What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 33: Xiao Yan is My Fiancé

Chapter 33: Xiao Yan is My Fiancé

Xiao Yan was searching for his fathers figure at the coming-of-age ceremony and quickly spotted Xiao Zhan, who was surrounded by a group of people.

Most of the people around him were prominent merchants in Wutan City. Although they couldnt compare to the Xiao Clan, there were business dealings between them. Moreover, with the disappearance of the Jia Lie clan and the departure of the Ao Ba clan, the Xiao Clan had become the unshakable first major family in Wutan City, naturally receiving the flattery and adoration of those merchants.

Of course, the Miteer Family was no exception.

Little Brother Xiao Yan~ Even from afar, Ya Fei spotted Xiao Yan and waved her hand with a charming smile. Then she looked at Xiao Zhan and said, Patriarch Xiao, may I spend some time alone with your son?

No problem~

Xiao Zhan naturally wouldnt refuse Ya Feis request and turned to Xiao Yan.

Yaner, please entertain Miss Ya Fei well.

I will comply, Father.

With outsiders present, Xiao Yan couldnt afford to neglect his manners. He respectfully bowed to Xiao Zhan and then turned to Ya Fei.

Miss Ya Fei, please.

Xiao Yan then turned and walked in a certain direction, and Ya Fei followed, swaying her slender waist.

Although Ya Fei indeed disliked Xiao Yans respectful attitude towards her, which meant he regarded her as an outsider, she couldnt be too casual in her behavior in the presence of the wealthy merchants in Wutan City. Therefore, Ya Fei didnt take offense to it.

The two of them arrived under a large tree. Before Xiao Yan even turned around, he felt a fragrant breeze coming, and then a delicate figure leaned against his back.

Y-Ya Fei?!!

Xiao Yans face immediately turned red, and his body involuntarily stiffened. He mechanically turned his head slowly to look at Ya Fei behind him.

Ya Fei, seeing Xiao Yans embarrassed state, couldnt help but find it amusing. She rested her head on Xiao Yans shoulder, lightly tapped his cheek with her slender jade finger, and smiled playfully.

Long time no see, little brother Xiao Yan. Its been about two weeks, right? Ya Fei said, her beautiful eyes teasingly looking at Xiao Yan. Instead of coming to see your sister when you came down the mountain, you went to find the Jia Lie clan. Your sister got jealous, you know~

Well um

Xiao Yan stammered, but Ya Fei gently extended her finger and pressed it against his lips.

Sister already knows everything, and besides, the Jia Lie clan has already disappeared. Theres no need to mention it again.

On the day the Jia Lie clan disappeared, Ya Fei was deeply shocked.

How powerful must someone be to completely erase a clan?

Not just the members and the clans assets, even all the information related to the Jia Lie clans transactions had vanished!

This force was too terrifying.

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Xiao Zhan and the three elders were always deeply rooted in Wutan City, so they might not fully understand.

But as the next head of the Miteer Family, Ya Fei was more aware than anyone else.

Even if the Jia Lie clan was just a small major family in Wutan City, they couldnt be erased so thoroughly!

Even the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) and the Jia Ma Royal Family would not be able to erase them so cleanly!!!

The puppeteer behind the disappearance of the Jia Lie clan possessed power that the entire Jia Ma Empire couldnt match!

How terrifying!!!

Upon learning of the disappearance of the Jia Lie clan, Ya Feis first reaction was that the teacher that Xiao Yan mentioned had made a move.

Anyone with discerning eyes could see that the disappearance of the Jia Lie clan was undoubtedly because of Xiao Yan action prior and not a coincidence.

However, as Ya Fei marveled at the immense strength of Xiao Yans teacher, she denied this idea in her heart.

To completely erase a clan overnight, it couldnt be achieved solely through great power.

Undoubtedly, there must be an even more powerful force behind it!

If Xiao Yans teacher was acting alone, then it couldnt possibly be her.

If thats the case, then who could it be?

Ya Fei looked at Xiao Yans blood-red face and slightly furrowed her eyebrows.

Could it be that there is someone even more powerful behind Xiao Yan?

Cousin Xiao Yan~~~

At this moment, a voice called out from a distance, and Xiao Mei happily ran towards Xiao Yan.

However, when she saw Ya Fei behind Xiao Yan, her face suddenly changed, her eyes seemed to spew fire, and she pointed at Ya Fei, cursing loudly.

Its you, you Vixen! Let go of cousin Xiao Yan!!!

Behind Xiao Mei, upon witnessing this scene, Xiao Xuner and Nalan Yanrans faces also darkened. Nalan Yanran stared at Ya Feis mature and enchanting figure, her eyes filled with intense coldness.

Hey, who is that woman?

Nalan Yanran coldly asked Xiao Xuner, who responded in the same cold tone.

She is Ya Fei, the next heir of the Miteer Auction House.

Miteer Family

Upon learning Ya Feis identity, Nalan Yanrans pupils suddenly contracted, and she couldnt help but bite her thumb nail.

Yet another formidable rival

In terms of family influence alone, the Miteer Family was on par with the Nalan Family, and in recent years, they even exerted a faint pressure on the Nalan Family through the auction house.

Although Nalan Yanran held the position of the future Sect Master of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud), she was ultimately just a Future Sect Master. In terms of status, she couldnt compare to Ya Fei.

Moreover, Ya Feis stunning figure was enough to make most women envious and jealous. Even though Nalan Yanran had reached adulthood, she couldnt guarantee that she could surpass Ya Fei. Even her own teacher fell slightly short compared to Ya Feis figure.

Damn it!

Nalan Yanrans eyes were filled with anger.

She had suspected it before. Xiao Yan, a man who has an excellent personality and temperament, must have no shortage of women who admired him. But she never expected there would be this many!

Meanwhile, Xiao Yu, standing behind Xiao Xuner and Nalan Yanran, looked at Ya Fei, who was still lightly embracing Xiao Yan and casually bantering with the furious Xiao Mei. The radiance in her eyes dimmed slightly.

As Nalan Yanran had said, a man as outstanding as Xiao Yan wouldnt go unnoticed.

And she, in the end, was just his cousin.

Hey!!! What are you all dawdling here for?

At that moment, Xiao Ning walked over and shouted at everyone.

The coming-of-age ceremony is about to begin! We should prepare!

Yes! Coming!

Seeing Xiao Ning, a burst of light ignited in Xiao Yans eyes, as if he had found a savior. He gently released Ya Feis jade arm that was still draped around his neck.

Sister Ya Fei! The coming-of-age ceremony is about to start! Ill go ahead!

Without waiting for Ya Fei to respond, Xiao Yan hastily left the scene.

Cousin Xiao Yan, wait for me!

Seeing Xiao Yan leave, Xiao Mei also lost interest in quarreling with Ya Fei and immediately followed in Xiao Yans footsteps. The others quickly followed suit, leaving only Nalan Yanran behind.

After all, she wasnt a younger generation of the Xiao Clan and didnt need to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony.

Nalan Yanran looked at Ya Fei and walked slowly towards her.

Ya Fei also raised an eyebrow, gazing curiously at the familiar-looking girl in front of her.

It seemed like they had met somewhere before.

I am Nalan Yanran.

As if sensing Ya Feis confusion, Nalan Yanran introduced herself, and a hint of realization appeared in Ya Feis eyes.

Ah, youre General Nalans granddaughter. Is there something you need from me?

Nalan Yanran stared at Ya Fei intently and after a moment, she uttered a sentence with a solemn tone.

Xiao Yan is my fianc.

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