What The Luck!?

Chapter 140 - 140. Footwork Tag, Go!

"That's better. Once you figure out how to step and move without crossing your legs you can add the bending and crouching to change levels. You are big but that just means your opponent will be very surprised if you lower your level and catch them from underneath their guard." Asher was focusing on helping Jackson while Art had joined up with Lois and Jane with Sammy.

So far they had taken to the lesson well and were having a quick learning experience. "This is actually a really good way for me to improve upon my body awareness." Jackson was pleasantly surprised with this. He had so much trouble when his body changed in size. He would bump in to things, accidentally use too much force, and often bump his head on doorways.

"You've got that right. I figured you would like it more once you started to get in to it. All three of us have figured out our limits and even surpassed them a few times. There are some high kicks we can do after a lot of training. We wouldn't be able to do it without the stretching and understanding of where and how our bodies move."

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Jane had heard Jackson from where she was practicing with Sammy and spoken up. To demonstrate further she showed off one of the high kicks she had learned. Her legs were much more flexible than they would have been due to the previous training. This allowed her to put more force in her downwards kick leaving a nice dent in the ground.

"Wait, If I learn kicks like that after stretching I could one day make a crater in the ground like a meteorite?" Sammy had visions of falling from the sky and causing massive craters to showcase her strength.

"Don't get too carried away. If you go doing that all the time you will end up being hurt. The stress still falls on your bones and muscles." Louis was the voice of reason to Sammy's illogical train of thought.

"Just you wait. Once I learn everything I will get you back for always raining on my parade." This threat from Sammy made Louis start training harder and Sammy laugh a little.

"Dude stick with it slow for now. You just crossed your feet twice. If I had pushed you you would be on your butt." Art caught Louis's mistake and started to watch for the next to make sure he could show him proof.

"Oh, speaking of falling. You all need to learn to fall. Don't fall on your butt or catch yourselves with your hands. The best way to fall is not to fall at all. It's to roll." Jane said this and thoroughly confused them. The only two that followed what she was saying were Art and Asher.

"Alright, we will show you. Asher come here." Jane picked out Asher and was about to wind up and give him a push, however, Asher acted on instinct from the repetitive training in the past weeks and was already moving to catch her hit.

His hand grabbed her wrist and started to turn it. His shoulder was under her arm before he could even take another breath and his hips popped upwards. Jane only saw the cloudy sky above before she felt Asher release her wrist.

Jane rolled away and instantly sprang to her feet ready to push back at Asher. "Whoa! That was awesome. You didn't even flinch. You just rolled and stood back up in a second." Sammy was amazed by what she had just seen and wanted to do it too.

Asher was holding a scared expression as Jane looked at him, but when Jane heard Sammy's amazement she pretended it was exactly their intention. 'Jane is going to kill me later. I moved without even thinking.' Jane just gave Asher a perfect smile which put him more on edge. He knew he would have a lot of time in the air when it came to the throwing techniques.

"So when do I learn to throw someone like that?" Sammy was already set on learning throws even though she had not even learned the basics.

"Throws? No throws, no body locks, no nothing. You need to learn the foot work game of tag first. If you can't protect yourself on the ground how will you learn in the air?" Jane's point ended Sammy's resistance.

"I don't think I will be learning throws. But I will learn to fall, I expect to fall a few times before I get accustomed to moving properly." Jackson was being logical. Asher was thanking his lucky stars that he was because he couldn't imagine trying to show Sammy how to perform any moves. He just had a bad feeling that he would somehow end up thrown by a gust of wind.

"Now that everyone seems to be getting the hang of everything, let's start the game." Art was the one to make the call. Asher and Jane immediately fell in to their stances and were moving around.

Jackson and Louis were looking at them wide eyed, they had thought they would get more time to train and get used to the actions before they were going to actually try anything. "What are the rules," Louis spoke up a little shaken at the sudden start.

"Who cares, I'm going to win." Sammy had her go with the flow attitude and didn't even try to figure it all out. She just did the best she could to start playing. "Jackson, you should get in your stance." Asher felt bad but not bad enough to stop his advance towards Jackson who was trying to back away.

Jackson's legs were crossed the second he tried to turn. Seeing this Asher movie in and gave him a small tap on the arm. Jackson fell to his butt in a second. "Next time roll with it. Eventually it will be second nature. But you also shouldn't retreat from a fight. You are larger and can be intimidating. Use that." His advice registered with Jackson but would go against who he was so he was unsure if he would be able to.

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