What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 60: Nalan Yanran's Ambition

Chapter 60: Nalan Yanran's Ambition

Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect, the unquestionable and top-ranked major sect in the Jia Ma Empire.

The sect was situated on a towering peak, its summit shrouded in clouds and mist, hence the name Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect.

On the peak where Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect resided, Elder Ge Ye wore an expression of anxiety and helplessness as he looked at Nalan Yanran, whose body was trembling incessantly while she continued her physical training, gritting her teeth.

Goodness gracious! What on earth has possessed you?

Ge Ye, with a worried expression, watched Nalan Yanran, who was drenched in sweat, and couldnt help but lament inwardly.

Not long ago, she left a note and went alone to the Xiao Clan without even giving a prior notice, leaving Ge Ye sleepless for several days out of fear!

This is the Young Mistress of Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect, a gifted girl who was personally accepted as a direct disciple by the Sect Master! If something were to happen to her during her solo expedition, Ge Yes own life wouldnt be enough, even if he had ten of them!

That incident passed without any mishap, fortunately. After a few days, Nalan Yanran returned safely to Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect, and that night, Ge Ye finally had a peaceful sleep.


Ge Ye had only relaxed for a day when something even more terrifying happened the next day!

The Young Mistress seemed to have gone mad, visibly reducing the time spent on cultivating Dou Qi and instead focusing on physical training.

Of course, if that were the only change, it would be fine. After all, although physical training doesnt yield the same results as cultivating Dou Qi, it provides a stable foundation and can be considered a decent choice for cultivation.

But theres one condition: it shouldnt be done recklessly!!!

On the third day, Nalan Yanran obtained a pile of low-grade recovery pills from the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sects alchemy hall, and ever since, she would train while continuously consuming the pills! This high-intensity physical training continued every day, averaging about eight hours, while the time spent on eating, sleeping, and resting added up to a mere four hours!

Young Young Mistress You have been training your body non-stop for nearly ten hours now. Shouldnt you take some rest? Ge Ye trembled as he tried to dissuade her, his wrinkled face becoming even more creased due to nervousness, and his cloudy eyes filled with worry and fear.

I have no objection to cultivation; in fact, as an elder of Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect, I am delighted to see the Young Mistress prioritizing her training.

But cultivation should be approached sensibly, not with reckless abandon!

Can her body really endure such intensive training? Even as a Great Dou Master, he felt a sense of trepidation just by looking at it!

Even though you keep consuming recovery pills, you cant train like this! If something happens to you, what am I going to do?!

If something were to happen to you, let alone the absent Sect Master, even if the other elders found out, Id be at least beaten eight ways to oblivion! Not even a complete corpse would be left!!!

Ge Ye was truly distressed! He had volunteered to become her guardian because he was attracted to Nalan Yanrans position as the Young Mistress. Now, he wished he could slap his past self and send him flying!

Couldnt you just be content being an elder? Why do you have to invite trouble like this?!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Ge Ye continuously chastised his past self in his heart, Nalan Yanran suddenly leaped up from the ground, feeling the soreness in her muscles and revealing a smirk on her face.

Hiss~~~ This cultivation is really not something a normal person can endure

During her stay at the Xiao Clan, although the Xiao juniors didnt train during those few days, Nalan Yanran gleaned bits and pieces about their usual training intensity from Xiao Mei and the others.

At that time, she only gained a superficial understanding of their training through listening, and she didnt think their cultivation was particularly difficult to endure. Her pride was ignited, fueling her ambition.

If they can do it, I refuse to believe that I, Nalan Yanran, cant do it!!!

Upon returning, Nalan Yanran immediately devised a high-intensity physical training plan for herself and didnt hesitate at all, executing it the very next day.

However, the results of her execution filled Nalan Yanran with extreme terror.

This wasnt cultivation, it was simply risking her life!!!

Nalan Yanran even suspected at one point that Xiao Mei and the others intentionally exaggerated the horrors of cultivation to deter her.

But when Nalan Yanran recalled the battle between Xiao Yan and Xiao Ning during the coming-of-age ceremony, which clearly surpassed the strength of a one-star Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) , she made up her mind instantly.

Yes thats right!

If it wasnt for this level of cultivation, how could they attain such overwhelming power beyond their level?!

If I want something, Ill strive for it myself. Thats Nalan Yanrans consistent belief!!!

So what if its risking my life? If you all can do it, then I, Nalan Yanran, can do it too!!!

The desire to surpass others in her heart made Nalan Yanran no longer feel any hesitation. The next day, she brought back a large quantity of recovery pills from the alchemy hall.

Yes, I may not have as much time for cultivation as you do, and its impossible for me to catch up with your level of training. I admit that.

But dont forget, I am the Young Mistress of Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect! Ill consume as many of these low-grade recovery pills as I need!!!

I refuse to believe that I cant catch up with you all!!!

This has been going on for almost a week now.

Although Nalan Yanran barely managed to keep up with the training intensity of the Xiao Clan juniors by relying on the pills, her brows were still tightly furrowed, and her eyes revealed deep dissatisfaction.

Not enough still not enough

Recalling Xiao Yan and Xiao Nings match, Nalan Yanran couldnt help but clench her fist.

Still! Not! Enough!

I cant even compare to them!!!

Nalan Yanran looked at the empty pill bottle in her hand and pouted in annoyance.

Tsk Ive run out of pills Then she turned her gaze to Ge Ye. Elder Ge, you can go back and rest today. You dont need to stay with me here.

Young Mistress

Upon hearing Nalan Yanrans words, Ge Ye couldnt help but well up with tears.

Oh, my Young Mistress, youre finally willing to go back and rest!

For the past few days, Ge Ye had been retrieving new pills from the alchemy hall whenever the bottle was empty, and he would also prepare meals for Nalan Yanran. So when Nalan Yanran asked him to go back and rest, it meant she was ending her training for the day.

With that habitual thought in mind, Ge Ye naturally assumed the same today.

Young Mistress, please rest well. I wont disturb you anymore.

Ge Ye said so, then turned to leave.

Rest? Who said Im going to rest?

The words that came from behind made Ge Ye freeze in place just as his foot was about to touch the ground. He turned back dumbfounded, staring at Nalan Yanran in bewilderment.

But didnt you say the pill bottle was empty

Ah, you mean that? Nalan Yanran waved the empty pill bottle in her hand nonchalantly. That thing was just helping me adapt to the training. I didnt plan on relying on it all the time. My body has barely gotten used to it these past few days. From now on, Ill try to reduce my pill consumption. Im going to train for another hour today. You can go back, its not good for you to stay up with me all the time.

Upon hearing Nalan Yanrans words, Ge Yes eyebrows started twitching frantically.

Heavens above! If risking your life through intense training wasnt enough, now youre saying you wont even rely on pills anymore?!

And its already been ten hours since we started. The eleventh hour is about to begin, and you want to train for another hour?!

You really plan on challenging the heavens!

And you know its not good for me to stay up with you? Even though Im an old man, you wont find a way to stay up like this even if youre still young!!!

Enough with the noise! Nalan Yanran scowled unhappily. I know youre very concerned about me, and I appreciate it. But! As long as its my own affairs, Ill decide them for myself! Leave the meals at the doorstep for the next few days. You dont need to watch over me!

After saying that, Nalan Yanran pushed Ge Ye out of the door and slammed it shut, leaving Ge Ye standing at the doorway like a wooden chicken.

Just then, the door cracked open, and Nalan Yanrans eyes appeared in the gap, giving Ge Ye a glimmer of hope.

But before Ge Ye could say anything, Nalan Yanrans indifferent voice came through.

Double the amount of food, its been insufficient these past two days. Make it flavorful, and add more meat to the dishes!

With that, Nalan Yanran forcefully closed the door.

As Ge Ye stood outside the door, the only thought in his mind was:

Its over I should write a farewell letter in advance

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