What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 95: Successful Escape

Chapter 95: Successful Escape

What?! Seeing Xiao Yans hand on the Heavy Black Ruler, Mu Li instantly recalled the terrifying encounter in the cave. His face turned pale, and he quickly hid behind his father, not daring to show his face.

Spineless brat Mu She muttered under his breath as he glanced at the trembling Mu Li behind him. His resentment towards Xiao Yan deepened.

Xiao Yans recent words and Mu Lis reaction had completely destroyed the rumors Mu She had spread. Regardless of whether the treasure was still with Xiao Yixian or not, this matter was now completely unrelated to her.

However, on the other hand, Xiao Yan had confirmed his identity as the murderer. He openly admitted to killing the members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company.

As for whether it was for the treasure?

That didnt matter at all.

People only cared about the facts, and as for the truth, who had the willingness to delve into it?

Ultimately, whether the truth was revealed or not had no impact on Mu She or anyone else. They would stay out of it.

Xiao Yan was well aware of this, so he never intended to explain his reasons for killing those people.

It was pointless to explain.

People who werent present would believe what they wanted to believe, judging things based on their own preconceptions. Anything that didnt fit with their beliefs would be dismissed as false.

So, Xiao Yan had no need to waste his words.

After all, his purpose was just to clear Xiao Yixians name.

Now, the purpose had been accomplished.

Well Xiao Yan, I understand the truth of the matter now.

Seeing that the situation had become clear, Mu She abandoned his attempt to slander Xiao Yixian and redirected all his hostility towards Xiao Yan.

A trace of extremely sinister malice flashed in his eyes.

That means it was you who killed my mercenary company members, right?

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Xiao Yan replied resolutely.

As soon as Xiao Yans voice fell, Mu Shes figure suddenly disappeared from where he was standing and instantly appeared in front of Xiao Yan. His speech was full of malevolence.

Then pay with your life for my men, Xiao Yan!

Purple Dou Qi surged around Mu Shes claws as he fiercely attacked Xiao Yans throat.

This action undoubtedly intended to put Xiao Yan to death!

Sorry, I cant comply with that request!

Xiao Yan quickly reacted and immediately took down the Heavy Black Ruler to block Mu Shes all-out attack. Although he managed to withstand the strike, his body was pushed back several meters, leaving deep grooves in the ground under his feet.

(Xiao Yan!!)

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yixian instinctively wanted to cry out in alarm but was silenced by Boss Yao, who covered her mouth, making it impossible for her to make a sound. Just when Xiao Yixian was struggling to break free from Boss Yaos hold, he whispered in her ear, causing her to stop.

Xianer, calm down! If you go out now, everything Xiao Yan has done will be in vain!

Boss Yao, who was a doctor with a kind heart, was much more upright than an ordinary person, but there was one thing he was extremely selfish about.

And that was Xiao Yixians safety.

Over the years, Boss Yao had already regarded Xiao Yixian as the embodiment of his soul. He could not accept any danger befalling her.

For Xiao Yixians safety, Boss Yao would give up everything! His kindness, his integrity, his pride, and even his life!

Therefore, even though Boss Yao felt extremely guilty towards Xiao Yan, he would never allow Xiao Yixian, who had finally escaped from the rumors, to be dragged back into them!

Hearing Boss Yaos words, Xiao Yixians body tensed up, and her struggling gradually subsided.

Boss Yao was right If she rushed out now, all of Xiao Yans efforts would be in vain

That was definitely something Xiao Yan wouldnt want to see.

Meanwhile, in front of them, Mu She looked at his own palm with a shocked expression, staring at Xiao Yan, who was holding the Heavy Black Ruler.

This kid He blocked it?

A Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level)  resisting the attack of a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level)?

Are you kidding me? Theres a two-level difference between us! Two levels! Am I that weak as a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level)?!

At this moment, Xiao Yan slowly put down the Heavy Black Ruler and felt the slight numbness in his arm. He couldnt help but sigh inwardly.

(As expected, a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level) possesses such tremendous strength that my arm instantly went numb just from the impact!)

Hearing Xiao Yans inner monologue, Yao Chens expression became quite speechless.

You, a Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) , managed to block the attack of a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level) even with a weapon protecting you. Not to mention that your arm didnt snap directly, this is truly unbelievable.

This was something Yao Chen couldnt believe in the past, but after spending so much time with Xiao Yan, she gradually got used to it.

Xiao Yan no, all the younger generation of the Xiao Clan couldnt be judged by common sense. Unless the gap was too significant, their ranks didnt have strict boundaries.

However, although Xiao Yan managed to block Mu Shes attack, he knew very well that it was impossible for him to defeat Mu She at his current level.

This was something both Xiao Yan and Yao Chen were aware of.

Of course, if Xiao Yan used Yao Chens power, he might have a chance to defeat Mu She.

However, Xiao Yan preferred to avoid doing that as much as possible.

As he had said before when he was with the Xiao Clan, he couldnt rely on Yao Chens protection forever. Unless it was a last resort, Xiao Yan hoped to handle the troubles he encountered on his own.

At present, while he couldnt defeat Mu She, he could at least temporarily avoid him.

In other words Run!

Xiao Yan immediately retracted the Heavy Black Ruler and quickly dashed towards the outskirts of Qingshan Town. There was no hesitation. Meanwhile, the stunned Mu She reacted, angrily roaring and chasing after him.

Xiao Yan! Stop right there!

Who would stop?

Faced with Mu Shes roar, Xiao Yans footsteps didnt slow down. On the contrary, he sped up even more.

With his current strength, he couldnt possibly resist a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level) head-on. Xiao Yan was well aware of that.

This situation was different from the time he competed with Instructor Ruo Ling. Back then, Ruo Ling didnt have any intention to harm him, so even if he lost, he wouldnt suffer any consequences.

But this was different! Mu She genuinely wanted to kill him! If Xiao Yan lost, death awaited him!

The only choice was to evade the fight!

However, now Xiao Yan faced another problem. He couldnt run as fast as Mu She.

If this continued, he would likely be caught by Mu She before he even entered the Magical Beast Mountain Range!

He needed to come up with a solution


Suddenly, a very familiar whistle sounded, and Xiao Yan saw a speck in the sky above the Magical Beast Mountain Range rapidly enlarging. In just a few breaths, it arrived in the sky in front of him.

It was Xiao Lan!

And the pursuing Mu She also saw the First-Grade Magical Beast, Xiao Lan, suddenly appear in the sky above the town. His head slightly froze.

A First-Grade Magical Beast, Xiao Lan? Why is it here?

Just as Mu She was pondering, Xiao Yan immediately reacted. He jumped on the wall and grabbed Xiao Lans talons. Xiao Lan carried him and flew quickly towards the Magical Beast Mountain Range, leaving Mu She with wide-open eyes.

Although it was just a First-Grade Magical Beast, it was still Xiao Lan! How could he possibly catch up if Xiao Lan wanted to run?

Xiao Yan! Stand still!

In the midst of Mu Shes angry roar, he stamped his foot on the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and a deep pit appeared. This isnt over, Xiao Yan!

Killing his team members, ruining his rumors, and even escaping from a mere Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level) in front of a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level)! He had lost all his face!

Xiao Yan! I swear, I will kill you if necessary!

At this moment, on a rooftop in the distance, Xiao Yixian silently watched the fading figure of Xiao Lan carrying Xiao Yan.

The sight of Xiao Yans back, who had fearlessly faced a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level) for her sake, had deeply etched itself into Xiao Yixians heart.

In her heart, she silently prayed for Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan Please be safe

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