What The Luck!?

Chapter 102 - 102. Teamwork

"This time you can jump to catch it first. You're stronger anyways so you can make sure it's trapped." Asher was not going to let the evil chicken escape.

"No chicken is this smart. Also, have you seen any other chickens?" Jackson held a hand over his face. "You don't think this evil one killed them to take the camp for itself?"

The two boys had officially lost it and were allowing their imaginations to run wild. "Laura!!!!" Asher yelled out to hopefully get the girl's attention.

"Why so loud? I was on to a feeling that the chickens were near the cliff." Laura was sure that her guy was telling her that was where a chicken would roost.

"We have the trail of an evil chicken. We need your help to trap it." Asher was dead serious making Laura very confused.

"Ooohhhkkkk and why are you two covered in dirt again?"

"That's not important. We will track it and you can cover its escape since you are so fast." Jackson was only afraid they would have to sprint after the insanely fast chicken.

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Laura just nodded her head becoming even more confused the longer this went on. 'It's just a chicken? Have these two lost it?' She just followed the two boys outside to a trail of chicken tracks.

"Let's get this done." Asher felt the fire within him burn brighter as he stalked the chicken tracks.

I'm no time they had circled every single cabin in the main camp area and were heading toward the obstacle course. "This thing is still running. How can it have so much energy?" Jackson was amazed, he had never heard of a chicken or a prey animal, in general, having so much stamina.

"Shh, I hear it." Asher looked around and spotted a white streak in the green tall grass. He pointed at it while Jackson and Laura split up to opposite sides.

The three used a multi sided approach to near the chicken as quietly as possible. Their target did not look to notice them at all yet. The three have each other a nod and all jumped at once. Their target was nearly in their reach when it made a loud squawk. Its wings opened and it flapped a few times jumping over Jackson and sitting on top of his back.

"Ugh, so heavy. What are you eating? Rocks?" The chicken moved and started to run at full speed away again. However this time they had Laura.

She had already recovered from their dive and was moving to block the chicken. Naturally the chicken didn't expect this from the last attempt and was forced to backtrack.

Asher was already back on his feet and whipped out his hand to grab the chicken. He narrowly missed its tail feathers but the chicken fell in to disarray. There was no organization to its fleeting and it ran in circles.

It lucked up dust making Laura cough and have a tough time seeing. Jackson was still down for the count after the chicken landed on him so all that was left was Asher.

He touched out the dust in his eyes and mouth and chased after the chaotic chicken. He moved in randomly with it not allowing even a single inch. He pursued it relentlessly eventually coming back to the center of the camp.

He was about to try and pounce on the chicken when it suddenly fell over and stopped moving. Asher saw his chance and pounced in the fallen chicken.

A loud metal thud echoed through the camp as his head came in to contact with the chicken. 'Did I jump at a rock instead?' Asher was stunned and tried to roll over finding that the chicken he was latched on to was not budging at all.

Pushing aside his throbbing head where he hit it on the chicken, Asher ruffled the feathers. "This thing is solid!" He explained this just in time for Jackson and Laura to catch up to him.

"Well yeah, it jumped on my back. There is no way that chicken is normal." Jackson had a little sarcasm after being tormented by this evil chicken.

"No, I mean it is really solid, like solid metal." Asher dug through the feathers finding a tag underneath the chicken. "Chicken run robot version three." He just sat there lost after finding this.

"We didn't seriously just chase a robot chicken around for like three hours...did we?" Jackson's voice was nearly a whisper, his mind was in a fog.

Laura tried to lift the chicken out of disbelief. She had a fear that Asher was just messing with her, however, as she used her full strength the chicken barely budged.

"Well, I at least thought you three would be able to trap it. But you were lucky enough that the battery ran out of juice." Lapis came up behind the confused and stunned campers looking at the chicken. She was holding a fancy and high tech remote.

"You! You were controlling the evil chicken! Why!?" Asher yelled out more in frustration than anything.

"Well, we wouldn't have our chickens free range. We are in the forest, do you know how many things could eat them? They would be eaten in one night let alone years." Lapis just shook her head doubting the camper's intelligence.

"But why? Why the robot and the chasing and and...." Jackson had completely fallen apart. This was the craziest weird thing that had happened yet.

"Why do you think? I swear I have had campers figure this out way faster." Lapis paused while she looked at the three disapprovingly. "First, you got to do some training, mental and physical. Second, you can now come in and evaluate any minor injuries your fellow campers have. Third, it is a lot of fun for me."

Her last reason made the three want to jump at her. However, they had a feeling that if they tried to enter a sparring match with her that she would manage to pull out another trick. They were grudgingly starting to follow her in to the cabin after she opened a hidden solar panel on the chicken. Asher looked back at it while he headed in to the cabin, 'you're still evil. I will remember.'

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