What The Luck!?

Chapter 177 - 177. Don't Worry

To quickly"I told you not to worry about me." Jane was telling Asher for the third time after she noticed his eyes on her. Jackson and the staff had already treated her arm before and she had taken the medicine for the fever her super power had caused. In just a short time she was nearly back to full health. The only thing lingering was some tiredness that could be fixed by a meal.

"I know, but that was the first time you have ever done that. I don't want to look away then look back and find you on the ground." Asher had been worrying and he wasn't going to be able to help Jane if she wasn't alright.

"See I am moving fine and I am even checking more places for the egg than you." Jane knew that she needed to try and get him back on to a goal so he would stop looking at her so much, not that she minded.

"I see, I see." Asher threw his hands up in surrender but was still left curious about what had happened. "So, what was it like to use your power like that? Do you think it's like mine and Art's?" Asher suspected that Jane might actually have two super powers like him and Art did.

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"I don't think it's that. The doctor would have no reason to lie to me like they lied to Art. Plus I have a power called Medusa. I did research and the mythology says that she looked a lot different than I do. If I mirror her I am probably the same as other body shifting super powers."

"So that was what that girl with tails was. She only had four or five or whatever but she called herself Nine tails as a hero name? Sounds like some over used animated cartoon name. I bet she chose it to use its' popularity." Asher didn't think much of the girl Jane had sparred against. She had been arrogant and vain to his eyes.

"She won't know what hit her next time. I will beat her if she ever tries." Jane's mood darkened instantly before clearing up when Asher looked at her.

"Huh" Asher wasn't sure what he had just heard.

"She had a physical shift too based on the tails she had on her body. Mine is based on the mythology I guess. So when I shifted I think I was using my full super power and not just in a resting state." Jane brushed the previous phrase away pretending she hadn't said anything.

"Oh, so it's' like in those vampire movies when the guy looks human but suddenly transforms in to a vampire bat guy." Asher easily found a relation in the movies he had seen before.

"Umm sure. But Mine was really tough. My blood felt like it was boiling and I was really angry. I didn't think I could control myself. If the tale of Medusa were true I can easily see why she would be called a monster. If I hadn't been stopped by Garnet I…"

Jane's pause combined with her downward glance spoke volumes for Asher. "I remember that she was said to turn people to stone. I saw your scales, hair, and even finger nails became more powerful. If you looked at her instead of freezing her in her tracks she might actually turn to stone. That's what you are thinking right?"

Asher had hit the nail on the head without any problem. "Yeah, and what if that was permanent? I could be a villain and not even know it."

" I studied your power after you told me about it. I read that there were some cases where the whole turning to stone thing was avoided. But I doubt they would actually turn in to stone. They would probably be stuck without moving even after you look away. But you can put in a request to test that out." Asher knew that he wasn't being very helpful. He wanted to give her some solid answers and comfort but that was tough to do.

"Test it out? What do they send someone who will be alright with living as a stone for the rest of their life to me? I doubt anyone exists like that." Jane was speaking like Asher was suggesting she go and find a crazy person.

"Use the lab rats the school provides for this exact reason. I read it in the syllabus. Students with strange powers that could be dangerous are allowed to visit the science wing to test these things." Asher remembered this like he had done it himself. It was one of the memories from this alternate world.

"But, I can't even control the shift. I only know that my opponent made me angrier than I have ever been. The next thing I knew I was heating up…" Jane didn't want to admit that Nine tails had been threatening to take Asher away from her. This was too embarrassing to let him know.

"Are you alright? Your ears are turning red? Are you catching that fever again?" Asher got worried that Jane was starting t feel ill again.

"No! I mean, I am fine. I am just warming up from searching. We need to find it before anyone else does. I don't know where we should look."She quickly turned away and faked searching the taller grass patch they were walking past.

"We haven't gone towards the normal cabins, right? Maybe it is there. We can even check out the supply area. I know there is a ton of equipment somewhere around there. I had a glimpse during my first tour of the same.

Asher could recall a large storage cabin that he had passed by. He didn't focus on it but thought that many campers wouldn't have gone to get different equipment to train with. This was simply due to the fact that they were just learning to train themselves. Most would take all camp to realize they needed equipment to train some things. This was evident in the throwing dummy Asher had used the other day.

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