Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 199 - WHAT A PAIN!

Chapter 199 – WHAT A PAIN!

"You're not lying, are you?" Lucas grabbed Richard's collar back.

Ah, that man was treated like trash. It was the first time in a lifetime that anyone had dared to humiliate Richard like that. Only Lucas dared him. Unlucky.

"Why don't you believe me yet, huh?" Richard firmly let go of Lucas' hand.

furious. Of course Richard couldn't tolerate what Lucas had done to him anymore. Was he really that bad that he had to be under constant suspicion?

By reflex Lucas' bodyguards were about to restrain Richard, but Lucas had stopped him first.

"That's the risk for a liar like you!" Lucas pouted without thinking about Richard's feelings at all.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with what Lucas said. It was only natural that he would lose faith in someone who had dared to lie to him. Isn't that a law of nature, that the worst punishment for a liar is the loss of someone's trust.

"You can not believe me, I don't care. Most importantly, I already told you about the fact," explained Richard not wanting to lose.


Lucas groaned in frustration. How come? When he was about to find the person he had missed so much, he suddenly had to face another harsh reality that made him even more confused about what to do. Meanwhile, there wasn't the slightest clue that he could follow to find Ellena's whereabouts now.

"You calm down, Lucas. Maybe we can find another way out." Adley said trying to calm him down, rubbing Lucas' back roughly.

Adley knew very well how Lucas was feeling right now. Beaten? Yes of course. He could feel it all and believed he would do the same if he were in Lucas' position.

"So, what should we do now?" Lucas shouted as he gave a perfect laugh, straight at Adley.

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"All problems will not be solved if only with anger!" snapped Adley, in addition to wanting to retaliate, he also wanted to awaken his friend.

"You calm down first. Soon this matter will be over soon," said Adley again, lowering his voice.

"I didn't expect you to have such a temper, Lucas," Richard sneered, smiling a bitter smile, as if he wanted to belittle on purpose.

"It's all because of you, Richard! How could you say something like that to me, when you're the one who made me like this. If you weren't so cunning, Richard, I might have met Ellena a long time ago!" Lucas insisted.

"Maybe now you look normal, but see you later when Ellena comes back to me, you will feel pain like I feel right now!" added Lucas still not satisfied.

"What do you mean?" asked Richard, not understanding where Lucas was talking.

Lucas cracked a bitter smile. "Don't pretend, Richard. I know you really want my wife!"

"Your jokes are really not funny, Lucas!" Richard replied as if he still didn't understand the meaning behind Lucas' words.

"You're so wrong for looking into trouble with me. Someday, you'll know how painful it is to lose someone you love so much and if that happens, then I'll be the first to laugh at you, Richard. You'll know how it feels to see someone who you love live happily with me," Lucas explained which managed to make Richard stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Richard asked again. It's not that he doesn't understand, but it looks like he's just pretending he doesn't understand.

"I know you love my wife," Lucas replied deliberately clarifying the meaning of his words.


"Don't worry, because I won't let that happen. At least you'll know how much it hurts when Ellena actually comes back to me!" Lucas firmly cut off Richard's words.

Not wanting to show any more pretense, Richard seemed to be starting to heed Lucas' words. This is evident from the smile that appeared on his face.

"It's good that you know, at least you don't have to be surprised when I try to fight for it," Richard replied confidently as if he felt certain he would succeed in getting Ellena.

"Shit! You shouldn't be prioritizing each other's feelings! Ellena is in danger, how could you even care more about your feelings? Crazy!" cursed Adley who had been observing the conversation of the two men.

"But I can't let this man take Ellena from me!" Lucas said starting to get worried.

"Ha ha ha! You shouldn't have to be so scared, if you feel that Ellena loves you… Oh, or maybe you guys actually—"

"Shut up! You have absolutely nothing to do with me, so don't you ever intend to interfere with my relationship with Ellena! If you keep insisting, don't expect you to be able to breathe freely!" Lucas firmly warned.

"Stop it! You guys are really crazy!" said Adley who in fact was completely ignored.

"Okay, how about we make a bet? Who manages to find Ellena first, he wins and is entitled to Ellena?" Richard gave an obvious suggestion that Lucas immediately responded to negatively.

"Damn it! You think my wife can be given to anyone at any time?" Lucas protested clearly not accepting Richard's offer. "Whatever the reason, I will not let my wife fall into the arms of a cunning man like you!" he added later.

"How long are you two arguing like this, huh?" said Adley, who felt that he was getting more and more furious at the argument between the two men.

"I feel sorry for the two women that the two men brought with me. If only I could have helped her, I might have done it. Damn, we can only watch it happen without being able to do anything about it."

"Yes, you're right. Hope the woman is well."

Before Lucas and Richard had time to respond to Adley, suddenly they heard the chatter of two men passing around them. This immediately caught the attention of Lucas and the others.


Lucas' voice suddenly stopped the two men in their tracks. They turned their heads, then looked at each other as if in complete astonishment.

"What were you two talking about?" Lucas asked as he approached the two men, Adley and Richard were no exception, who tried to approach.

"Two women brought by two men? Did I hear right?" Lucas asked again just to be sure.

One of the thin-looking men looked Lucas up and down, before responding to the question.

"Yes, Sir. We saw two women being carried by two men. It seems that the man was deliberately trying to do something bad. Unfortunately, we couldn't help because they threatened with a gun," explained the man, shaking his head slowly.

"That's right, sir. If they weren't threatening, we might have fought them," said the other man.

"You know where they took those two women?" Lucas asked enthusiastically.

"We don't know exactly, but their car is going north," the skinny man replied, pointing in the direction in question.

"Can you guys tell us about the features of their car?" Adley chimed in when he immediately thought of it.

"Yes, of course, SOmiir. The black jeep brought them," replied the man.

"Is there anything else you know apart from that?" asked Adley again trying to make sure, hoping there was something else that could serve as a clue to finding Ellena.

"Number plates!" exclaimed the skinny man enthusiastically. "Yes, I did take a photo of the car's license plate, sir."

"Can you show it to us?" Lucas immediately responded with great enthusiasm.

"Yes of course." The man reached into the pocket of the pants he was wearing and immediately took out a flat object from inside. Showed the shots to Lucas, Adley, and also Richard.

"What can we do with these license plates?" Richard asked.

"At least we can trace the owner of the vehicle.


"Master, please!"

Ellena's screams echoed again, disturbing the ears of the four men who were guarding the house.

The bearded man had to hang his coffee cup in the air as he was about to take a sip of the coffee.

"That woman is so noisy!" cursed the man while glaring in annoyance towards the door where Ellena and her mother were kept.

Meanwhile, the other three men remained silent and remained focused on the game of chess that had not ended.

"Master, please!" Ellena shouted again who immediately stopped their activities for a moment.

"I need to pee, can you help me?" asked Ellena in a loud voice.

"Oh, shit! What a pain!" cursed the bald man while sighing in frustration.

"Hurry up and take care of him, before it gets more and more troublesome for us!" the bearded man said to the bald man sitting beside him.

"Okay." The man got up and immediately opened the door to the room, while approaching Ellena.

"Sir, I need to go to the bathroom," Ellena announced when the bald man was already standing in front of her.

"Troublesome!" cursed the man sarcastically.

"I'll give you permission to leave, but don't ever try to run away from here, will you?"

"Okay, s

Sir, I promise I won't try to run away from this house," answered Ellena in agreement.

The man then removed the rope that tied Ellena's leg.

After all the ropes were untied, the man led Ellena to go to the bathroom which was located in the room.

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