What The Luck!?

Chapter 206 - 206. Friends To Guide Me

Asher was stuck with his hand about to grab a piece of bread from his plate. He had no memory of seeing news about something so horrible. Nor had he ever heard of three super powered people with the nicknames blue, red, and purple. 

"How could they do something so horrible to their family…"Jane couldn't wrap her mind around one person let alone three doing something like that. Family should be the strongest bond in a person's life. 

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"I can understand. If someone is pushed far enough and thinks that things are never going to get better, they can do anything." Asher's reply brought another round of shock to the table. They were all looking at his glazed over eyes. 

"You could say I once had a nightmare. One were everything I happened upon and everything around me was always turning out for the worst. When someone near me took a chance they would fail and be hit back. This brought it back to me. Eventually either I or another person would break. In this dream another person broke. I am lucky not to be having this dream anymore." 

Asher may have the memories from his first life but they were melded with those of this new life. He had already chosen to accept this new life, but the memories of the other world were strong and would always remain as a nightmare ready to haunt him. 

"Nightmares are fears people have. If you have them about things like that then you might fear your jinx power." Garnet found what she thought to be Asher's meaning. Unfortunately, she could never truly grasp what he meant. 

"I have a lot of family issues built up right now. I understand things can be hard. Yet, when I think of beating my brother down from his high horse to get answers, I never think of harming him in a way even close to what those three did in your story." Art out of all of them looked to be the one who could potentially follow this darker path. 

"I don't mean to scare you three. I just want to make sure that you will not use the things we teach here to cause more pain. Those three are still being pursued and have only shown up in whispers. The problem is they are believed to have formed some nasty groups that follow their will." Garnet was now speaking more as a warning. 

 "I understand that you are telling us this so that we can learn from the past mistakes of others. But I can promise you this." Asher stood up and looked Garnet right in the eyes. "I will do my best never to let anything like this happen. I will do my best to be the hero that the world needs even if it means that I am giving up my own dignity." 

Jane stood up next to Asher following his lead, "I agree, A human life is not worth losing. Even the most wicked deserves a trial and sentencing. There is no death penalty." 

Art was slower to stand up than the others due to his own feelings about his family and fears that he would need to oppose his brother in a fight. "I will strive to stay on the path I walk now. I know that if I falter even by accident, that my friends will be there to help me stay on path." His words were the seal that Garnet needed to feel that she was not looking at a repeat of history. 

"I am glad to hear these words. If you three want to push yourselves to be the best then I expect you to do so without restrictions. Feel free to visit and borrow what you need from the storage cabin whenever the hours require it." Her eyes looked at Art since he was the one who had damaged the weights for the ankle and wrist weights. "You are programmed in to the door code already. It will see your faces and unlock automatically. You also get a half off discount at the school store on recovery items. Use the apps and be wise." 

Garnet had relaxed significantly and even taken a small bite of an apple. These tense moments were not normal for her and she was not used to them. After giving the three the best care she could she had no idea how to speak to them anymore other than to just sit and eat. 

"So, do you want to see what we are working on in the app and planning for our futures?" Asher said this slowly after they all sat in silence for some time. This seemed to be the domino that needed to be pushed over to start the reaction. 

"Yes, I expect you three have come up with some lofty goals if you have already linked your accounts with the academic app." Garnet had already seen the action from her coaching account that she linked to their accounts. She wanted to be sure that she could properly advise them as time went on. She had taken a liking to them and was willing to invest the time. 

After a large rant from Asher, Art, and Jane Garnet was sitting there with a hand on her chin. "So you three will be forming a group with your friends. All of you will work together to improve by a whole year and skip to senior year. Then you will go to university and officially from a hero group to work yourself in to disaster rescue and villain organization take down?" 

Seeing that all of them nodded at her proper conclusion Garnet smiled. She liked the drive and idea behind all of this. She knew that many had tried to do the same but reaching the goal was a rare occurrence. If they truly wanted to do all of this they would need to follow their plans and routines to the letter. "Oh, wait. Didn't you just say there is a parents' day at the end of camp?" 

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