What The Luck!?

Chapter 227 - 227. Wall

The three were eager to return and finally rest. They had already eaten one of the vitamin packs and realized it made them feel extremely full. "I'm pretty sure if anyone ever ate two of these they would explode!" Jane was ready to fall in to a food coma from this.

"No, we can't just sleep. We need to follow the elite home gym systems steps to stretching and relaxing." Asher didn't want them to miss the important step which would help their muscles relax and heal. "I'm hitting the shower. If you are both asleep when I get back I'm logging in to tour studying accounts and setting up quizzes." 

This warning was enough for the two to forcefully ignore their current tiredness and focus on some flash cards. 

The elite home gym system lead each of them through a stretching routine then suggested multiple medicinal shampoos and body washed which assisted in repairing from harsh work outs.

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By the time they had all rotated through this routine, neither of them were able to stay awake at all. They had been completely exhausted beyond any normal means. Asher was just glad that a few bed rolls had been added to the cabin so that they could all sleep separately instead of needing to share the one bed in shifts. Naturally, Jane was the winner of the bed but Art and Asherf had no way to argue it. 

"Attention all Campers! The final day event has begun. Please report to the camp entrance to secure your visitors!" This announcement replayed itself three times loud enough to wake up any sleeping capers in the entirety of the camp. 

"I'm up! I swear I wasn't sleeping in class!" Art was abruptly woken from a dream where he was desperately trying to stay focused in math class. This was a reoccurring nightmare for him since he always had challenges with math. 

"Dude. You need to get ready. We have some people to go meet." Asher had been the first awake and was already dressed and ready to head out. Jane was right behind him and just making up the bed so she would leave it looking well kept.

Art jumped up and rushed himself together so that he could head out with the other two. He also knew that he needed to clean up the remains of the metal beads before he left and was just finishing throwing them in to a box when he heard Jane and Asher start to head out the door. 

"Guys, you can't leave me. What if I got lost and never found you all again?" Art was being a little over dramatic when he found that Asher and Jane were waiting right outside the door for him. 

"Come on let's go get Cara and Janes' family." The three started down the path with Art mumbling about waiting and getting ready. "Are you sure you don't want to tell us who you think will be here?" Asher tried one last time and was ignored by Jane. He felt that he would just need to wait and see. 

The sounds of the crowded campers were louder than anyone had expected. The reason quickly came in to view as they realized there was a massive wall in front of the entrance. Garnet was standing on top of the wall with a smug grin on her face. 

"Now that you should all be here I will give you the rules, climb this wall and you get to spend the day with whoever came to visit and take you home. Fail to climb this wall and you need to take the busses home tomorrow after a bonus night training with me." The campers instantly lost it and started to try and climb the flat wall surface. 

"Well, I can't say it felt too easy. Because it definitely did. But I let this one get by me." Asher had let himself believe it would be simple as walking over and finding Cara. However, he had been too positive and missed the reality of the situation. 

"So, how do we climb a flat wall? We can't just run and jump to catch the edge. It's way too high." Art was trying to think of how he could secretly make metal spikes to use to climb the wall. But that would expose his ability to people and possibly get him in to hot water. 

"It's way easier than you guys think. Everyone else may not have been doing it so far since they have focused on themselves. But our group has been doing it all along. We work together." Jane had already seen the moral of the last challenge and was shaking her head at those trying to climb the wall by themselves. 

"Hey, what is your plan for the obstacle?" Laura showed up behind the three with Sammy, Louis, and Jackson in tow. She had already assembled them to meet the three and make sure they had a plan. 

"We will make a pyramid and bring everyone over the wall together," Jane spoke with confidence since she wanted to take the lead on this. 

"See I told you that this was not a solo event." Louis was about to try and zap Sammy but she was too fast to get out of the way. 

"I already stopped you two from arguing before. If you try again I will throw you two over the wall and you'll need to hope for a soft landing." Jackson was mostly joking he would never throw anyone like that. However, there was a slight desire since he was a little annoyed at the two arguing like children. 

"Jackon taking the parental role, nice. But I don't think you will be able to stop them for long. We will just send one over the wall first." Asher was ready to let Jackson toss them over the wall but he knew he couldn't convince him to do anything of the sort. 

"Let's move to the edge of the wall so that we don't give away the strategy. I think this is a lesson better learned the hard way." Jane was being a little more brutal than usual but the entire group agreed and followed her lead. 

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