself..."

Being an Ice Dragon, Frost was indeed considered unique even among the royal family. One should say he was the only living Ice dragon in the entire Dragon Island. As mutants like him often have less potential due to impure blood, to date, he didn't take him too seriously.

He didn't expect that Frost suppressed his level-470 to 405 and lived low key to protect himself from possible assassination from other Elder Dragons. Even Wil who was out somewhere was fooled by the inspection.

"Well, I worked hard," Frost shrugged his shoulders in response to Iamrar's comment. He then looked directly into the second prince's eyes, "I planned to stay out of business until I see you planned to kill Eldest Brother."

"So, you want to support this rebel?" Reuben's face turned dark. He knew that he will be in a tough spot if both of his brothers team-up. But at the same time, if he proceeded to kill Iamrar, there's a possibility that Rayrgen might join Frost. In either way, he will be the one to lose.

Thankfully for him, Frost's thoughts were in a different direction. He glanced at the injured Iamrar who was being helped by Elder Dragon Rayrgen. "I believe by now, you know that you have lost, Brother Iamrar. I have a proposal for you. Admit defeat and withdraw your claim to the throne and in return, when either I or Eldest brother ascends to the throne, you will be given any two regions of your choice and make it your own kingdom albeit still under the control of Imperial Palace."

"Huh!" Both of the brothers were taken aback by his proposal.



. Thank you.

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