What The Luck!?

Chapter 230 - 230. Show Me Around

Asher and Cara hadn't heard the voice but Art had heard it clear as day. There was no way he wouldn't recognize his own mothers' voice, no matter how whispered it was.

"I snuck away from work without anyone knowing to come and see how you were doing and you just walk away without even saying anything." The woman who was wearing a large white sunhat and clean white sundress looked like she had just lost her favorite candy. Her face puffed up and a little red made it clear that she was hurt by Arts' ignorance. 

"Mom!" Art rand and nearly tackled her. "You shouldn't have come. You could get in so much trouble if he didn't give you permissi-" 

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"Be quiet like that. Family tradition may be the base of our strength but it can be bent slightly. If I did not come to check on my son I would be less of a mother. Your father may be trapped in his office but I can escape the lab while I wait on results." Art's mother stood tall and triumphant at her scheme to escape and visit. 

"Your brother is also too busy with his own, whatever he is doing, to even answer my calls. So here I am, no one the wiser." Art finally released his mother from the hug he had been crushing her with, "Also, when did you get so strong? I am sure you did not have muscles like these when you started school this year." 

"Come over here and meet my best friend Asher. I have been lucky enough to stay with his family. This is his sister Cara, she is one of the top ranked in the school, she's amazing!' Art wasn't holding back in the least which caused both Asher and Cara to become embarrassed. Yet, it was Cara that turned the reddest between the two. 

"Thank you for taking care of my little Arty. He is a little lost sometimes but looking at him now I feel like he has grown many years in just a few weeks." Art's mother had used her favorite nickname for him making Asher smile devilishly. 

"Yes, Arty has been the best house guest. He wakes up and trains with my sister and me every morning and he even has been studying in our group a lot." Art shot glares of pure ice at Asher after hearing this. 

"He is quite the chef. He made my birthday cake and if he wasn't so dead set on being a hero he could open his own restaurant." Cara didn't hesitate to say this at all. It was just too obvious to her that this would be the ideal path for Art to take if he ever gave up on being a hero. 

"He did always learn from his grandmother. She passed all the family recipes down to him. I tried to convince her to teach me but the fourth time I decided to experiment and turned the cookie in to a bubbling pot of chocolate and flour she kicked me from the kitchen. It wasn't my fault for wondering what would happen." Art's mother just sighed and looked away remembering the moment. 

"I think Asher and your mother would work well together in the kitchen," Cara whispered to Art who nodded in agreement. He had more than filled Cara in and the one time Asher had made breakfast had proved that he was not the best chef in the world. 

"Now, I have never been to this camp and think a tour is in order. Can that be arranged?" Art's mother rarely left the lab and wanted the full tour. The last time she had been in the woods was a very poor camping trip in which she had spent her time inside and away from the outdoors due to her husband's distastes for it. It couldn't even be called camping in the least. 

"Asher, I will meet up with you two later. I am going to show off the camp to my mother. I bet she will get a kick out of the luxury cabin since she knows the people who design those fancy home gyms." Art grabbed his mother's arm and was already leading her around the edge of the wall toward the camp entrance. A staff member happily allowed them passed as they had already passed the challenge of climbing the wall. 

"What did he mean show off the luxury cabin? It sounds like you two were actually in there." Cara laughed off the idea knowing that finding the golden egg had been impossible. She had looked for the majority of her first day and come up with nothing at all. 

"That's because I stayed there every single night. I found the egg in a hole in a tree, in the top of a sign, in the gutter of a roof…" Asher explained how he and his friends had found the egg and even shocked Garnet. "We even got permission for all three of us to use it since we had special reasoning. I think it is one of the best things that could have happened because now I have the academic app and the elite home gym app for training." 

Asher had already pulled up the apps on his phone to show the stunned Cara, Her face fell in to more shock and confusion as she saw the training plans outlined for Asher and even his friends. The second that he switched t the academic app she felt as if her heart had stopped completely. 

"How can you be learning junior level-IS THAT A SENIOR YEAR SCIENCE CLASS!" Cara couldn't hold all of this back any longer. In just a short time Asher had not only done so many things that she had not been able to in the same situation and she had in camp. But he had also jumped leaps and bounds ahead in his academics. 

"We have been training a lot and taking advantage of all the resources available. The academic app has an accelerated program you can select to add to my training plan too. It has been hard but super worth it. Everyone in my group has it set up like this." Asher was explaining things plainly but to Cara, these were hard hits. 

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