What The Luck!?

Chapter 208 - 208. Gutter

"Hey Jackson. How's it going?' Asher was happy to see Jackson since this was another potential person to hit the obstacle course with. 

"Pretty good. I was just taking a break from my busy morning." He looked much more energetic than someone who had a busy morning though. 

 "Well, since you are done with your break want to come and set a record at the obstacle course?" The invite was nice but Jackson was already remembering the fact that he had been covered in mud last time and would prefer to deal with those who challenged his academic wits. 

"I would love to, but I have people waiting to challenge me at the classes. I have been racking up the points today and don't want people to get bored of learning before I get points from them." To the three it sounded like Jackson was working hard for points. Only Garnet knew that Jackson was trying to avoid the obstacle course. It was written all over his face and easily read by her.

"We shouldn't hold you up them, but meet up with us at dinner so we can talk about something we are planning." Jane made sure to let Jackson know before he rushed off toward the other cabins. 

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"I knew he would have challengers eventually but it took a while." Asher was glad that Jackson was finally able to thrive in the category he excelled in and make tons of points. 

"Hopefully we bump in to Sammy and Louis before we get to dinner. I know can send them a chat on our phones but it's easier to explain in person." Jane was worrying that they wouldn't be able to tell everyone their plans in advance. 

Garnet had wandered away without them baptizing leaving the three alone heading toward the obstacle course. "Oh man, I'm so glad I found the golden egg. No we can go crush the obstacle course. People really don't try at all here." Asher's sudden exclamation made Jane and Art hesitate. 

"Oh yeah, we need to try and get challengers for Laura on the way." Art nearly smacked himself remembering their plans to get a bunch more points all around. 

"How else will we attract people to the sparring field afterward? They tore themselves out in the obstacle course trying to compete, then challengers us while exhausted." It could be said that Jane was letting off an evil aura while speaking their plans out loud. 

"Hey, have you guys ever wanted to experience complete and utter weakness? We'll try and take Laura down at the obstacle course and you'll understand your level." Art was brutal when they passed people.

"Dude, I would tell you to stop but those five look like they are out for your soul. They are already heading to the course behind us." Asher thought that the brutal method was a little over the top, yet couldn't deny the success.

"Asher! I can't wait to beat the obstacle course and everyone there. They can't even find the golden egg like us. They must be blind." Jane's exclamation only gathered about her three campers to the group currently boiling in annoyance behind them. 

By the time the beginning of the course was in view, there were twenty or so campers behind them all with the goal to crush Laura and them. "Hello, Laura's friends correct? She just beat someone who lost to the zip line. Are you here to challenge?" 

The staff member at the entrance already guessed the intentions. It was easier to guess since there were multiple campers behind them all saying just this. "Of course we are. We even brought some friends behind us as cannon fodder." 

Asher's last phrase was the last straw. Now the campers were in a hyped up frenzy to start their runs through the course. "Alright, alright! You may all start when you wish. Take a small watch and press start when you begin. It will stop automatically upon completion or failure." The staff member rushed in to action to avoid any problems.

"I'm sure Laura will be back in a few minutes. For now, let's just watch them." Asher was hinting to Jane and Art that they should learn from those who were about to fail and they did not miss the hint. This was their first visit to the obstacle course and they wanted to make sure it was successful.

"Oh, and we only get points for every three obstacles completed so don't give up after an increment of two." His warning we're easily acknowledged as the three witnessed the first annoyed camper attempt the road bridge. 

"Oof, bad ideas. They are only balancing on one side. Watch them flip." Asher could already see the bridge starting to sway as the camper took their hands forward. The shaking only got worse as it leaned to the side. 

Before Jane and Art could say a word the camper had flipped and plunged in to the cool muddy water below. "Annnd down he goes." Asher wasn't even laughing having known the result.

"So, we either stay balanced or meet the mud for a nice bath…" Art had already seen the key to success. 

"Or you could just run across it like me. Way easier than you think, Asher did it no problem." Laura had shown up next to them without anyone realizing it at all. They would have been shocked if it was anyone else but they had gotten used to her antics.

"We brought you something interesting along with all these challengers." Asher smiled and pulled out the vitamin pack. After tossing it to Laura he waited for her curiosity to get the best of her before saying what it was. 

She turned it over and over examining it completely before she looked at Asher, "so what's with the vitamins? Will they give me another super power? Can they give me bonus points? Are they the solution to all the world's problems?" 

"Naaa nothing that big." Asher paused for dramatic effect. "They just have a ton of nutrients condensed in them so they would normally just help heal a day of hard work, but for you they can help you get vy with less food and stopping to eat."

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