Wedding Agreement With CEO


After a long debate, Lucas finally relented. He agreed to Ellena's request to eat at 'Warteg', a small food stall he had never been to at all. In all his life, Lucas had never eaten at 'Warteg'.

Considering he was born into a conglomerate family, so he only knew places to eat like fancy restaurants. That was the reason why he refused Ellena's request, because he knew how the condition of the restaurant called 'Warteg'.

Seeing some 'Warteg' on the side of the road that he often met, it seemed he would not want to eat there. According to him, in addition to the unhygienic place, the people who eat there are also only those from the lower middle class. Obviously not comparable to him who has a lot of money and can eat in fancy restaurants. However, because of Ellena, he was forced to give in and follow every direction the woman pointed.

"Okay, stop!"

Ellena interrupted Lucas to stop his car there, just as she saw a 'Warteg' not far from one of the shopping centers in the city.

Lucas quickly braked the car, without saying anything.

"Lucas, we're going to eat that 'Warteg'." Ellena pointed at the small food stall in question, causing Lucas to look over.

"Are you really, Elle?" Lucas protested to Ellena when he found the very simple 'Warteg' building, even simpler than any he had ever encountered before.

"I don't agree, let's find another place to eat!" Lucas was about to start the car again, but Ellena had stopped him first.

"Wait! I want to eat there. Over there, the food is very delicious, Lucas. I and Filia often eat there and it tastes better than what we eat at fancy restaurants." Ellena tried to explain to Lucas.

Yes, she did frequent the diner with Filia. So, of course she already knew how the quality of the food in that 'Warteg'. Not as simple as imagined. In fact, the taste of the food at that place was far more delicious than anything she had eaten in fancy restaurants. Although the place is very simple, but that does not guarantee that the taste of the food is bad or not delicious. 

"That's according to your tongue who often eats cheap food, unlike me who ...." Lucas didn't continue when he saw Ellena's cynical face. He just realized that his words had offended the woman. "Sorry, I d-didn't mean—"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Never mind, Lucas. Let's just go home, no need to eat there!" Ellena snapped, cutting off Lucas' words.

Ellena's face looked sullen, there wasn't a hint of happiness on her face. Of course she was very offended by Lucas' words which were clearly condescending to her.

'Are rich people always so easy to put down poor people like me?' She muttered to herself.

Without saying anything else, Lucas immediately drove back the car. However, instead of turning around, he parked the car right in front of the 'Warteg' referred to by Ellena, making the woman a little surprised.

"Why did you stop here?" asked Ellena who didn't get an answer from Lucas. "Let's go home, if you don't want to eat here." She added, looking at Lucas who seemed to have an annoyed expression.

Instead of giving an answer, Lucas got out of his car. Lucas' attitude certainly made Ellena dumbfounded for a moment. From inside the car, Ellena still seemed to be watching Lucas who was walking in front of her.

"Come on, come down!" Lucas asked in a slightly forced tone, after he had managed to open the car door for Ellena.

"Lucas, if you really mind, we'd better go home." Ellena had a pitiful expression on her face. She seemed to feel bad for having annoyed Lucas like that.

"We're going to eat here. Isn't that what you want?" Lucas looked at Ellena quite deeply as if to reassure Ellena.

"But ...."

Ellena's words were cut off when Lucas suddenly pulled her hand away. She was forced to get out of the car, even though she actually felt bad for Lucas. On the one hand, she was happy to be able to irritate Lucas, at least she could repay Lucas for his treatment so far. However, on the other hand, she also felt uncomfortable if she had to force Lucas to come to a place that he had never visited at all.

"Are you sure, Lucas?" Ellena looked at Lucas questioningly.

"Yes." Lucas answered simply.

They walked into the 'Warteg' holding hands. To be precise, it was Lucas who seemed reluctant to let go of Ellena's hand.

Apparently 'Warteg' was very crowded with several visitors, so it made the conditions inside feel very crowded. Lucas swallowed heavily when he saw the sight.

They then looked around and looked for an empty seat. The name is also a small food stall, so there are only a few tables and benches made of wood with a very simple model. In addition, one table can also be occupied by several other visitors. Anyone can eat at the table, even if they are not the same group.

In contrast to luxury restaurants that are more private in nature. One table can only be occupied by the same group and each group can choose the place they want.

"Lucas, we're sitting over there!" Ellena pointed when she found two empty chairs with one other diners eating at the table.

"Can't you see? There's someone eating there," answered Lucas, who didn't know the rules of such a small diner.

"It's okay. It's just like that. Come on!" Ellena pulled Lucas' hand towards the table in question.

"You mean we eat at the same table with other people? In fact, we don't even know them at all, Elle!" Lucas looked at Ellena questioningly as he walked towards the table.

"Yeah, it's okay. It's been like that. You take it easy, there's no need to worry," Ellena explained as she continued to pull Lucas' hand.

"But Ellena—"

"Okay, you just sit here!" asked Ellena when they were near the table.

"Come on, sit down!" Ellena again asked Lucas to sit down, after seeing the man who just didn't budge.

Lucas looked left and right, watching all the visitors to the place. After that, with some hesitation he landed his body on the long brown wooden chair.

"What do you want to eat?" Ellena's question immediately made Lucas flinch, then slightly looked up at Ellena who was still standing there.

"Whatever, it has to be the best food in here." Lucas answered doubtfully. Of course he did not know the type of food menu available at 'Warteg'.

"Okay, you wait a minute!" Ellena immediately rushed from that place and approached the guard 'Warteg'.

Ellena then ordered two plates of food and drink from one of the guards. After that, she turned back to Lucas.

"You will definitely like the food here." Ellena seemed to smile, as she had just landed on the long chair in front of Lucas, so now they were sitting opposite each other.

Hearing Ellena's words, it made Lucas change his facial expression. Let alone eating the food in that place, just imagining it. It felt like he was already very nauseous.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman brought two plates of rice and side dishes and two glasses of tea. The middle-aged mother seemed to put the food and drink in front of Ellena and Lucas.

"What's this?" point Lucas to one of the food menus that are above the rice.

"That's jengkol stew," replied Ellena, grinning showing a row of white teeth.

"Je-jengkol?" Lucas widened his eyes and glared at Ellena's face. "Seriously, Elle! You wanted to poison me on purpose, huh?" Lucas leaned forward while speaking quietly to Ellena. Instantly his eyes glanced to the side, making sure the other two visitors sitting there didn't hear his voice.

Hearing Lucas' question, Ellena just chuckled holding back laughter. How could Lucas accuse her of that. 'Does he really not know how delicious jengkol stew is?' She thought at the time.

"Lucas, you should know. Jengkol stew tastes really good. That's why you have to taste it. You'll love it!" Ellena explained, holding back a laugh.

Lucas looks very funny, when he knows he will eat with jengkol stew. Something he had probably never eaten in his life.

"You know? I've never eaten jengkol in my life and now you just want to poison me with this food. No! I don't want to eat it!" Lucas refused while turning his face in any direction. "Besides, people say that jengkol is very smelly, I will never eat it!"

Ellena smiled at Lucas' attitude this time. Actually, she didn't have the heart, but it seemed like she had to take this opportunity to prank Lucas. At least, she could retaliate a bit for the man's treatment of her all this time.

"No, Lucas. They're lying. It's really good, you should give it a try. I'm sure you'll like it." Ellena tried to persuade Lucas to eat.

Lucas looked back at the dinner plate, before he responded to Ellena's request. "Then, what is this one?" point Lucas to another menu of food that is on top of rice.

"Don't you really know that?" Ellena rolled her eyes, looking at Lucas questioningly. Meanwhile, Lucas only responded by shaking his head.

"That's fried squid, Lucas. You don't know?" said Ellena in surprise.

"Oh, Gosh, Ellena ... you really want to kill me?" Lucas cursed angrily.

"No! How could I kill you in this way, aren't there a lot of sharp knives at home that I can use?"

Ellena's response suddenly made Lucas widen in disbelief. How could Ellena so casually talk like that in front of him. 'Did he really intend to kill me?' He muttered to himself.

He then looked at the plate again, looking at every menu that was on it. Jengkol stew and stir-fried squid that look very unruly. Instantly his stomach felt very nauseous, when he found food that he thought was very strange and disgusting. Not at all appetizing.

"I know you're not allergic to seafood. So, try to eat it. It's very delicious." Ellena started to get some rice and other side dishes from Lucas' plate using her own hands.. After that, she stretched out her hand as she wanted to feed Lucas.

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