What The Luck!?

Chapter 221 - 221. Time To Break

"You want me to give up my advantages? If I do that I won't be able to keep up." Art wanted to keep the moves hidden away from Asher much longer. If he could there was a slight chance that he could use them again successfully. 

"Ha! I have already seen them. I can just lean them from the elite home gym system tonight." Asher had the perfect plan if Art wouldn't show him. Unfortunately, this was enough to make Art backtrack on his words. 

"I would rather I show you then. But I get to train first when we get the cabin." Asher knew this was because Art wanted the chance to figure out some new moves so he could catch him off guard in the future. 

"If he gets to train first then I get to sleep first." Jane had been more prepared this time and had already recovered from shifting in to her full super power. She was even stretching and preparing for some normal sparring matches. 

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"Fine, Fine. Let's see who else we can spar against then look to head out and start training our new moves. Well, Laura and Jane still owe Art and I dinner." Asher felt that he had just uttered a taboo and quickly tried to find himself a sparring match. 

The three got in to the matches fairly well. The only person having trouble was Asher who needed to challenge people due to the fact that there were not many who had reached the requirements to spar against him at all. Even Laura couldn't be goaded in to a match. 

Their sparring went on for another three hours until they finally felt they had exhausted their bodies properly." My stomach says if I don't eat the world is going to end." Art was laying on his back trying to stretch out his back after being in his stance for so long.

"Agreed. Food is mandatory." Laura had pooped back up from wherever she had run off to spar not even surprising the three who were half dead on the ground. 

"Did the vitamin pack already wear off? I thought it would last longer for you." Jane was already feeling a little bad that Laura may still need more when it came to food. However, it looked that her worry was unfounded. 

"No, but I do feel a little hungry. It's slow like when I needed food before my evo shot. I might actually be able to sleep through the night if I eat one before bed." This was great news for Laura since she had been waking up to eat through the night. 

"Oh, then let's go get food now." This put Jane in a better mood since she wasn't worried about her friends well being. Instead, they could have their dinner break without any worry other than their evening training session.

"I have got to say, it looked like that adrenaline protein shake worked [prettyw ell for you Jane." Asher was thinking about the match while they walked to the dining cabin and was stuck on how fast the drink had kicked in.

"Yes! It was so much smoother than the other time. I feel like the stress on my body afterward is also less. I think the more I get used to using it the better. I don't think I can manage it again today but after a week of doing it once a day I should be able to do it twice." This was a muscle memory that every human with a shifting super power needed to get used to. Their training was often physical to give them this comfort and manueverability. 

"Only a week? I think that would be insanely fast for someone with a shifting ability. Didn't that dragon girl in the senior class spend a month so be able to do it twice a day?" Art had not missed the fact that a girl awakened a dragon shifting ability as their super power and had eagerly listened to the gossip through the year so far. 

"Yeah, but wasn't she the size of, you know, a dragon?" Laura let sarcasm drip from her words since it was obvious that someone who changed size so majorly wouldn't be able to shift so often. "She probably burns all of her saved calories to become giant." 

"Well, it is still pretty amazing to be able to progress so fast. If it works out then being ahead of our class is one step closer." Asher could only see this as an immensely good thing. The more they worked and improved the closer they got to their goal and the better that was. They were the future world's best heroes after all. 

"Look who it is!" Sammy and Louis had been walking along the trail that merged with the one the others' were on to the dining cabin, "We haven't seen you guys all day. What have you been up to?" Sammy ran to hug Jane and Laura while Louis just silently fell in to step with Art and Asher. 

"You missed some good matches at the sparring fields. Plus we hit the obstacle course and won ourselves dinner." Art started to get cocky but then saw Laura and Janes' looks. He quickly silenced himself and let it be for now. "Err, how about you two?" 

"Well, I went and trained at the top of that cliff. It only took three tries to get to the top where some counselor was meditating and said I was being too noisy. But I wanted to train in the wind up there so he needed to deal with it." Sammy puffed up her chest in victory. Her hands on her hips trying to make a dominant pose. 

"I went to the storage cabin and found a stun gun. I accidentally overpowered it and now I need to replace a stun gun for the camp…" Louis nearly whispered this but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear and stifle their laughter.

"The human stun gun and their path of destruction and villainy!"m Art made an announcer voice causing everyone to break out laughing anyways. 

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