Wedding Agreement With CEO


"Elle, can you hear your young brother? Mom really need your support. So, please don't be weak like this. Trust that Mom will be strong and will be fine." Lucas reminded Ellena. He really couldn't bear to see Ellena who was constantly sad like that.

Listening to the advice of her young brother and husband, Ellena sobbed even more and her tears deepened. The tears that had flowed down her cheeks could no longer be held back.

Her mother was the only parent she had. If something bad happens to her mother, then who else should she complain to and complain to besides God?

"Mom ... please, wake up." Ellena hissed between sobs.

Sick. That's how Lucas felt right now. For some reason his heart was so hurt seeing Ellena sad like that. He couldn't bear to see a woman who had always looked strong and cheerful, but suddenly turned weak in an instant.

Just this morning he heard Ellena's nagging and saw the adorable face of a woman who had suddenly turned into a chatterbox these few days. The thing that made him always smile when he remembered Ellena's adorable expression when she was angry.

However, this time it was different. Only sad that he saw from the face of a beautiful woman who was now sitting limp beside him. Seeing the sadness that was getting deeper into Ellena's heart, Lucas was moved to do something that could calm his wife's heart and mind.

Without waiting for anyone's interruption Lucas pulled Ellena's body into his arms. He stroked her back very gently and demandingly. It was all he could do, hoping that Ellena would be calmer in the face of this harsh reality.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"That's enough, Elle. I beg you not to cry like this all the time. We pray that Mother's condition will be fine and that she will recover as before." One of Lucas' hand seemed to caress the top of Ellena's head, while the other hand was still faithfully stroking the woman's back.

Ellena buried her face in Lucas' chest as she felt her breathing irregularly. She tried to hold back the sobs from breaking out, but her efforts always failed. Once again her heart and mind were at odds again. Only through sobs could she pour out all her current emotions.

In the midst of her sobs with slightly out of breath, Ellena still inhaled the distinctive masculine scent emanating from the body of the man who was now hugging her.

Win. That was the sensation that Ellena was feeling right now. Not to mention the soft caresses on the top of her head and back making her feel even more comfortable that she had never gotten from a man, including Keenan.

Ah, Lucas' gentle demeanor this time managed to bring Ellena as if floating far into the sky. How come? Who would have thought that the man she had considered so arrogant and annoying, could actually give her peace and comfort in just a very simple way.

I don't know what this sign is. All this time Ellena had never felt anything more comfortable than before, including when she was with Keenan. Maybe until this moment Lucas was the only man who could give her such extraordinary comfort.

Ah, looks like she's about to drift off into Lucas' arms and reluctant to stay away from that guy. She really needed a warm hug like that. If God permits, let the activity last long enough that she can no longer feel the disappointment and worry that is now ruling her heart and mind.

"I promise I'll always be here for you. We're fighting together for Mom's recovery." Lucas whispered in the midst of his activities, gently patting Ellena's back.

"But what if Mother—"

"Shhh ... don't say something bad, because it can be a prayer. Say good things so that the results are good too. We have to believe that Mom will be okay. I believe that you can do it." Lucas said cutting off Ellena's words.

The words that came out of Lucas' mouth this time managed to make Ellena lift her face from the man's chest. She stared intently at Lucas' face. "Lucas, do you want to help me?" She asked hopefully.

"Tell me what to do!" Lucas asked without needing to think twice about responding to Ellena's request.

"Please give the best treatment for my mother." Ellena answered without hesitation.

Ellena doesn't even care if she's called a beggar now. All she wanted was her mother's recovery. She will do anything to cure her mother's illness, even if she has to beg for her mother's medical expenses to Lucas.

Yes, of course. Because without Lucas' help, how could she pay for her mother's treatment. Let alone to pay for her mother's medical expenses until she recovers, to pay for one night's ICU room, she may not be able to afford it.

She would be willing to drop her pride in front of Lucas. In fact, she would do whatever Lucas asked, if the man was willing to help with the treatment until it was finished and her mother was declared fully recovered.

"Don't worry, Elle. As long as I can, I'll definitely do what's best for your mother. Even without you asking once." Lucas looked seriously at Ellena's face as if he wanted to make sure he was speaking the truth.

"Do you really mean what you say, Lucas?" asked Ellena to confirm.

To be honest she still wasn't sure that Lucas would do such a thing for her, after she always being so nonchalant and sometimes against him.

"Sure, Elle. Do I not look serious?" Lucas frowned as he looked at Ellena's face quite curiously. Yes, he was curious about the attitude of Ellena who always didn't believe him.

"Thank you, Lucas. I promise, I will do whatever you ask to repay all your kindness to my family." Ellena whispered as she lowered her head.

Lucas was silent for a moment. He just looked at Ellena who was not looking at him. Instantly a smile appeared on his face.

"No need, Elle. I'm willing to help you." Lucas hissed later. He still didn't end his smile until Ellena looked up and stared at him with teary eyes.

In fact, Lucas could have taken advantage of this situation, a kind of mutualism symbiosis with Ellena. He could have asked Ellena to do whatever he wanted, for example to cancel the marriage agreement and make Ellena his full wife.

However, as bad as Lucas is, he is not a loser who can only look for opportunities in adversity. He doesn't want to justify any means to get what he wants, let alone have Ellena completely.

He did have everything, including very abundant wealth. However, that doesn't mean he can buy whatever he wants with the money he has, let alone buy someone he loves. Isn't his name a coward, if he can only buy love with treasure? It would mean nothing to him.

As bad as he was right now, it certainly wasn't what he wanted. He just wanted love that really came from the woman's heart, not love for money like the bad experience he had with Selena before.

The togetherness that started from taking advantage of each other would not run smoothly until the end of their story. If that happens, there will definitely be one of them who feels hurt or maybe even both of them will hurt each other. Lucas certainly didn't expect that to happen to him and Ellena.

To be honest, Lucas was still not ready for the pain he would receive, when Ellena still left him from time to time. Just remembering Ellena's intimacy with Keenan, it was already painful enough for him. What if later he saw Ellena back with Keenan? However, what could he do other than just surrender to the situation? Wasn't that the consequence for him?

"Thank you, Lucas." Ellena deepened her gaze on Lucas, and vice versa. Lucas also did the same thing so their gazes were fixed for a while.

The world suddenly stopped as if there were only the two of them in it. Meanwhile, others they regard as stones, like silent witnesses to what they are doing right now.

That gaze made them drift away in their respective euphoria. Ah, it seems they really have forgotten how to wink. They also forgot about the people around them, including Alex and Martin who had not taken their eyes off them.

No! Not only that. In fact, Lucas had forgotten about the pain in his stomach. For some reason the pain suddenly subsided a little. Oh, this is really amazing. Is love really that magical, so that it can heal the pain that is being suffered by someone. This is really hard to believe.

"Ahem!" Alex's voice suddenly interrupted their thoughts.

Ellena immediately turned to Alex and Martin who were standing side by side not far from her. Nervous? Certain. She became embarrassed to find Alex's attitude as if she deliberately just wanted to disturb her euphoria with Lucas. Not a word came out of her mouth, because she was too busy trying to neutralize her nervous feelings.

Unlike Ellena, Lucas just glared at his personal assistant. 'How dare he bother me with Ellena? Can't he just understand my feelings for a second?' He was annoyed.

"Lu-Lucas, looks like I'll have to see Mom's condition." Ellena said a little nervously. It was evident from the way she looked at Lucas for a moment and turned her gaze in any direction.

"Fine, Elle," Lucas answered flatly. She knew very well how Ellena was feeling at that moment. Of course, Ellena was disturbed because she was caught exchanging glances with Lucas like that, even more so by Alex who knew their true relationship.

Ellena immediately rushed from that place to the ICU room.. Meanwhile, Alex and Martin just looked away while smiling at each other, when they saw the attitude of a pair of human children who looked very awkward in front of them.

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