Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 149 - LUCAS' SUSPICION

"You? Why did you come here?"

Lucas stared at the sexy looking woman who was standing in front of him holding a bouquet of lilies and a basket of different types of fruit.

"Hi, Lucas. How are you? Sorry, I was only able to visit you. A few days ago I returned to the Netherlands and just returned to Indonesia last night. I'm sorry to hear of the accident that just happened to you," said the woman while wearing a sad expression.

"Michelle, I'm fine, you shouldn't have overdone it by coming here!" Lucas said immediately raising his voice at Michelle, a woman who was not expected to be around at all.

"How can I take this for granted, when you're in a coma from that accident." Michelle replied.

"How do you know?" Lucas furrowed his brows in surprise. Didn't he say Michelle was returning to Holland, but how did she know about his condition?

"The news of your accident has been on television and in the newspapers." Adley announced, not taking his eyes off Michelle's face.

Ah, Lucas forgot one thing that anything that concerns him must quickly rise to the mass media.

Michelle, who actually heard Adley's words, seemed to smile happily. At least Adley's answer helped her enough and she didn't need to explain to Lucas anymore.

"Hello, Adley, how are you? Long time no see, even though our apartments are close by." Michelle greeted, just casually greeting Adley.

"Hi. I just came back from out of town last night." Adley replied flatly with a mischievous look that was thrown at Michelle.

"That's right." Michelle said with a faint smile. "Oh yeah, I brought this for you." She added as turned to Lucas and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

Lucas only responded with a lazy expression, but in the end he took the flower even though he was a little forced.

"Thanks." He said flatly.

Michelle then placed the fruit parcel on the left side of the nightstand, before finally refocusing her gaze on Lucas.

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Meanwhile, as soon as possible the flower in Lucas' hand was transferred to his best friend's hand and Adley immediately put the flower on the nightstand on the right side of the bed.

"I'm glad to see how much better you are."

Michelle seemed to be smiling happily at Lucas, meanwhile Lucas only responded by looking away lazily. In contrast to Adley, who seemed to observe every movement of Michelle who was standing one meter in front of her, only blocked by the hospital gurney.

"Oh yeah, where's your wife? I don't see her here?" asked Michelle who immediately got a suspicious look from Lucas as if she knew something.

"You already know my wife?" Lucas asked curiously. All this time he had pretended not to know Ellena's meeting with Michelle which had happened twice.

Michelle was silent for a moment as if she was thinking about something. "No." She answered simply, smiling as if hiding something behind her smile.

This of course made Lucas surprised, it was clear that Michelle had met Ellena, they even had a chat and seemed very close, but why did Michelle deny all of that?

Not only Lucas, Adley, who already knew the story from Lucas, was also surprised and curious. Lucas said it was true if it turned out that Michelle's attitude was suspicious. It's not wrong if Lucas is very worried about Ellena when he finds out Michelle is coming to the woman.

Seeing Lucas and Adley's expressions suddenly changing, Michelle then tried to clarify what she had said earlier. "I'm just surprised that I didn't find a woman here waiting for you, even outside I saw no one else waiting, that means she's not here, right? Could she be out for a while or—"

"That's none of your business!" Lucas concluded firmly.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Michelle mumbled still in a relaxed manner, as if nothing had happened, even though she knew that Lucas was really bothered by her appearance in that place.

"Michelle, when are you coming back to Netherland?" Adley asked pleasantly, but he had a purpose behind his question.

"Hm ...." Michelle looked thoughtful as if she was remembering something.

"Did you leave before Lucas' accident happened?" Adley asked reassuringly, staring blankly, as if he didn't want to show suspicion in front of Michelle.

"Yes, you're absolutely right, Adley!" cried Michelle with great enthusiasm, as if she had found the perfect answer, after Adley had asked her the question.

"I did leave the day before the accident happened, that's the reason why I just visited Lucas today, because I have some things to finish there." Michelle explained a little nervously and only Adley nodded.

"Oh yes, do you still remember the invitation from Mr. Hermawan?" Adley turned to Lucas as he confirmed.

"Mr. Hermawan? A business client who invited us to his son's wedding?" Lucas asked trying to remember.

"Yes, you're right. The party is tonight. Since you couldn't come, I had to go there myself," said Adley, looking disappointed that he couldn't attend the wedding with Lucas.

Adley then glanced at Michelle with a small smile. "Miss Michelle, would you mind accompanying me tonight?" He asked a little doubtfully.

"I?" Michelle rolled her eyes as she pointed to herself. Surprised by Adley who suddenly asked him to come to their business client's wedding.

"Yeah, you. Who else?" Adley answered answering the woman's question.

"Why me? Why don't you invite your lover?" asked Michelle feeling strange about Adley's attitude.

"Oh come on ... I'm single. I don't have a girlfriend." Adley looked slightly frowning in front of Michelle, wearing a pitiful expression, hoping that Michelle would be willing to accompany him.

That was enough to catch Lucas' attention. He was just observing Adley and Michelle's conversation. Don't want to comment anything. It seemed that he already knew what Adley's invitation to Michelle meant. Certainly not without a very important reason. He was sure of that and already knew how his best friend was.

"You don't have a lover, but you have many mistresses and I don't want to be one of them!" refused Michelle firmly.

"No! Who wants to make you a mistress, even if you want, I want to make you my lover," said Adley not seriously, just wanted to tease Michelle.

"Oh shit!" Michelle cursed while pouting her lips. "No! I won't it, Adley!" reject it then.

"Come on, Michelle . . . just this once. Think of me as Lucas." Adley began pleading, hoping that Michelle would fulfill his request.

"You're crazy, Adley!" Again Michelle cursed.

"Come on, Michelle. Help my best friend," said Lucas, who also begged for his best friend.

"Lu-Lucas, what's the point of all this? Why are you asking me to accompany this crazy man?" pointed Michelle at Adley.

"Are you aware of calling a man as handsome as Adley crazy?" Lucas' punching question instantly made Michelle look nervous and confused.

'Ah, what kind of joke is this?' Michelle muttered to herself.

"Why don't you go alone?" asked Michelle, still trying to resist.

"Ah, where will my pride go, if I just come alone without a partner." Adley replied with a frustrated sigh.

"You can take one of your mistresses!" Michelle firmly advised.

"There's no one as pretty as you, Michelle." Adley retorted. Of course he wasn't serious about what he said, he was just trying to persuade Michelle.

"Bullshit! That must be just a trick of yours, Adley!" accused Michelle still not believing the man in front of her.

"You still think of me as a friend?"

Lucas' question instantly made Michelle turn back and stare at him stunned.

"Of course, Lucas." Michelle answered enthusiastically, confident of her answer. 'Even I still want us to be able to go back to how we used to be." She continued.

"Then go with Adley tonight." Lucas asked, deliberately trying to take advantage of the situation.

If Adley couldn't persuade Michelle, of course he would have to move until she could no longer resist.

"But, Lucas—"

"That's if you still consider me a friend." Lucas concluded deliberately making Michelle unable to move.

Michelle was silent for a moment, as if thinking of something. Yes, of course thinking about what Lucas said. She was confused about how to respond to the two men's requests. If she refused, it meant Lucas would assume that they were no longer friends. However, if she accepted the invitation, it would mean she would go with a land crocodile like Adley. Ah, really the two choices made her very dilemma.

"Hm ... Well, but on one condition." Michelle replied after a moment of thought and came up with a brilliant idea.

'Shit! Why does he have to give conditions!' Lucas cursed in his heart.

"What are the conditions?" Lucas asked, squinting his eyes at Michelle questioningly.

"Hm ... it's simple." Michelle answered, smiling at her, then folded her arms in front of her chest. "You just need to allow me to come see you whenever I want." She added with a smirk as if there was a negative meaning hidden behind her smile.

"You're crazy, Michelle! I also need some time to myself. How can I fulfill your crazy wish!" Lucas protested clearly not agreeing to Michelle's request.

"Wait! The one you have to help is me, not Lucas. Why did you put conditions on Lucas, you should have made conditions for me!" said Adley trying to thwart Michelle's wishes.

"I'm willing to do that for Lucas, not for you!" said Michelle, pointing at Lucas and Adley in turn.


"That's if you agree." Michelle cut in, not giving Adley another chance to comment.

Meanwhile, Lucas was still thinking about Michelle's request. This time he was in a dilemma. If he refused Michelle's request, he would lose a golden opportunity to investigate the woman. However, if he accepted the request, it would be a new disaster for him, which Michelle would definitely see him every day and it was very disturbing. Oh shit. How could Michelle take this opportunity, he thought.

"Okay." Lucas said forcefully after he had thought through his decision.

"Okay.." Michelle replied, grinning triumphantly.

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