What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 71: Rage and Slaughter

Chapter 71: Rage and Slaughter

Yao Chen speculated this in her heart, and Yun Zhi, who knew Xiao Yans details well, also guessed roughly.

The Xiao Clan where Xiao Yan is located is just a small family in the Wutan City, and the clan leader is only a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level). Normally, they wouldnt have any contact with forces that can afford to hire a Dou Wang (Battle King, 6th Level). After thinking it over, there are only two possibilities.

The Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect and the Nalan family.

One is the sect where Nalan Yanran is located, and the other is the family to which Nalan Yanran belongs. Both of them are somewhat related to the Xiao Clan because of the three-year agreement between Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan.

However, Yun Zhi has met Nalan Yanrans father and grandfather. While they may have some flaws in their personalities, overall they are still upright and value their reputation. Even if Nalan Yanran might marry Xiao Yan three years later, Yun Zhi finds it hard to imagine them resorting to such despicable and extreme acts as hiring someone to commit murder.

If thats the case, there is only one possibility left.

Yun, Lan, Sect!

With this speculation, Yun Zhis mood, which had been calming down in recent days, instantly turned into anger!

Yes! She had been frequently absent from the sect in recent years, and her teacher, Yun Shan, had been in seclusion for cultivation all this time. As a result, the sect was mostly managed by the Elder Yun Ling. Lately, she had indeed heard many voices of discontent from the Jia Ma Empire towards the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect. If the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect had really engaged in some disgraceful activities, she, as the sect master, would indeed bear some responsibility.

However, Yun Zhi never expected that the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect would stoop so low as to hire a Dou Wang (Battle King, 6th Level) to assassinate a Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) , just because the other party might tarnish the face of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect in the future!

Unbelievable To the point of disregarding their own reputation!

I have always taught you to be upright and have always imparted a sense of righteousness to you. Have all of it been thrown to the dogs?!

Who exactly is it that is tarnishing the face of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect?!

Apart from what the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect has done, there is one more thing that Yun Zhi cannot accept.

Xiao Yan, a young man who is even more upright than Yun Shan and whom she has developed a favorable impression of, not only nearly lost his life but will inevitably learn about his identity someday in the future. He may very well find out about the actions of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect!

The same goes for the sect she manages. How will he view her, the sect master, at that time?

Will he think that these actions were ordered by her?

Will he think that she is also a shameless and despicable person?

Will he think that the time spent together with me during these days will become a memory he never wants to mention again?

Damn it! Damn it!

Extreme anger caused the Dou Qi within Yun Zhi to surge and ultimately unleash the overwhelming power that belonged to a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level)!

The Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect is no longer tolerable!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


(Whats wrong with Sister Yun Zhi? Why did she suddenly become so furious?!)

Feeling the unrestrained anger emanating from Yun Zhis released Dou Qi, Xiao Yans expression was filled with astonishment.

Yao Chen in the ring remained silent, calmly observing the enraged Yun Zhi.

It seemed like she had guessed Yun Zhis identity.

If not for that, even if Yun Zhi became angry because Xiao Yan had almost lost his life, she wouldnt be furious to such an extent.

It must be because the actions of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect made her feel unable to raise her head in front of Xiao Yan.

That kind of indignation, that kind of shame, cannot be easily overlooked, especially since the target of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sects persecution is Xiao Yan, a young man for whom she has developed a favorable impression.

Just as Xiao Yan and Yao Chen had assessed, Yun Zhi is a rather upright person.

And precisely because Yun Zhi is so upright, she feels angry and ashamed about this!

The sect she manages has actually presented itself in such an unseemly manner in front of Xiao Yan!

At this moment, the man in black also widened his eyes, staring in terror at the wrathful Yun Zhi, while his heart started pounding intensely!

Damn it! Didnt the employer say there was only a small Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) ? They didnt mention that theres also a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level) lady accompanying him!


At this point, the man in black had no thoughts about Xiao Yan. He was left with a single idea.


Run as fast as possible!

Run for his life!


If I dont run now, Im done for!



Without any hesitation, the man in black turned and dashed toward the jungle. However, Yun Zhi immediately sensed his intention.

You want to run?!

Yun Zhi coldly shouted, her sword in hand flashing instantly. Four wind blades shot towards the fleeing man in black. The next moment, this Dou Wang (Battle King, 6th Level) expert was rendered completely defenseless, hacked into a human stick, and crashed heavily onto the ground, producing a dull thud.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Lying on the ground, unable to even turn over, the man in black belatedly let out a miserable scream. Yun Zhis anger showed no signs of abating as she calmly approached, stepping forcefully on the mans back. His agonized screams abruptly ceased, and another mouthful of blood sprayed out.

Xiao Yan didnt have much reaction to this cruel and ruthless scene.

Yun Zhi had saved his life, and this cruel method was directed at someone who had just nearly killed him. Naturally, Xiao Yan wouldnt feel fear, let alone feel pity for the man in blacks fate.

If you do something, you must be prepared to face the consequences. That is an absolute truth.

However, it wasnt until this moment that Xiao Yan, unconsciously, realized and reacted to it.

This Yun Zhi, who seemed like the big sister next door, is one of the few Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level) powerhouses in the entire Jia Ma Empire!

With this in mind, Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders, filled with helplessness in his heart.

Indeed, wishful thinking is just wishful thinking. No matter how well-matched their personalities may seem, the two of them are unequal in terms of strength and status.

Speaking self-deprecatingly, theres no way for a toad like myself to eat swan meat.

Meanwhile, Yun Zhi stared coldly at the man in black beneath her feet, her long sword lightly pressed against his head as she questioned him with a chilling tone.

Who sent you?


Feeling the cold glint behind his head, the man in blacks heart tightened to the extreme. He forgot about the pain and hurriedly answered, fearing that if he answered too slowly, Yun Zhi would cleave him with her sword!

I I dont know

Hmm? Yun Zhi furrowed her eyebrows slightly in response to the man in blacks answer. The tip of her sword pressed harder against the back of his head. You dont know?

Clearly, she didnt believe his answer and expressed her dissatisfaction very explicitly in her tone.

The man in black was on the verge of tears, hastily explaining.

I Im telling the truth! I really dont know who the person is! I received this commission in the Black Horn Territory, where theres a dedicated place for issuing assassination missions! The other party gave me half of the payment upfront, and the remaining half will be given after the completion of the mission! Ive never seen the person from beginning to end!

Without any hesitation, the man in black divulged everything he knew.

To be honest, when he heard that the target of the mission was just a Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) , he doubted whether the commission was deliberately deceiving people.

However, what the other party offered was too tempting, and it was worth taking the risk.

Moreover, he had done his research when he arrived in the Jia Ma Empire. Xiao Yan really had no background. The most powerful in the Xiao Clan was only a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level). Even the highest level in the Nalan family, who had a marriage contract with Xiao Yan, was only a Dou Wang (Battle King, 6th Level). As someone of the same level, he could defeat them or escape without any problem. Besides, after he killed Xiao Yan, he could simply retreat. Even if they wanted to seek revenge for Xiao Yan, where could they find him?

From this, it can be seen that the man in black did consider many factors before taking on this mission. But he didnt expect that there would be a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level) bodyguard by Xiao Yans side!

Indeed, this mission was a trap! If I had known that there was a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level) accompanying Xiao Yan, even if you offered me ten times the payment, I wouldnt have taken it! What use is a high reward if Im dead?!

The man in black truly regretted it

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