Wedding Agreement With CEO


"What's wrong, Elle?"

Lucas swiftly opened the door to Ellena's room. His eyes widened when he found his wife standing in front of the wardrobe, with all the doors wide open.

This immediately caught Ellena's attention, without releasing the wardrobe door she was still holding. She threw a questioning look at Lucas, who knew what had happened.

"Lucas, how can a thief get into this house? Isn't there a security guard in front of the house all the time?"

Feel surprised. Lucas actually raised an eyebrow when he got such a question from Ellena. However, it didn't last long, he then returned to his original expression.

"What do you mean? Are you missing something?" Lucas asked, looking surprised. He let go of the doorknob that was still in his hand, before he decided to go back in and approach Ellena.

"Look! My clothes are all gone!" Ellena annoyed as she pursed her lips.

Lucas paused for a moment. He seemed to frown as he thought for a while, before finally responding to his wife's words.

"Oh yes?" Lucas asked to confirm, then stepped back, towards his wife who was still standing in the same place as before.

"You just look at this!" Ellena opened the wardrobe door wider, still holding it, trying to prove her words to Lucas.

"Could a thief have smuggled into this house? But, why was only my clothes taken?" Ellena was starting to wonder what might have happened.

However, something strange happened when she realized that the only thing missing was all her clothes. 'Why were used clothes stolen? It won't even sell." She thought.

However, Lucas did not respond to anything. He only checked one by one the wardrobe room. It was true, none of Ellena's clothes were left in there.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Lucas!" Ellena's enthusiastic call immediately made Lucas jump up and turn to look at her.

"Have you checked your room? Maybe something is missing in there?" asked Ellena as if very sure that her clothes had been stolen. She didn't even give Lucas a chance to respond first.

Again and again Lucas furrowed his brows in thought. "Heemm ... looks like nothing." He replied flatly, not even looking panicked in the slightest. Unlike Ellena, who felt confused and panicked, of course. However, she didn't show her panic too much.

"Then where are all my clothes? Who dares to steal them?" asked Ellena.

"I don't know. I don't think a thief could possibly get into this house." Lucas replied still with the same expression, then closed one by one the wardrobe doors that towered in front of him.

"Lucas, why do you look normal? Don't you feel sorry for me who lost all my clothes?"

Finding Lucas' expression very relaxed, Ellena immediately protested. Even Lucas didn't seem to care about the strange incident. Ah, why is Lucas so cold about it, shouldn't he have panicked and immediately found out what had happened in Ellena's room earlier?

"M-me?" Lucas pointed at his own face while putting on a nervous expression as if something was bothering him. Quickly his attitude changed, only because he got a reprimand from his wife.

"I-I'm also surprised, Elle. Why did you lose all your clothes, but I'm also not sure that a thief has smuggled into this house." Lucas replied with a shrug, as if he didn't know anything.

"Just watch out if that happens. I'll behead the head of the security guard in this house!" said Lucas who suddenly managed to make Ellena slightly rounded.

'Is he really going to do that?' Ellena muttered as if she couldn't believe her husband's words.

"Then what about my clothes, Lucas? How long do I have to dress like this?" Ellena whined as she moved her hands up and down, deliberately wanting to clarify her appearance, which was still wearing a bath robe in front of Lucas.

Lucas seemed to be smiling when he saw Ellena's hand movements that followed the curves of her body that looked like a spanish guitar.

"Leave it like that, I like to see it." Lucas said, then squinted his eyes sensually.

"Lucas!" Ellena sulked as she stomped her right foot, annoyed with Lucas' attitude that had been teasing her all this time.

"Ha ha ha!"

Lucas' defense collapsed. Laughter broke out in the room again. Ellena really looks very cute when she is sulking at him.

furious. Ellena started to look at Lucas scornfully. She licked her natural colored lips. Even in a situation like this, Lucas was still toying with her. Ah, she really can't stand her husband's attitude.

"O Lord, forgive the sins of a husband who always oppresses his wife." Ellena lifted her hands and rubbed them over her face.

Instead of being aware, Lucas laughed even more at Ellena's actions. He seemed to cover his mouth that was almost gushing out trying to hold back a laugh.

"Why are you so annoying, Lucas!" growled Elena. Even the prayers she said didn't have any effect on Lucas, even though she wanted to make fun of her husband on purpose.

"Isn't it very fitting for an annoying person like me to be side by side with an adorable woman like you."

Lucas' statement this time managed to make Ellena froze with a face that had turned like a boiled crab. She then bit her lower lip while occasionally avoiding Lucas' gaze.

"What happened to you?" Lucas asked, noticing Ellena's embarrassed expression looking at her.

For the umpteenth time, Ellena was annoyed. "Don't laugh like that! Please find a solution on how I can change clothes!" She said emphatically.

"And don't forget! Find out who dared to steal all my clothes!" said Ellena who didn't even give Lucas a chance who was just about to respond to her words.

Lucas seemed to gently massage the top of his forehead which didn't feel dizzy. It seemed he was confused about Ellena's attitude this time. 'What will she do, if she finds out who the real culprit is who removed all the clothes from the closet,' Lucas thought at the time.

"Lucas! Don't be silent! Do something! Do you want to let thieves into this house on purpose?" Ellena insisted and managed to make Lucas jump back up.

"Oh, or should I just report it to the police, it's no use hoping for you, Lucas!"

Ellena's statement managed to make Lucas widen his eyes perfectly.

"Do not!" Lucas said trying to dispel the intention of his wife who was just about to grab the cellphone from the bag that was still lying on the bed.

"Why?" Ellena turned her head, staring intently. "Isn't this already a crime, but why do you seem to justify the behavior of the criminals?" She added, starting to get suspicious.

"That's not what I meant, Elle. I mean, you should ask Joana first, maybe she knows," Lucas explained, which managed to make Ellen think for a moment.

"You're right too. Why didn't I think of getting there?" Ellena hissed.


After a few hours. Keenan seemed to get out of his car in front of a simple house. He staggered a little so that he almost fell.

It was clear from his movements that he was under the influence of alcohol which almost completely lost his consciousness. Yes, obviously. Even the smell of alcohol wafted in the air as he occasionally exhaled heavily, still taking the same steps towards the house.

He banged on something made of brown wood quite strongly, after he stood right in front of the door of the house. Meanwhile, he deliberately put the other hand on the door body, used as a support for the head which felt quite heavy and dizzy.

"Open!" He shouted to someone in there. However, there was no answer.

Unlucky. The debate with Ellena this afternoon, apparently created such a deep wound. There was no place for him to lean on or use as an outlet, so he decided to go to a bar, hoping he could forget all his troubles and find some peace there. However, the result is exactly like this. He came home in a semi-conscious state. He didn't even know what his purpose was in coming to a house that was clearly not where he lived while in the city.

He banged on the door again and again, creating a commotion in the house and making the occupants of the house wake up from their sleep.

A beautiful woman with long curly hair, seemed to have sat on the bed wrapped in white sheets, rubbing her eyes.

"Ah, who's visiting at this time of night?" She groaned a little.

Yes, of course she was annoyed with guests who came without knowing the time. She tilted her head slightly, staring at the upper wall in front of her. The hour hand seemed to be pointing to the number 12, suddenly it made her chuckle a little.

"Gosh, that guest really has no manners. What a nuisance!" She grumbled annoyed, then rubbed his face a little rough.

She straightened his slightly messy hair, then she tied it in a ponytail, before deciding to leave that place.


You can still clearly hear the sound of a man's screams accompanied by pounding on the door that continues to echo in every corner of the house.

"Yeah, wait a minute!" he shouted as she walked a little hastily toward the front door.

A few seconds later, the woman arrived at the door. Without thinking, she immediately opened the lock and turned the golden yellow doorknob. Instantly her eyes widened, when she found a familiar figure standing in front of her with a very chaotic and messy appearance.


Simultaneously, Keenan's body collapsed into the arms of the woman in front of him. His eyes were tightly shut. It seemed that he had consumed too much alcohol, that he was already unable to maintain his consciousness.

"Keenan, what happened to you?" asked the woman in a slightly heavy tone because her body didn't feel strong enough to support Keenan's athletic body. However, he tried his best to keep the man's body from falling to the floor.

"Keenan, wake up!" The woman asked, even though she was aware that Keenan was under the influence of alcohol and it would not be easy for her to resuscitate the man.

Finally the woman decided to bring Keenan in, albeit with a slightly limp step.. He threw the limp body on the long brown sofa in the living room.

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