Wedding Agreement With CEO


"Mr Lucas, is it true that you canceled your marriage with Miss Selena because of another woman?" A reporter asked Lucas.

Yes, Lucas did hold a press conference today, as previously planned with Adley. After the slanted news circulated about him two days ago, of course he couldn't stay silent and let the fake news spreader laugh happily knowing that his good name was tarnished.

Lucas seemed to be sitting in the middle seat flanked by Adley and Alex who faithfully accompanied him. Meanwhile, on Adley's left was Reino who was also there to accompany his boss. Behind them were also five bodyguards with dashing appearances all in black. They are tasked with providing security to Lucas and his co-workers, if suddenly there is a riot at the event.

Getting a question that seemed to corner him, Lucas remained relaxed and calm. He wanted to show the whole world that the accusations were untrue. If he tried hard to refute, other people would think that the accusation was true. That was the reason he didn't want to be too hasty in conveying answers or other opinions.

Lucas smiled faintly, before finally responding to the question by saying, "Yeah, right."

Lucas' answer suddenly caused a commotion in the room in an instant. Several reporters and cameramen who were in front of him looked at each other as if they couldn't believe what they had just heard straight from Lucas' mouth. In fact, some of them were heard whispering questions to other reporters standing beside them.

"How could Mr Lucas be that mean to Miss Selena?" whispered one of the long-haired male reporters to the short-haired male reporter.

"I don't know. I didn't think so either. I think this news is a lie," replied the short-haired journalist.

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"But I didn't do it without reason!" The baritone voice that came out of Lucas's mouth instantly made the entire media crew turn their focus back to the front. The room was suddenly silent again.

This time Lucas was the center of attention of all the media crew present at the venue. In a precarious situation like this, he might spread his trademark smile to those who are currently trying to interrogate him. In fact, if he wasn't careful in speaking, his name might even be ruined because of the reporters' misunderstandings.

Lucas is still trying to look elegant. Even in a situation like this, he still looked very charming. That was the reason why it was so difficult for other people to think badly of him.

"Then why did you do that? Is there something wrong with Miss Selena?" asked the long-haired reporter with great enthusiasm.

Lucas smiled, then intertwined his fingers on the table in front of him. A pair of hazel-colored eyes seemed to sweep across the room. He stared at the entire media crew from the far left to the far right.

From the start, he could have guessed that his marriage to Ellena would make it to the media, even though he had tried to hide it all. In fact, after getting married he has never been alone with Ellena, other than what happened last night at the mini market.

He did this simply because he wanted to avoid the media spotlight. However, it turns out that their smell is very sharp, so they can quickly find out the truth. However, Lucas was no fool. He believed that the media could find out about it because someone had already told them, not just by chance.

"What do you think? Is it possible that I did that just because of a trivial matter?" Lucas answered their question with a question, suddenly making the reporters instantly silenced.

He wanted all the media crew who were there to think logically and not to look at a problem only with one eye. Isn't the best way to deal with the problem by first looking for the root of the problem through several points of view.

Of course, it would be very wrong if they only heard the news from one source that was not certain the truth, then immediately spread the news to the general public. Obviously it will cost the victim, as Lucas is currently experiencing. Don't they think first to find other sources whose truth is stronger and more accurate, before spreading the news to the general public?

How can a nation progress, if it is only busy with looking down on other people. In fact, sometimes too many of them view the negative side of someone more than the positive side of that.

"I don't want to say much here, because of course it won't prove anything to you. I just wanted to point out something that might surprise you and determine who is at fault in this matter. I'm sure all of you are intelligent who doesn't want to spread the word without real evidence!" Lucas said as he made a sarcasm at the end of his sentence.

All the reporters and cameramen were finally excited to hear Lucas' statement again. Of course they were very curious about what Lucas would show them. If that were true regarding his rift with Selena, it would certainly be the hottest news in the country. The entire mass media that reported the news, would definitely benefit greatly from it. Most importantly, his good name will return to the way it was and no one will ever think of him as a love traitor.

Lucas immediately turned his attention to Alex who was sitting on his left. He then nodded his head slowly, as a sign language for Alex to do what they had planned beforehand.

Alex also nodded in response, then immediately focused his gaze on the laptop in front of him. He started to operate the laptop. Not long after, a video recording appeared on the projector screen which had been prepared on the right and left of their seats, right in front of the media crew and cameramen.

This time the center of attention of the media and cameramen was not Lucas anymore, but the projector screen. What was displayed on the screen made them instantly flabbergasted. The scene of Selena and Steve in front of the apartment at that time is now clearly displayed in front of them. They really didn't think that it was Selena who had betrayed a man as handsome and rich as Lucas. 'How could Selena dare to betray Lucas who doesn't even seem to have any flaws?' They thought astonished.

It's like throwing away a diamond for a grain of corn. Maybe that's the appropriate proverb for a current Selena.

They watched the 7 minute video until it was finished. They thought that important news would be a shame if they were to pass up.

After 7 minutes had passed, the video had finished playing and there was another commotion in the room. A series of questions were immediately thrown at Lucas without any rules, making the man feel confused which one he should respond to first.

"Mr. Lucas, did you know about their relationship before?"

"Mr. Lucas, do you know the man?"

"Mr. Lucas, how did you feel when you first learned of Miss Selena's betrayal and how did your family react?"

"Mr, how is Miss Selena's relationship with that man now? Is it still ongoing or not?"

Lucas was still silent and had no intention of answering any of their questions. He thought he didn't need to talk too much, because the video had already proved who was at fault for causing the marriage to be annulled. That was enough for him.

"Sorry, I don't think there's much I can say. I just need to prove the fake news regarding my name. I think that's enough for you, the rest you ask the person concerned!" Lucas said to the media crew.

He certainly doesn't have much time to answer those unimportant questions, especially regarding Selena and Steve's relationship. He didn't even know what their relationship would be like.

"Thank you for your time. Excuse me, good afternoon." Lucas and his three co-workers seemed to get up from their seats, after he said goodbye.

"Mr. Lucas, please answer our questions first!" shouted a reporter who was not quite satisfied with Lucas' clarification.

"Mr. Lucas, just give us a second chance!" another reporter said. However, Lucas remained unmoved and did not want to respond to their request.

He and his three co-workers immediately left there, escorted by his five bodyguards. However, the media crew and cameramen who were not satisfied, kept trying to chase him while continuing to ask some questions.

Elsewhere, Ellena was focusing on watching Lucas' interview live on television. He stared at the television screen seriously, thus ignoring the snack in her hand.

"I'm so sorry Lucas." She whispered when she saw Lucas being chased and shot by several questions from reporters. "He must be annoyed with the reporters. Ah, is the fate of big people always like that?" She added then while putting a potato snack into his mouth.

"Mr. Lucas, can you tell me which woman you ended up choosing?"

One question from reporters that Ellena could catch so clearly. Instantly her heart was beating fast. Truly, the question was very surprising to her. It was even more shocking when she saw Lucas stop and turn towards the media crew.

"She is a very extraordinary woman in my opinion. A woman who never looks at someone only from material things. She is a hard worker and also loves her family very much." Lucas' answer this time managed to make Ellena stunned.

'Did he really say that?' mumbled Ellena.

"You must be very happy living with your wife?" Again the reporter asked a question that made Ellena curious about Lucas' answer.

"Oh, sure. I'm very happy with her. In fact, we spend most of the time happily," Lucas answered, looking serious and enthusiastic.

"Lie!" shouted Ellena reflexively. "What is he doing? He shouldn't have to answer that pointless question! Luckily, Keenan already knows about this play. Otherwise, my story is over.." Ellena grunted later.

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