Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 88 - MOOD BOOSTER

Ellena walked limply with ragged breaths, as soon as she got out of the car it almost made her heart burst. She plopped herself onto a white retro sofa with gold carvings on the wooden frame for support.

On the back of the sofa, Ellena leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. After racing with adrenaline along the way, she finally made it home safely. However, still. She still couldn't completely neutralize the feeling of fear.

The car Lucas was driving, really almost drove her crazy. How could she sit quietly, while Lucas was driving like a madman. Even the man didn't care at all about the screams she was throwing along the way.

"Are you okay?"

Ellena's eyes aimed sharply at the figure who was now standing two meters in front of her. A triumphant grin appeared on Lucas' face.

"Should you ask like that, when you see I'm already lying like this?" attack Ellena which managed to make Lucas giggle.

Funny? Yes, of course. According to Lucas, Ellena's expression was very cute, when she was angry like that. How could he be afraid to see Ellena's adorable face right now.

"Ha ha ha!"

Lucas laughed just like that. Really he could not stay still and miss the entertainment that was in front of his eyes. Ah, it seems that he has sinned greatly from laughing at Ellena's suffering.

Ellena was flabbergasted to see Lucas who actually laughed getting angry attacks from her. She thought Lucas had gone completely insane. Yes, it is true. Because he was the only one who faced angry people with such laughter.


Lucas stopped laughing when he heard Ellena's scream that was clearly aimed at him. He then frowned while trying to hold back a laugh. This was evident from his slightly trembling lips.

"Don't yell at me like that, I don't like it!" Lucas insisted manipulating the actual mood.

To be honest, Lucas liked the way Ellena got mad at him. However, in order to maintain the image of a man who is fairly firm and does not accept anyone's ridicule, he tries to be consistent as a real person.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You think I like seeing you laugh at me like that too?" Ellena didn't want to lose by turning the question to Lucas. "No!" She answered firmly, before Lucas managed to respond.

"Honey, I told you to stay quiet, there's no need to help them design the shop. Why do you always refuse to listen to what I have to say? If it's like this, I can't bear to see you. Take care of your health! I don't want you to suddenly get sick just because fatigue."

Lucas suddenly sat beside Ellena and held her left arm while uttering cursed words that almost melted his wife's heart, even though she was in a state of confusion.

"What do you mean?" Ellena softly still stared in wonder at the face of the man beside her.

Of course she was confused and didn't know how to compensate for Lucas's sudden sweet and caring attitude. Ah, if Lucas wasn't such an annoying person, maybe Ellena's defenses would have collapsed because of her admiration for that man.

Is that how Lucas dealt with his wife's anger? No! There must be something that made Lucas suddenly change.

"What is this?"

Before Ellena could end her daydream, a familiar voice immediately caught her attention. She turned towards the source of the voice, as Lucas did the same.

Briana seemed to have been standing not far from them. Seeing her mother's appearance in the room, Ellena managed to get an answer to the question of Lucas's change in attitude.

Yes, apparently Lucas had known Briana's appearance from before, just as the middle-aged woman was seen walking from another room to the room they were in. That was the reason why he immediately approached Ellena and changed his attitude 180 degrees.

"M-Ma'am ...." Ellena was stunned and couldn't continue her words. Even herself was confused about what answer to give Briana.

"What happened? I think I heard you scream earlier?" Briana looked alternately at Ellena and Lucas as if demanding an answer.

"N-no, Ma'am! Maybe it's just your feelings," said Ellena, shaking her head with a slightly nervous expression.

"Is it really like that?" Briana seemed to knit her brows while thinking about Ellena's words which she still wasn't sure was true.

'Could it be because I'm old, that I became like this? Often I feel anxious. Ah, maybe the voice just came out because of my anxiety' Briana started a monologue in her heart and heeded Ellena's words.

"But why is your face so pale, Elle?" Briana asked when she saw Ellena's pale face.

Even though Lucas had distracted Ellena, she still hadn't been able to shake off her fear a few minutes ago.

"Ma'am, look at your daughter who is so hard to tell." Lucas replied in response to Briana's question, suddenly making Ellena turn to him while throwing a piercing gaze.

"What about Ellena, Lucas?" Briana walked over to them and sat on Ellena's left.

"What are you doing? Are you sick?" She asked as she gently stroked Ellena's forehead which looked wet with sweat.

Yes, it's raining pretty hard out there. However, that couldn't make Ellena prevent every bead of sweat from rising from the pores of her body. The tension that almost cut her nerves a few minutes ago, in fact managed to release a few drops of sweat in almost every part of her body.

"What happened to you that you're sweating like this?" Briana was still gently stroking Ellena's temples while removing a few strands of hair that looked wet and covered part of Ellena's face.

"Elle was too passionate about decorating the shop, Ma'am. I told her not to. After all, there was a team doing all of that, but she kept pushing and it turned out like this. Ellena was exhausted from work she shouldn't have been doing."

Lucas tried to answer his mother-in-law's question first, before Ellena answered and revealed the truth.

This suddenly made Ellena glared at Lucas in annoyance. The look in the eyes that drew sharp as if she deliberately showed it to threaten her husband. However, of course it had no effect on Lucas.

Lucas looked very relaxed and just smirked back at his wife's hateful gaze.

"You're always torturing yourself. Can you not worry your mom just once?" Briana grumbled while looking at Ellena's face with pity.

"I'm fine, Ma'am. Don't worry too much," replied Ellena, trying to calm her mother down, although deep down she wanted to reveal the truth. However, she didn't.

"Your face is pale like this, how can you be fine." Briana replied, certainly not believing her daughter's words.

"I'm just tired. Taking a short break will also return to normal." Ellena explained, increasingly confused by Briana's question.

Meanwhile, Lucas seemed to be trying not to laugh because he saw Ellena who was again caught up in his game. Ellena is really very adorable, when she is struggling to find answers like that.

"I'll make sweet tea for you. Please, wait a moment." Briana moved from that place to the kitchen.

Ellena glanced scornfully to the right, when she noticed Lucas who was already chuckling mocking her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lucas asked without wanting to end his chuckle.

Ellena just replied with a rounded gaze. She couldn't understand it, her husband was getting more and more annoying day by day. Luckily they got married only by agreement. If that happened forever, somehow Ellena's fate would have to swallow her annoyance at Lucas' actions.

"What about my play? Do you like it?" Lucas teased without caring about Ellena's flash of anger.

Ellena was even more inflamed by Lucas' attitude. Instead of answering the man's question, she stomped her foot very firmly on Lucas' foot, then left the place without caring about Lucas who seemed to be groaning in pain.

"Elle, how dare you!" Lucas shouted while holding his left leg which hurt because of Ellena's deliberate stomping.

Ellena just didn't flinch when she heard Lucas scream. It seemed, she was quite satisfied with the way Lucas treated her. A triumphant grin appeared on her face as she continued to walk towards the stairs.

"You tasted my revenge, Lucas!"


The sound of knocking on the door that was repeatedly heard didn't necessarily make Ellena get up from the bed she had just stayed in, after a few minutes she confirmed that her mother was already asleep in the room.

Without even having to ask or hear the voice, Ellena could already guess who the owner of the hand that created the noise in her private room was. Ellena decided to stay where she was and didn't even intend to respond to the knocking.

"Elle, I know you haven't slept yet."

Precisely. It turned out that Ellena's guess was right that Lucas was the one who had been trying to interrupt her rest time.

"What else is he going to do? Just interrupt my rest!" Ellena grumbled as she lay down and chose to be ignorant.

She had to undo the intention to immediately sink under the blanket, when Lucas spoke again.

"Are you going to open the door yourself or let me in without permission?" Lucas asked which suddenly made Ellena furious. He always had a thousand ways to make Ellena look weak.

Ellena walked lazily towards the bedroom door. She had forgotten that Lucas had a spare key and could come into her room at any time. Ah, again she had to give in to the man.

Ellena grabbed the doorknob and was stay for a while, before deciding to turn the object that was already in her hands.

Lucas' smile seemed to widen, when Ellena managed to open half the door to her room.

"I'm tired, Lucas. If you need anything, just do it yourself or you can ask your maid for help," complained Ellena without further ado while putting on a stern expression, hoping Lucas would understand.

Instead of responding to Ellena's complaint, Lucas handed her a cup of drink that he was holding.

"Take!" He asked Ellena who still looked confused at the cup.

"What's this?" Ellena shifted her gaze from the white cup to Lucas' face.

"Hot Chocolate." Lucas replied with a small, sincere smile. However, Ellena remained unmoved and confused by Lucas who suddenly gave her attention.

"To bring back the mood that's messed up again." Lucas quipped later which managed to make Ellena pursed her lips. However, Ellena still grabbed the cup from Lucas' hand.


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