Wedding Agreement With CEO


"Don't worry too much. She's an adult, she can make her life choices. You'll call her later, maybe she's busy right now," Lucas reminded her.

"But I'm worried. This is really weird, Lucas. How could she suddenly resign. Could she possibly go back to the village because she's getting married?" Ellena's chorus began to guess.

"Yeah, maybe." Lucas replied casually and went back to his phone, continuing his work online.

"But why didn't she tell me, wasn't I her best friend? I should have been the first to know about it." Ellena grumbled later. "Besides, as far as I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, how could she suddenly get married." She added later.

"Nothing is impossible. Aren't we also impromptu married?" Lucas asked which suddenly made Ellena rack her brain.

"Yeah, you're right. But this is a different case. We got married because we had to!" said Ellena who didn't accept that her bad experience had anything to do with Filia's problem.

"But she should have told me, even if it was true. Does she not consider me a friend anymore." annoyed Ellena, frowning.

"Maybe because she's still busy and hasn't had time to contact you. I'm sure she'll call you later." Lucas replied, still focused on his cell phone.

"Never mind. Hurry up and finish your work. Haven't we had dinner yet?" Lucas reminded her.

"OK." Ellena turned around, about to walk towards the dressing table. However, after only two steps, her feet stopped. She then turned around and faced Lucas again.

"Lucas, can I come to Filia's house tomorrow?" asked Ellena a little doubtfully.

Lucas was silent for a moment, putting on a style as if he was thinking. "Hm ... I'll think about it later." He answered still doubtfully.

For some reason his heart did not allow his wife to go to the woman's house, especially if Ellena only came alone without being accompanied by him. However, he was busy and could not accompany his wife.

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"Oh, Lucas, come on ... I just wanted to see Filia. I hope she hasn't returned to the village yet." Ellena tried to persuade her husband by putting on a pitiful expression, even this time she seemed to be clasping her hands in front of her chest.

Lucas was silent, then massaged his forehead which felt a little dizzy. Dizzy because he faced the figure of his wife who was trying to persuade him like that. Ah, it feels like he regrets having discussed Filia in front of his wife. Should've just let Ellena not know about it.

"Yeah, I'll think about it later. Let me take you there later." Lucas replied, which managed to make Ellena grin happily.

"Is that true?" asked Ellena to confirm with a very enthusiastic expression.

"Yes, of course." Lucas replied casually.

'How could I let her go there alone. What if it turns out she actually met the man. I know Filia often meets Keenan.' Lucas muttered to himself.

"But tomorrow, I don't want to have to wait a long time, Filia will have already returned to the village." Ellena whined again.

"Yes, Honey." Lucas answered casually, not wanting to make his wife more worried.

"I keep your promise!" Ellena said firmly while pointing at Lucas, before she decided to resume her activities.

"Oh yeah, Honey . . . who did you meet at the shop?" Lucas asked after Ellena sat back down at the dressing table.

"Who with?" Ellena answered while watching Lucas from the mirror reflection. She tried to remember who had met her this afternoon.

"You said the new friend." Lucas said, trying to confirm.

"Oh ... she's Miss Michelle. The woman I was telling you, Lucas. It turns out that Miss Michelle is a very fun person to talk to." Ellena answered, explaining a little. "I lost track of time because I was talking to her for too long." She added later.

"No wonder you want to ignore my calls!" Lucas quipped, chuckling in annoyance. "You've known each other for a long time?" He asked then.

"No. We just got to know each other, but I don't know why, I immediately felt comfortable talking to her." Ellena explained with a smile on her face. Meanwhile, her hands didn't stop combing her long hair which wasn't even messy anymore.

"Careful." Lucas' voice was low, but full of emphasis.

Of course because he was worried about his wife right now. Although Michelle has not been proven to have done anything bad to Ellena, it is possible that the woman had such intentions. In order to prevent it all, Lucas tried to keep Ellena's relationship with Michelle, at all costs.

"Careful why? She's a good person, Lucas. There's no way Miss Michelle intended to disturb or hurt me," replied Ellena who still didn't understand where Lucas was talking about.

Ah, she was very innocent to understand the meaning of her husband's own words. After all, she also doesn't know if Michelle is her husband's ex-lover.

"Not every thing we see is good, it is actually good. Maybe that kindness is only used as a mask to cover up someone's ugliness." Lucas seemed to issue his advice, in order to keep his wife from bad things.

"It's not good to be prejudiced against someone, Lucas!" said Ellena did not accept Lucas' accusation for his new friend. "Besides, I think Miss Michelle is really kind and sincere. It's obvious from the way she talks and acts in front of me!" She said emphatically.

"What's wrong if we have an umbrella before it rains? I don't think anything bad about her or even ask you to think negatively of her, but you need to know one thing, be careful it's necessary!" Lucas insisted that he didn't want to budge, even though he knew his wife was quite stubborn about this.

"Yeah, but it doesn't have to be too much, Lucas." Ellena was still trying to dodge her husband's words.

Whatever Lucas said, it didn't really make her the slightest bit to open her eyes that so many people were impersonating in this world.

"There are many good people, but there are also many bad people and some of them are the people closest to us." Lucas reminded again. "I'm afraid if she approaches you because of a specific purpose." He then whispered, daring to express his worries in front of his wife.

"She just wants to buy a cake, Lucas." Ellena replied enthusiastically.

"Oh come on, Elle ... that's not what I meant!" annoyed Lucas began to not be able to keep up with his wife's innocence.

"Then what do you mean?" asked Ellena looking up and turning to Lucas.

"I mean, you two just got to know each other. Don't get too close to her like that. Don't you know what she really is either?" Lucas obviously hoped that this time Ellena would understand.

"What do you think she's like that?" asked Ellena looking at Lucas curiously. "You don't know her either, do you? Then why do you have such bad thoughts about her?" She added as he walked over to Lucas.

"Th-that—Ah, never mind, let's not talk about it anymore!" Lucas seemed to want to end the topic of discussion that was increasingly frustrating him. Apparently, the time to tell Ellena about Michelle is still not right. He had to be patient again and find a way so that his wife could understand what he meant.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely take care of myself. Don't worry too much about me. I'm no longer a child who can't tell the difference between good and bad." Ellena explained when she realized Lucas' concern.

"You're my wife now, even one country already knows that. I just don't want any foreigners to use you as a tool to destroy me and my company. The business world is cruel, Honey. We can't even tell the difference between real humans and which one isn't." Lucas explained, intentionally relating to the business world, even though Michelle has nothing to do with business at all.

Hearing that explanation, Ellena was silent for a while. She just understood and realized that now her life can no longer be as free as it used to be. Being the wife of a wealthy businessman, will definitely be in the spotlight of anyone. Of course there will be many who are targeting her, regardless of whether it is in a negative or positive way.

She just understood how much Lucas was worried at this moment. Naturally, if the man forbade her not to be too familiar with strangers. However, the figure of Michelle for her is still a good woman. There wasn't even the slightest bit of suspicious movement from the woman.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Lucas. I promise, I'll be careful from now on," said Ellena with a regretful expression.

"Good!" Lucas exclaimed as soon as he got out of bed and walked over to Ellena.

"Let us eat!" He asked as put his arm around his wife's shoulders, then walked out of the room.


After dinner, Lucas took time to be alone in the working room. He seemed to be sitting leaning on a swivel chair while playing the gadget in his hand. It didn't take long for the device to go to his ear.

"Did you manage to follow her?" Lucas asked unceremoniously to the person on the other end. I don't know who was talking to him.

"Yeah, I managed to keep up with all her activities today until she came home to the apartment," replied a man who was talking to Lucas over the air.

"Good!" Lucas exclaimed, grinning happily. "So, how is it going? Is there anything suspicious?" He asked curiously.

"So far, nothing suspicious at all, Sir. It's just that ...." The man didn't continue his words and suddenly made Lucas a little surprised.

"What is it?" Lucas shifted his seat to an upright position. His eyes widened in surprise and a little enthusiasm.

"It's just that Miss Michelle often checks her cellphone, Sir. But I think it's still normal behavior." The man replied, sounding relaxed.

Yes, Michelle is someone they are currently talking about. Lucas had deliberately ordered someone to monitor Michelle's activities. After knowing the closeness of the woman with his wife, he must start to be careful with the figure of Michelle.

Lucas huffed in annoyance. He thought there was important information he would get, it turned out that his guess was wrong.

Wait! Is that not important? Isn't Michelle's attitude quite suspicious? Why does she often check her cell phone? Is there someone she's in contact with or could there be someone she's waiting for?

"Are you sure there's nothing suspicious about her?" Lucas asked trying to reconfirm after he managed to spin his mind.

"Nothing, Sir. That's all I've seen all day." The man replied in a confident tone.

"Keep an eye on her and don't lose track of her!" Lucas ordered emphatically, before he ended the call.

Lucas seemed to be turning the phone over and over again.. His gaze was fixed in any direction, while his brain was spinning, thinking about several possibilities that Michelle would do by approaching Ellena.

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