What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 38: More Troublesome

Chapter 38: More Troublesome

Inside the Xiao Clan, the coming-of-age ceremony had already ended, and the audience had dispersed as they should. The Xiao Clan members began packing up and preparing for Lunar New Year the next day.

Strange, where did Cousin Xiao Yan go?

Xiao Mei wandered around the venue of the coming-of-age ceremony but couldnt find Xiao Yan. She furrowed her brows in confusion.

Then she noticed that Xiao Ning was also missing, and a hint of displeasure appeared in her eyes.

He couldnt have taken Cousin Xiao Yan to the Spring Pavilion (Tn: Its another name for Ningchun Building) again, could he?

No, he wouldnt have the guts after being beaten up like that last time.

Xiao Xuner denied in a soft voice, but her beautiful eyes were tightly furrowed, filled with unease.

Not only was Xiao Ning missing, but even Nalan Yanran had disappeared as well.

Could it be that woman?

Xiao Xuners heart couldnt help but grow anxious.

Nalan Yanrans attitude towards Xiao Yan was obvious, even a blind person could see it. She had initially come with the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect to break off the engagement, but after meeting Xiao Yan, she didnt mention the matter of breaking off the engagement at all. Instead, she was eager to marry Xiao Yan.

It should be noted that at that time, Xiao Yan was still a well-known waste. Whether it was family background, strength, or future prospects, Nalan Yanran was far superior to Xiao Yan.

However, even so, Nalan Yanran stubbornly held onto Xiao Yan, with an attitude that she would only marry him in this lifetime.

Xiao Xuner knew deep down that to pursue Xiao Yan so resolutely, one must have spent a considerable amount of time with him, as Xiao Yans excellence couldnt be understood by just meeting him once or twice.

Damn it

Xiao Xuner clenched her jade-like hand tightly.

She hasnt thought of a way to deal with the people in the Clan yet, and now there was another girl with the right of a fiance as her opponent

Moreover, Xiao Xuner was certain that there would be more than just these few people surrounding Xiao Yan in the future.

What should I do

Ah! Cousin Xiao Yan!

Just as Xiao Xuner was anxiously biting her finger, Xiao Mei suddenly exclaimed. Xiao Xuner looked up and saw Xiao Yan slowly walking towards them with Nalan Yanran by his side. The sunlight shone on the bracelet on Nalan Yanrans wrist, making it dazzling.

In that instant, Xiao Xuners face darkened.

If her memory served her right, Nalan Yanran wasnt wearing that bracelet yesterday.

But Xiao Mei wasnt as observant as Xiao Xuner. Seeing Nalan Yanran beside Xiao Yan, her expression instantly turned ugly, and she rushed up, standing between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, glaring at Nalan Yanran.

What did you do to Cousin Xiao Yan?

What? Did I abduct him just now?

Nalan Yanran couldnt help but mock internally. At this moment, Xiao Yu walked over, looked at Xiao Yan, and said, Xiao Yan, the Clan Patriarch wants to see you.

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Oh, I see.

Xiao Yan nodded and waved lightly at Nalan Yanran before heading towards the high platform where Xiao Zhan was located. Xiao Yu followed behind him.

After Xiao Yan left, Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Mei in front of her and smiled, raising her arm to show the bracelet.

I just went to the market with Xiao Yan. Is there a problem?


Xiao Mei was about to say something when she suddenly noticed the bracelet on Nalan Yanrans arm. Her little head went blank for a moment.

Didnt she not wear this yesterday?

Hey! Xiao Mei felt a sense of unease rising within her and pointed at the bracelet on Nalan Yanrans arm. Where did you get this?

Oh, this? Nalan Yanran lifted her arm, slightly shaking the bracelet in front of Xiao Mei, and smiled. It was given to me by my fianc. Do you think it looks good?

Showing off!

This girl is blatant showing off!

She doesnt bother hiding it at all!

Xiao Meis first reaction was that she should also ask Xiao Yan for one!

However, what Nalan Yanran said next instantly dispelled that thought from Xiao Meis mind.

Little sister Mei, you can also ask Xiao Yan for one. Your cousin loves you so much, he will definitely buy one for you~


Xiao Mei exploded with anger.

Xiao Yan gave it to her willingly, while asking for one herself would be completely different! Moreover, Nalan Yanran specifically emphasized the word cousin. Even if Xiao Mei did ask for one, it would only be because Xiao Yan cared for his little sister! It wouldnt be the same as what Nalan Yanran had!

As Xiao Mei glared at Nalan Yanran, and the future leader of the Yun Lan Sect, feeling smug, turned her gaze to Xiao Xuner, whose face was already pitch black, and shook the bracelet in front of her.

Xuner, how do you like this bracelet?

Xiao Xuner tightly clenched her fist, and her shoulders trembled uncontrollably. After a long time, she slowly raised her head, revealing a sinister smile filled with killing intent.

Ah~~~ Its really beautiful. Xuner is so envious~

Stay calm

Stay calm

Stay! Calm!!!

Xiao Xuner gritted her silver teeth, and the veins on her arm beneath her clothes bulged!

This woman just wants to see me embarrassed! Dont let her feel triumphant!!!

The resentment in Xiao Xuners heart was about to soar, but she kept admonishing herself not to let the anger overpower her and forcefully suppressed her rage.

Seeing Xiao Xuners smiling face, Nalan Yanran didnt feel triumphant at all.

On the contrary, she deeply felt fear.

This girls temperament is too terrifying

Nalan Yanran couldnt help but feel a sense of despair.

If she were in the same situation, facing a love rival who came to flaunt a gift from her beloved, Nalan Yanran wouldnt display all her resentment and anger on her face like Xiao Mei did. However, she couldnt possibly maintain a smile like Xiao Xuner.

This is not something an ordinary person can endure.

At this moment, the teachings from Ya Fei echoed in Nalan Yanrans mind once again, instantly dispelling her joy of victory. She silently gazed at her bracelet and, after a moment, looked at the two girls and said slowly:

I apologize for intentionally showing off in front of you.


Faced with Nalan Yanrans sudden apology, not only Xiao Mei but even Xiao Xuner was stunned.

This woman is apologizing to both of them? Did she hit her head?

Nalan Yanran continued speaking.

I do indeed have strong feelings for Xiao Yan. I am confident that I love him more than anyone else.

But before, deep down, I always believed that if I were to marry Xiao Yan in the future, I would be the one on the higher level and he would be the one climbing up to reach my level.

Upon hearing these words, Xiao Meis eyebrows raised abruptly.

Cousin Xiao Yan climbing up your level? You hmph!!!

Before Xiao Mei could finish her sentence, Xiao Xuner covered her mouth with her hand.

Let her finish.

Then Xiao Xuner looked at Nalan Yanran again, indicating for her to continue. Nalan Yanran nodded and continued speaking.

However, the events of today have made me reflect.

If you truly love someone, you shouldnt hold the belief that one side should be fully dominant to the other.

For Xiao Yan, emotions should be equal. It was my biggest mistake not realizing this before.

After saying that, Nalan Yanran looked at the bracelet in her hand and spoke softly.

The reason Xiao Yan and I went to the market together was because he wanted to cheer me up when I was feeling down. In his mind, Im mostly just a guest of the Xiao Clan.

As for this bracelet, its just a prize we obtained at a stall. Although Xiao Yan did give it to me, I can assure you that he only did it to lift my spirits. Theres absolutely no other meaning behind it.

Nalan Yanran said this, then shifted the direction of her words, her eyes filled with determination.

But that doesnt mean I will give up on him. On the contrary, it has only strengthened my determination.

I wont give up on him, not in this lifetime.

Absolutely not.

After hearing Nalan Yanrans words, Xiao Mei stared at her in astonishment, while Xiao Xuner furrowed her brows slightly.

This woman has become even more troublesome.

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