Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 145 - DON'T LEAVE ME!

In a private hospital, in the patient room, Lucas' parents, a doctor and a nurse, were looking at the bed, where Lucas was now.

After several days of intensive care, Lucas' parents finally got good news from the hospital. Last night, Lucas' condition was declared to have progressed, it was proven when Lucas' hands moved due to stimulation from doctors and nurses several times. However, up to this moment, Lucas was still unconscious.

Today Albert and Veronica got the good news again from the doctor, that's why they immediately went to the hospital to see firsthand the condition of their son.

It is true. Lucas has been able to respond to some of the stimuli given by the doctor. Even now his hands were still moving, though they looked a little stiff.

"Mr. Lucas, can you hear me?" The doctor asked, bending down, whispering in Lucas' ear.


A deep and slightly incoherent voice suddenly escaped Lucas' mouth, suddenly making those who were there grinning happily. The doctor looked at Albert and Veronica alternately, looking at each other with excitement.

Even though they didn't hear clearly, but seeing Lucas's lips trembling and making a sound, they were sure that Lucas would soon wake up.

"Can you hear my voice, Mr. Lucas?" asked the doctor again to make sure.

However, this time there was no answer from Lucas. Again, the doctor looked at Lucas' parents. They exchanged questioning glances.

"Doc, how's Lucas? What's the real sign of this?" Veronica asked starting to put on a worried expression again.

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"Please be patient, Madam. Seeing the positive response from Mr. Lucas, this should be a good sign. However, I also can't be sure, because God really has the power. Let's just pray, hopefully Mr. Lucas will wake up soon," explained the doctor hopefully .

"Doctor, please do the best treatment for our son," begged Albert, who seemed to be impatiently waiting for his son to wake up.

"I've tried to provide the best treatment for the patient, but fate remains in God's hands. I believe that the patient's condition is much better than before, Sir," replied the doctor, still trying to convince Lucas' parents.


Before they could end their conversation, Lucas' voice was heard again. It suddenly made them turn their attention back.

"Sir, if you hear my voice, please do something. Answer me or move your hand."

Without thinking, the doctor again invited Lucas to speak, in an attempt to provide stimulation.

"Elle." Lucas said in a tone that was clear enough than before, so that those in the room could hear the words he was saying. However, his eyes were still closed.

Albert and Veronica immediately looked into each other's eyes, giving each other a look that was hard to read. Veronica looks disappointed, while Albert seems to have a questioning expression.

'Shit! Why did it have to be that bitch that Lucas remembered?' Veronica's mind cursed.

After Ellena's departure three days ago, until this moment Albert still didn't get a definite answer about the reason why Ellena left Lucas. Veronica also argued that she did not know all that and chose to hide the real problem. I don't know what the reason is.

"Sir, Madam, who is the person the patient is referring to? Do you know the person?"

The doctor's question immediately caught their attention. They both seemed confused about what to say. What if the doctor asked Ellena to come to see Lucas, while they didn't know where Ellena was at this time.

"Th-she's his wife, Doc." Albert replied a little nervously and hesitated to tell the doctor.

"Oh yes, Miss Ellena was one of the victims of a car accident driven by Mr. Lucas. I still remember it. Maybe Mr and Mrs could call Miss Ellena. Maybe her presence can help bring Mr. Lucas back to consciousness," replied the doctor with a faint smile.

Unlike Albert and Briana, who actually wore worried expressions when they heard the doctor's explanation. What if Ellena isn't found, will Lucas be like that forever? Not to mention Veronica who doesn't want to see Ellena's figure in front of her, even more so when she sees the woman close to her son.

"Doctor, is there no other way to bring our son back to consciousness, other than Ellena's presence?" asked Albert looking doubtful.

Doctor Hadi just frowned, as if he felt there was something strange about Albert's question. Shouldn't a wife know her husband's current condition, but why did Albert look like he wanted to hide all of this from Ellena on purpose, as if he would object if Ellena knew about Lucas' real condition?

Not wanting to comment further, Doctor Hadi only gave a faint smile, before finally responding to Albert's question.

"We'll try our best, Sir." Doctor Hadi replied, trying to remain neutral, even though he really expected Ellena to come to Lucas' consciousness.

"Elle ...." Lucas called out Ellena's name again and now his eyes moved.

"Sir, Madam, it seems the patient is trying to open his eyes!" Doctor Hadi exclaimed with great enthusiasm and Lucas' parents immediately responded positively.

"Elle, don't leave me." Lucas hissed again and managed to make his parents round and give each other worried looks.

It seems Lucas has a very strong bond with his wife. Even when he was in a coma like that, Lucas seemed to have known and was able to feel that Ellena had indeed left him.

Doctor Hadi did not immediately take any action, he was deliberately waiting for Lucas who was still moving his eyelids very heavily.

A wide smile appeared on the doctor's face again. Until finally Lucas managed to open his eyes perfectly, even though it was full of struggle, because it is not easy for a comatose patient like him, doing things should be easy to do.

"Lucas!" Veronica and Albert exclaimed in unison and jumped slightly. Surprised to see his son can open his eyes again.

"Sir, thank God you're awake," said Doctor Hadi with a wide smile.

"Can you see me clearly? Please give a response if you can," asked Doctor Hadi directly asking a question, just wanting to check Lucas' actual condition.

Luckily Lucas gave a positive response by nodding his head, a sign that he could indeed do what Doctor Hadi asked.

"Mr. Lucas, how much is this?" Doctor Hadi seemed to be pointing 3 fingers in front of Lucas.

"Three." Lucas answered, still trying to keep his eyes open.

Meanwhile, Albert and Veronica only paid attention to the activities of the doctor who was still examining their son, without any comment.

"Okay, I'll check you first," said the doctor and immediately took action to check Lucas' condition after he woke up.

"Lucas." Veronica whispered as she stroked the top of Lucas' head with teary eyes. Happy to see Lucas open his eyes again.

The happiest thing in her life, being able to give birth to Lucas safely and seeing Lucas open his eyes again after a few days in a coma. It was like a miracle for his son. Can't imagine if anything happened to his son, maybe he would go crazy from living without Lucas.

"Mom, how is Ellena doing?" Lucas asked after Doctor Hadi had finished examining him and left the room. It seems that he still remembers clearly, the accident that happened to him, even though he has been in a coma for quite a while.

Receiving that question, again Veronica exchanged glances with Albert. It wasn't difficult for them to answer the question, it was just that they were worried about Lucas' next question about Ellena. What if Lucas asked them to call Ellena to come see him? No doubt. That's for sure.

"Hm ... Ellena is fine, Lucas. There were no serious injuries from the accident, nor with her mother." Albert answered trying to answer Lucas's current concern.

Lucas smiled faintly at that answer. Of course he was happy to hear that his wife and mother-in-law were fine. However, why wasn't Ellena by his side when he had just come to his senses? Shouldn't Ellena be waiting and accompanying him while in the hospital?

Had thought of negative things about Ellena. However, Lucas quickly brushed it off and turned his mind around, assuming that Ellena was indeed resting at home. He also hoped so because he didn't want to see Ellena sick just because he was too tired to take care and accompany her in the hospital. In fact, he seemed to have forgotten the nightmare that had made him delirious, as well as brought him out of a coma.

"Where is she now? I miss her so much, can Mommy and Daddy call her to come here?"

It turned out that Albert and Veronica's guess was right. Finally, what they were worried about happened. At this time, they seemed to be desperately looking for the right answer, especially Veronica, who clearly had a sin for expelling Ellena without Lucas knowing. She looked nervous and confused facing her son at the moment.

Lucas just realized, of course they don't want to give bad news that can shake Lucas' heart and mind right now. They didn't want to see Lucas stressed at the thought of Ellena leaving.

"Mommy, Daddy, why are you so quiet?" Lucas knitted his brows, looking at his parents curiously.

For the umpteenth time, Albert and Veronica looked at each other. Share confusion. However, only for a moment. Albert looked back at Lucas after his wife blinked slowly, as if gesturing for him to answer Lucas' question.

"Lucas, I don't know what to say. This must be hard for you, but I hope you can accept it gracefully ...." Albert whispered, deliberately hanging his words when doubts invaded his heart again.

"Dadd, what's the matter? What are you guys hiding from me?" Lucas asked suspiciously. "What really happened to Ellena? Is she okay?" He added, starting to worry about his wife's condition.

Albert lowered his head, then looked up again, staring sadly at his son's face. He knew very well how Lucas would feel when he learned the bad news he was about to deliver.

"Ellen left the house with her mother.." Albert whispered doubtfully and with determination.

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